Black drivers receive less respect from police officers, study says

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I don't have to revise shit when Martin Luther King III and Berniece his daughter say he wasn't a republican and are members of the democratic party..

MLK warned us blacks about white garbage like you.
People like you have to LIE in order to justify your hatred, racism, and intolerance.
This is like back in the day when a kid came home and said some adult yelled at him. The first reaction was "What did you do!". Times have changed.
Blacks like to stop their autos in the middle of the road and have a convo with some chick standing on a sidewalk. Ever hear of maybe pulling over to the curb?
My math is correct.
Ok lets try this one more time.

X = Subset population (this can be any subset, racial, ethnic, eye color, shoe size etc)
Y= Total population

A = Subset population behavior instance
B= Total population behavior instance.

What you did was A/Y. That only generates the instance of subset behavior in relation to the total population not the rate at which the subset exhibits the behavior. If subset populations were equal in number (or close) then your calculation while not really accurate would some mean something I guess. Since they are not it does not.

X/Y compared to A/B is what you are looking for. You would expect that these percentages would be the same or relatively close.

Im not sure why you are so bent out of shape about the math. If you want to argue the FBI data is bad, or that people are cherry picking the data, etc have at it but the math is the math.
Hell I had a horrible black driver tailgate me and finally hit me in the back at a stop sign. He said we would exchange information. Dude took off and ran. I chased after him and lost him but got him on my dashcam. Called the cops, within an hour they had him and he was charged with hit and run. Anyone want to see the video? I'd be happy to post it.

So yea, black drivers suck.
Blacks like to stop their autos in the middle of the road and have a convo with some chick standing on a sidewalk. Ever hear of maybe pulling over to the curb?

Correct, they do that all the time here. They use their car horns as greeting devices. It's like my former HUD neighbors. It's midnight during the work week, they pull in the drive, and lay on the horn to get the attention of the people inside the house. Too lazy to get out of the car and knock on the door, too lazy to call them on the phone, just wake up the neighborhood with your MFn car horn because you don't have a job and could care less about others that do and have to wake up early in the morning.
Not that we didn't already know this but it's nice to have concrete data to back up the claims. The way black people are routinely treated by the police, for no reason other than those who believe that badge allows them this type of outlet for their aggression and hostility is disgraceful and should be unacceptable to even those who back the blue.
so "dude" is now racist?
keeping your hands on the wheel til the officer gets there is just something smart to do. i don't get pulled over often but when i do i roll down my window and keep hands in plain site until the officer and i talk and then i do as he asks.
so "dude" is now racist?
keeping your hands on the wheel til the officer gets there is just something smart to do. i don't get pulled over often but when i do i roll down my window and keep hands in plain site until the officer and i talk and then i do as he asks.

Years ago I got pulled over when it was dark outside. Besides what you did, I turned on all my interior lights in the vehicle. The officer eventually asked me why I had my inside lights on, and I told him so he could plainly see everything I was doing. He responded with "we really appreciate that!"
Years ago I got pulled over when it was dark outside. Besides what you did, I turned on all my interior lights in the vehicle. The officer eventually asked me why I had my inside lights on, and I told him so he could plainly see everything I was doing. He responded with "we really appreciate that!"
just trying to see it from his point of view when i do that. he has zero idea what he's walking into and when you cooperate, it's usually an easy, if not expensive, experience.
Blacks were told years ago that taking a vaccine was good for us and it turned out blacks were getting injected with syphillis. Blacks have been experimented on and don't trust the government in these matters. But you ignore this history to talk your racist bulllshit.

Meanwhile whites are antui vaxxers for no reason. Satan has people quoting false statostics in police departments which have allowed white police to over harrass and to kill unarmed blacks at levels far above our population.
You are delusional. Years ago, the government (Primarily our corrupt CDC) and the BLACK Tuskogee university wanted to study syphillis. So they needed a bunch of people already infected with this STD. They found what they were looking for in a large group of black males who were already infected with Syphillis along with a control group that wasn't infected. The men were paid to be in the experiment that they were told would last 6 months---it lasted 40 years even after the government funding had ended. The experiment lasted past the point of even when it was discovered that antibiotics would stop the disease. You blame the government and naively claim they infected people with a shot which they didn't------you don't blame the black college.
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Years ago I got pulled over when it was dark outside. Besides what you did, I turned on all my interior lights in the vehicle. The officer eventually asked me why I had my inside lights on, and I told him so he could plainly see everything I was doing. He responded with "we really appreciate that!"
That is so stupid! Don't you know that you are supposed to curse at the first police officer you see until he asks you to step out of the car then climb out the passenger side window and run away. It's important that you pull your pants halfway down your ass while doing all this, and if you are white you are obligated by law to take your shirt off hopefully exposing some very unfortunate tattoos. If the police run you down in someone's backyard, you are entitled to a firearm from the nearest officer. Consider it a parting gift.
I have a good friend who is a Sheriff's Deputy. He deals with the scum in the County on a daily basis.

He says he deals with White scum sometimes but most of the time the scum is Black.
I don't have to revise shit when Martin Luther King III and Berniece his daughter say he wasn't a republican and are members of the democratic party..

MLK warned us blacks about white garbage like you.
Oh brother, you are clueless. MLK was minister--a religious fruitcup. The republican party then was known as the party of the religious. Not to mention the dems and their goofy KKK---
Correct, they do that all the time here. They use their car horns as greeting devices. It's like my former HUD neighbors. It's midnight during the work week, they pull in the drive, and lay on the horn to get the attention of the people inside the house. Too lazy to get out of the car and knock on the door, too lazy to call them on the phone, just wake up the neighborhood with your MFn car horn because you don't have a job and could care less about others that do and have to wake up early in the morning.
I've seen that kind of stupid behavior by blacks all my life. The double-parking is the worst, imo.

They're just plain fucking lazy (and inconsiderate, and stupid, and...),
Wait a minute, you expect me to read a report from over 50 years ago as evidence?
Actually, I wasn't expecting you to read it, I was merely citing my work although if others can cite data from several decades ago what's the problem with this report? To the best of my knowledge nothing has changed because our government never implemented the recommendations so the information in it is still pertinent.
God damn I'd call you moving the goalposts but you're not even doing that. You're so all over the place because you can't prove anything you start making shit up and then go off on these weird tangents about 245 years of white people? WTF?

Where do you get this shit?

Why do blacks commit 52% of homicides in the US? Why can't you answer this question? So far I guess you've blamed the cops. So its the cops fault that Leroy shoots Jamal. Ok. Anything else?
1980 to 2008 is the period for which they're making this claim. That's a 38 year period so I can't help but wonder why they picked that specific time frame.

The 245 years that IM2 is referring to is the time period during which whites had carte blanche when it came to killing or assaulting black people in the United States plus or minus some of the years since the civil rights movement but even then, they didn't always accurately collect data particularly anything that would be adverse to the powers-that-be. I'm fairly certain that is why police shootings where not documented until approximately 5 years ago.

Those numbers are highly suspect, I'd want to see the raw data, not the conclusions drawn. And before you start objecting to any of this just remember, that the FBI didn't start collecting crime statistics until after the Tulsa race riot of 1921 however had they done so, their stats would have erroneously shown numbers of African Americans as perpetrators of the riot instead of the victims they actually were and none of the 3,000+ white rioters as being at fault. Furthermore, because the-powers-that-be categorized the massacre as a riot, the insurance were able to deny all of the damage claims. I read that the black banks were looted as well.

This is the kind of heinous shit that white racists do and you all support so although you all are not the ones who did this, you're the same kind of people therefore don't be surprised when retribution catches up to you.
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