Black drivers receive less respect from police officers, study says

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I am correct. Yoir claim is blacks are 13 percent of the population but commit x percentage of crimes. Since we are talking about the portion of the American population that are committing crimes, the eliminates all who don't. So to get an accurate assessment of the American population by race who are participating in crime you use the number of people arrested against the overall US population. That gives you the actual percentage of the American population of each group who participate in crime You don't get to commit more crime because there are more of you. That's a sorry excuse.
please show me where I said any of that. I’ll wait

my claim is you don’t know how to do the math correctly.
It is disputed because 13 percent of the population does not commit 50 percent of the violent crime.

You are using 2016 numbers and 8.8 million arrests equal about 3 percent of the population. 2.2 million arrests would be less than 1 percent of the population. Oops.

It's not percent of population you stupid ignorant fucktard. It's percent of arrests you dumb fuck.

Blacks are 13% of the population but 27% of all arrests. EAT THAT SHIT DUMB FUCK. You can't dispute it, IT'S FACTUAL GOVERNMENT INFORMATION. You damn negros get arrested at TWICE the rate of your population. You "baby daddys" and "gangstas" can't say out of fucking prison and wonder why cops don't like you. You think the fucking laws don't apply to you because you're black. That black privilege thing.

Are you really this stupid? You are EXACTLY why white people think blacks are dumb as doorknobs.
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Do black americans commit more crime? Hell yes they do. This analysis proves it.

According the BJS, blacks committed 52% of all homicides between 1980 and 2008.

So yes, blacks commit MORE THAN HALF of all homicides yet are only 13% of the population. I can't IMAGINE why cops are on high alert when around these damn animals.
It's not percent of population you stupid ignorant fucktard. It's percent of arrests you dumb fuck.

Blacks are 13% of the population but 27% of all arrests. EAT THAT SHIT DUMB FUCK. You can't dispute it, IT'S FACTUAL GOVERNMENT INFORMATION. You damn negros get arrested at TWICE the rate of your population. You "baby daddys" and "gangstas" can't say out of fucking prison and wonder why cops don't like you. You think the fucking laws don't apply to you because you're black. That black privilege thing.

Are you really this stupid? You are EXACTLY why white people think blacks are dumb as doorknobs.
And blacks get arrested for things whites don't so again your analysis has no real basis in fact no matter how you try spinning it you fucking idiot.
And blacks get arrested for things whites don't so again your analysis has no real basis in fact no matter how you try spinning it you fucking idiot.

Can't dispute the facts so you make shit up and call ME a fucking idiot? :auiqs.jpg:
The link, you forgot the link......
This bit of information comes from a report issued in October of 2017 by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics. The title is, “Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-15.” Do a search.
Yes they are facts. Facts you don't like but they're facts.

If they aren't facts, by all means PRESENT REAL EVIDENCE that blacks DON'T commit more than half of all homicides between 1980 and 2008.

Do you have an explanation as to why blacks have committed MORE THAN HALF of all homicides yet are only 13% of the population? I mean other than this bullshit about blacks get arrested for shit whites don't of which you of course have ZERO proof. I have a gov't website as proof. Hmm. I win.
NewsVine_Mariyam I've talked to enough Hispanic and Black friends about this to believe that it is true. Unfortunately, these Police actions are being used to create the entire "Systemic Racism" Myth in America.
It's called pattern recognition, and a basic instinctive human behavior critical to survival. Every single one of you reading this would do the same thing if your life was on the line in your interactions. When somebody starts talking about changing that pattern, I will listen, but nobody is. That is the problem.
Do you have an explanation as to why blacks have committed MORE THAN HALF of all homicides yet are only 13% of the population? I mean other than this bullshit about blacks get arrested for shit whites don't of which you of course have ZERO proof. I have a gov't website as proof. Hmm. I win.

Actually if you fine tune that figure, it's black males that are responsible for 53% of US murders in this country because females seldom are involved in murders. That means over half our murders are actually committed by only 7% of our population; black males.
Actually if you fine tune that figure, it's black males that are responsible for 53% of US murders in this country because females seldom are involved in murders. That means over half our murders are actually committed by only 7% of our population; black males.

Fine tune it even more and I'd venture to guess 90% of those are by black males under the age of 40. I don't know many black men in their 60's out popping caps in people.
It's time to shut mouths. You racosts don't do the research necessary to be arguing. This is from MIT.



"There's a long history of data being weaponized against Black communities."

Inequality and the misuses of police power don’t just play out on the streets or during school riots. For Milner and other activists, the focus is now on where there is most potential for long-lasting damage: predictive policing tools and the abuse of data by police forces. A number of studies have shown that these tools perpetuate systemic racism, and yet we still know very little about how they work, who is using them, and for what purpose. All of this needs to change before a proper reckoning can take place. Luckily, the tide may be turning.

