Black drivers receive less respect from police officers, study says

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Well one thing the pandemic showed us is that it apparently was traumatic for many white people to be told that they had to where masks and that they weren't free to go about and do as they pleased any time they wanted to.

There was a representative in our state who had to issue a public apology for comparing being required to wear a mask to the Jewish people being required to wear the Star of David.. And plenty of other people on T.V. complaining about their constitutional rights alleged being violated because they're being made to wear a mask while out in public.

It's funny that none of them ever seemed to notice that they weren't being singled out for wearing a mask, that EVERYONE was being required to do so, but hey what do I know

It wasn't just whites. Even now blacks lag the country in getting vaccinations. I live in a black community and most of the people still wearing masks are black because those are the people that didn't get the vaccination, so it's not only whites.

In any case the police are the law and order because we hired them to enforce our laws which are created by politicians. Now that Satan is winning the war, police departments all across the country are having a hard time keeping police officers or worse yet, hiring new ones, especially in areas where blacks live.
Yes I did, but in order to drive a truck, you also need to read which I do very well. The very biased article points out that they studied only a very small number of cases in selected cities of their choice. It also stated that some police used terms like "bro" and "dude" which tells me the officers were trying to relate to the black people they had pulled over, not be disrespectful as the article tries to insinuate.

Human nature is to respond in similar order that you are addressed, and nowhere in this article does it state how the black drivers addressed these police officers.
We all can read Ray, but your ability to analyze and recognize fact is very weak. On top of that you have consistently posted racist anti black opinions. On matters of law enforcement Newsvine is very knowledgeable.
It's undisputed that 13% of the population commit 50% of the violent crimes and are 50% of the prison population.

Of 8.4 million arrests, 2.2 million were black. That means blacks were 25% of all arrests yet are only 13% of the population. Oops.

It is disputed because 13 percent of the population does not commit 50 percent of the violent crime.

You are using 2016 numbers and 8.8 million arrests equal about 3 percent of the population. 2.2 million arrests would be less than 1 percent of the population. Oops.
It wasn't just whites. Even now blacks lag the country in getting vaccinations. I live in a black community and most of the people still wearing masks are black because those are the people that didn't get the vaccination, so it's not only whites.

In any case the police are the law and order because we hired them to enforce our laws which are created by politicians. Now that Satan is winning the war, police departments all across the country are having a hard time keeping police officers or worse yet, hiring new ones, especially in areas where blacks live.
Blacks were told years ago that taking a vaccine was good for us and it turned out blacks were getting injected with syphillis. Blacks have been experimented on and don't trust the government in these matters. But you ignore this history to talk your racist bulllshit.

Meanwhile whites are antui vaxxers for no reason. Satan has people quoting false statostics in police departments which have allowed white police to over harrass and to kill unarmed blacks at levels far above our population.
It is disputed because 13 percent of the population does not commit 50 percent of the violent crime.

You are using 2016 numbers and 8.8 million arrests equal about 3 percent of the population. 2.2 million arrests would be less than 1 percent of the population. Oops.

Based on data compiled by the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program, it found that while Black people make up 13% of the U.S. population, they were 33% of persons arrested for non-fatal violent crime (NVC), which includes rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and other assaults. Black people were 36% of those arrested for serious non-fatal violent crimes (SNVC), including rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

Similarly, Hispanics make up 18% of the US population and were 21% of those arrested for serious non-fatal violent crimes. Whites, who are 60% of the population, were 46% of persons arrested for non-fatal violent crimes, and 39% of those arrested for serious non-fatal violent crimes.

Bottom line is blacks commit the most non-fatal and fatal crime in the United States being represented by almost double their population size.
So when a group receives less respect is that because of historical conduct or skin color?
Skin color. Because historical conduct means whites should be getting less respect.
It wasn't just whites. Even now blacks lag the country in getting vaccinations. I live in a black community and most of the people still wearing masks are black because those are the people that didn't get the vaccination, so it's not only whites.

In any case the police are the law and order because we hired them to enforce our laws which are created by politicians. Now that Satan is winning the war, police departments all across the country are having a hard time keeping police officers or worse yet, hiring new ones, especially in areas where blacks live.
Why do you live in a black community if you despise black people as much as you do?

And I wasn't referring to the vaccines, I was talking about being told they had to wear a mask and attempts to enforce the mask mandate specifically.
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Based on data compiled by the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program, it found that while Black people make up 13% of the U.S. population, they were 33% of persons arrested for non-fatal violent crime (NVC), which includes rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and other assaults. Black people were 36% of those arrested for serious non-fatal violent crimes (SNVC), including rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

Similarly, Hispanics make up 18% of the US population and were 21% of those arrested for serious non-fatal violent crimes. Whites, who are 60% of the population, were 46% of persons arrested for non-fatal violent crimes, and 39% of those arrested for serious non-fatal violent crimes.

