Black democrats are chumps.

Preach it brother....

But, they can't become chumps of the GOP either. That won't help them.

Not if the republicans are republicrats controlled by Chicom.

Only the free market is friends to the blacks in the hood. The free market has created over 40,000 black millionaires in THIS COUNTRY.

There is more than one reason why blacks from socialist paradises are desperate to get here and there is even a bigger reason why the black Americans don't flee to socialist countries.

Try and take guesses why that is.

Yet, the left push the cultural marxism through their propaganda.

Let this be a cautionary tale.
China cultural revolution: The Boy that had his mother denounced and executed.
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But, they can't become chumps of the GOP either. That won't help them.
The Trumpsters don't see this.

They have no idea how they appear to minorities, because they're incapable of either self-reflection or fundamental human empathy. They're incapable of self-reflection or fundamental human empathy because talk radio completely avoids them in its preachings.

It's absolutely amazing seeing them complain about minorities not liking them. So they blame the minorities for that too. Incredible.
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FWIW Malcolm X's autobiography is a fantastic read and his speeches were all great. I have my students (I teach high school seniors) read two Malcolm X speeches and then compare/contrast them for the rhetoric he uses and how he organizes his arguments. Extremely articulate and in my opinion seems "scary" to some white people because he believe in things like the 2A, responding the violence with violence (but not starting the violence mind you), and not becoming a puppet for white politicians.
There are two types of black Democrats
A) one that gets paid by white democrats to destroy black communities

B) one that got a bad education at a school run by democrats, promoted by that black democrat in example a
They get paid well for conning their own - just ask Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.


When President Biden takes office, the Dem bigwigs will pass the word to those two reverends to order their followers to stop all the violence. The Dem bigwigs have always worked through (well-paid) surrogates such as those two gentlemen in order to keep a lid on things.

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