There are two broad types of predictive policing tool. Location-based algorithms draw on links between places, events, and historical crime rates to predict where and when crimes are more likely to happen—for example, in certain weather conditions or at large sporting events. The tools identify hot spots, and the police plan patrols around these tip-offs. One of the most common, called PredPol, which is used by dozens of cities in the US, breaks locations up into 500-by-500 foot blocks, and updates its predictions throughout the day—a kind of crime weather forecast.
Other tools draw on data about people, such as their age, gender, marital status, history of substance abuse, and criminal record, to predict who has a high chance of being involved in future criminal activity. These person-based tools can be used either by police, to intervene before a crime takes place, or by courts, to determine during pretrial hearings or sentencing whether someone who has been arrested is likely to reoffend. For example, a tool called COMPAS, used in many jurisdictions to help make decisions about pretrial release and sentencing, issues a statistical score between 1 and 10 to quantify how likely a person is to be rearrested if released.

The problem lies with the data the algorithms feed upon. For one thing, predictive algorithms are easily skewed by arrest rates. According to US Department of Justice figures, you are more than twice as likely to be arrested if you are Black than if you are white. A Black person is five times as likely to be stopped without just cause as a white person.

So first off the data from police is not correct and racism plays a role in data compilation.

For example whites led in murder arrests until the mid 1980's. Coincidentally when Reagan/Bush 1 allowed crack into the black community to pay for American covert military operations, suddwnly blacks had more murders than whites.

It's time to shut mouths. You racosts don't do the research necessary to be arguing. This is from MIT.

View attachment 520339

View attachment 520340

"There's a long history of data being weaponized against Black communities."

Inequality and the misuses of police power don’t just play out on the streets or during school riots. For Milner and other activists, the focus is now on where there is most potential for long-lasting damage: predictive policing tools and the abuse of data by police forces. A number of studies have shown that these tools perpetuate systemic racism, and yet we still know very little about how they work, who is using them, and for what purpose. All of this needs to change before a proper reckoning can take place. Luckily, the tide may be turning.

There are two broad types of predictive policing tool. Location-based algorithms draw on links between places, events, and historical crime rates to predict where and when crimes are more likely to happen—for example, in certain weather conditions or at large sporting events. The tools identify hot spots, and the police plan patrols around these tip-offs. One of the most common, called PredPol, which is used by dozens of cities in the US, breaks locations up into 500-by-500 foot blocks, and updates its predictions throughout the day—a kind of crime weather forecast.
Other tools draw on data about people, such as their age, gender, marital status, history of substance abuse, and criminal record, to predict who has a high chance of being involved in future criminal activity. These person-based tools can be used either by police, to intervene before a crime takes place, or by courts, to determine during pretrial hearings or sentencing whether someone who has been arrested is likely to reoffend. For example, a tool called COMPAS, used in many jurisdictions to help make decisions about pretrial release and sentencing, issues a statistical score between 1 and 10 to quantify how likely a person is to be rearrested if released.

The problem lies with the data the algorithms feed upon. For one thing, predictive algorithms are easily skewed by arrest rates. According to US Department of Justice figures, you are more than twice as likely to be arrested if you are Black than if you are white. A Black person is five times as likely to be stopped without just cause as a white person.

So first off the data from police is not correct and racism plays a role in data compilation.

For example whites led in murder arrests until the mid 1980's. Coincidentally when Reagan/Bush 1 allowed crack into the black community to pay for American covert military operations, suddwnly blacks had more murders than whites.

Why did you post the same link 7 times? Try to make it look like you had more proof than you did? FAIL.

Ok so what part says that 52% of all homicides were committed by blacks is wrong?

The guy offers no proof of anything he says, he's just spouting his opinion. He makes tons of claims but no proof to back anything up. He says " According to US Department of Justice figures, you are more than twice as likely to be arrested if you are Black than if you are white." He doesn't take into account that blacks are being arrested BECAUSE BLACKS ARE COMMITTING CRIMES. They're not being arrested for being black, they're being arrested for being a fucking criminal.

So you blame the police because you fucking people are violent thugs? So its the cops fault that you kill people?
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Incorrect. Your use of percentages is wrong.

View attachment 519874

Now let's again talk about population percentages.

There are approximately 330, million people in the American population.

Out of that 300 million, 4.7 million of those arrested where white.

That equals 1.4 percent of the American population.

Out of that 300 million, 1.8 million of those arrested where black.

That equals 0.5 percent of the American population.

You guys cite 13 percent and 50 percent all the time but these percentages have numbers they represent. When you talk about the American population, it has a number. In order to be accurate, the numbers of each race commmitting crimes should be measured against the US population. You guys don't want to do that, because it destroying your racist argument. Whites commit the most crimes in this country as a percentage of the population. It is not even close. And the history of violence in America looks like this:

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You talk about violence as if whites are perfect but what color are these men?

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Maybe it time you racists shut the fuck up.
Hey hun, I know that you don't understand basics BUT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

You should note none of the three while assholes would have been stupid and rude enough to be disrespectful to cop who pulled their ass over.
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