Bottom line is blacks commit the most non-fatal and fatal crime in the United States being represented by almost double their population size.
Ray the percentages from the UCR represent numbers that can be contrasted against the US population to get an acciurate percentage of the Americsan population participating in crime.

So if you take the number associated wiyh the percentage, you find thst a very small percentage of the US population are participating in those crimes. But you choose to ignore this because you're a racist.
Based on data compiled by the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program, it found that while Black people make up 13% of the U.S. population, they were 33% of persons arrested for non-fatal violent crime (NVC), which includes rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and other assaults. Black people were 36% of those arrested for serious non-fatal violent crimes (SNVC), including rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

Similarly, Hispanics make up 18% of the US population and were 21% of those arrested for serious non-fatal violent crimes. Whites, who are 60% of the population, were 46% of persons arrested for non-fatal violent crimes, and 39% of those arrested for serious non-fatal violent crimes.

Bottom line is blacks commit the most non-fatal and fatal crime in the United States being represented by almost double their population size.
You do know that the FBI crime statistics are based on arrests not convictions right, although systemic racism is never factored in.
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Blacks were told years ago that taking a vaccine was good for us and it turned out blacks were getting injected with syphillis. Blacks have been experimented on and don't trust the government in these matters. But you ignore this history to talk your racist bulllshit.

Meanwhile whites are antui vaxxers for no reason. Satan has people quoting false statostics in police departments which have allowed white police to over harrass and to kill unarmed blacks at levels far above our population.

It's irrelevant to the comment. No matter what the reason, blacks lag behind the rest of the country in getting vaccinated. The claim that brought me to that point was that it was whites who were so anti-mask. Sorry, but a lot of people were in all different groups.

Yes, police kill unarmed suspects. There is no law that a police officer or legally armed citizen can't. Deadly force is legal to use if you feel your life or safety is in danger by an attacker or suspect. You people have this notion in your head that when a cop kills an unarmed suspect, it was illegal and they got away with it. That's a complete fallacy.

The real problem with blacks, protests, kneeling is many are ignorant of our laws in this country.
You do know that the FBI crime statistics are based on arrests not convictions right, although systemic racism is never factored in.

However most arrests do lead to convictions. It doesn't discount this non-biased reliable source that blacks are the most violent and most criminal per capita in our country.
It is disputed because 13 percent of the population does not commit 50 percent of the violent crime.

You are using 2016 numbers and 8.8 million arrests equal about 3 percent of the population. 2.2 million arrests would be less than 1 percent of the population. Oops.
You seriously need to stop trying to do statistics. You are so very very bad at them. It's kind of embarrassing at this point...
You do know that the FBI crime statistics are based on arrests not convictions right, although systemic racism is never factored in.
And even at that he disingenously compares percentages of people arrested against a total population of a group instead of comparing the numers of those arrested against the American population to get a corrrct percentage of people of each race who are arrested for each crime.
You seriously need to stop trying to do statistics. You are so very very bad at them. It's kind of embarrassing at this point...
I am correct. If you want an accurate assessment of crime by race, you divide the participannts of each race who are arrested and that will equal the percentage of the American population arrested for that particular crime. But racism is lazy so you can't do the work necessary to be accurate because it kills your narrative.
I am correct. If you want an accurate assessment of crime by race, you divide the participannts of each race who are arrested and that will equal the percentage of the American population arrested for that particular crime. But racism is lazy so you can't do the work necessary to be accurate because it kills your narrative.
No you dont you f'ing moron. You cant get a relational comparison between subsets by dividing by the total of the larger group. Jeez. I laid it out for you in the simplest terms possible. This has ZERO to do with race or any other distinguishing trait you wish to divide people into. YOURE JUST AWFUL AT MATH!
Why do you live in a black community if you despise black people as much as you do?

And I wasn't referring to the vaccines, I was talking about being told they had to wear a mask and attempts to enforce the mask mandate specifically.

Who says I despise blacks so much, because I'm simply pointing out the truth? You know the old saying, the truth will set you free.

Years ago a family member of mine developed an alcohol problem. When we went to seek help, the first thing the professionals asked was does this person understand they have a problem? The theory behind this is it's much more difficult to solve a problem that isn't there, even if it's not there only in that persons mind.

If blacks don't want to believe there is no problem in the black community, or that all problems are not their fault, it's because of white privilege, white police, or some other nonsense, the same problems will be here 50 years from now. Wise up.
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