Black drivers receive less respect from police officers, study says

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Whites rarely get punished for cussing cops out.

I was in a car with a white girl and we got pulled over. The cop came over to the passenger side where I was sitting and asked for my ID. She flipped out on him while I am trying to tell her to shut up before he shoots me. She asked for his badge number and he immediately turned away and got back in his car and drove off. I just knew he was going to shoot me and claim I attacked him.
We do in Fact rarely get in trouble for cussing at cops because we do in fact rarely cuss at cops. I think proper behavior may be a kind of privilege thing.
They are our officers of the law. We pay them to do the shittiest most miserable fucking job you could possibly do, then you god damn people give them shit non stop. You think cops should be nice to shitheads who are being disrespectful? Do you think they should be gentle with people who violently assault them? Fuck that, take a swing a a cop and you should get your fucking skull fractured. Act like a dick and your going to get treated like one.
WHERE in the article does it indicate ANYONE took a swing at the officers?
I know because I have seen many occasions where whites have dissed cops. So have you. So shut your old decrepid racist ass up.
Where is that video of the guy cussing out the police officer and making him shut up and get back in his patrol vehicle?

And of course my favorite where Jerry York is resisting arrest, fighting with the cops, beats them cops with their own batons and then drives off in their patrol vehicle with the police not once thinking of shooting him:
Jerry York Resist Arrest, Fight Cops, Stole Police Cruiser & Lived To See His Day In Court - Vloggest
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The root of the problem is not proper upbringing, single-parent homes and the learned idea growing up that nobody has authority over you; nobody has the right to tell you what to do.
Well one thing the pandemic showed us is that it apparently was traumatic for many white people to be told that they had to where masks and that they weren't free to go about and do as they pleased any time they wanted to.

There was a representative in our state who had to issue a public apology for comparing being required to wear a mask to the Jewish people being required to wear the Star of David.. And plenty of other people on T.V. complaining about their constitutional rights alleged being violated because they're being made to wear a mask while out in public.

It's funny that none of them ever seemed to notice that they weren't being singled out for wearing a mask, that EVERYONE was being required to do so, but hey what do I know :)
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I have no idea whether Black males are stopped by police in disproportionate numbers for alleged traffic or equipment violations, but unfortunately NEITHER DOES ANYONE ELSE. Every single study that I've seen or seen mentioned has been grossly skewed by intentionally flawed methodology - people hoping to get a desired result and cooking the books.
So very typical. You don't have the answer, but when others do the work and present the results, because you don't like what it shows then of course someone must have done something to skew the data.

The article EXPLAINED the process and how they obtained their results. What's your suggestion for a better way of going about this if you [erroneously] believe the current method is suspect?
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When Police approach your car they are not on a public relations mission to see how you are feeling today. Obey the law snd no problem, you break the law it is Your Responsibility to not agitate the situation.
Police officers have to put up with a lot of crap from black people

i recently saw a woman who immediately started calling the cop a racist and a murderer

Do some cops cross the line?


but many blacks do also
You're comparing apples to oranges. Police officers are supposed to be trained professionals who know what they will be dealing with when they sign up for the job. Having to deal with people who are intoxicated and want to fight and resist arrest is just part of the job however nothing justifies initially confronting individuals who are stopped for MINOR traffic violations with all that aggression and hostility.

It makes them appear irrational and unstable which many of them probably are and therefore a danger to the public.
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Cops arent there to kiss yours or anyone else's ass....and therein lies the problem. YOu and others think they are.....
No you have it backwards, I'm not required to respect them SIMPLY because they are police officers and I don't owe them any respect, only common courtesy and not even that, if they are hostile or aggressive or make false accusations.

Their profession doesn't bestow any special respect for them, in fact it makes them inherently dangerous although individual officers certainly can be deserving of respect for the way they carry out their duties.

You all act like some of the trailer trash I've had the misfortune to encounter throughout my life in that you believe that because I'm not white I must subscribe to certain beliefs and engage in certain behaviors as a rule of thumb.

From what I've seen of you, YOU are more likely to have dealings with the police and a criminal record than I myself.
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How can you be this bad at simple math?

If I have 100 coins

20 each of red, blue, yellow, orange and green.

Each subset of coin makes up 20% of the whole.

If I flip all the coins and the heads/tails come back as follows

Red 2/18
Blue 18/2
Yellow 10/10
Orange 20/0
Green 10/10

So 60/40 heads/tails total.

Red made up 45% the tails total while only accounting for 20% of the total coins.

Orange made up 33% of the heads total while only accounting for 20% of the total coins almost the same for Blue

Can you see how the red coins make up a larger percentage of the total tails in relation to their percentage of the overall coin population than would be expected? And that blue and orange do the same for heads?

Can you see your mistake now????
Instead of making this ambiguous, why don't you use real numbers and values, such as the population of whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc. and then maybe it will be easier to see the point you're making because right now, a percentage of a percentage is still smaller than any of the 5 percentages that make up the whole
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If the article doesnt have those examples, its pretty god damned dishonest. Virtually every instance of a cop shooting someone involved the pseron behaving violently.
Damn I forgot who I was talking to. So we're back to "if YOU have no knowledge of it, then it doesn't exist"?

The article stipulated where they got the data and what process they used to derive their results. The fact that they published this information as part of their results makes them MORE transparent than some others.
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Damn I forgot who I was talking to. So we're back to "if YOU have no knowledge of it, then it doesn't exist"?

The article stipulated where they got the data and what process they used to derive their results. The fact that they published this information as part of their results makes them MORE transparent than some others.
Do you honestly think you are going to convince anyone that black people arent frequently confrontational with cops?
Most of these "Oh, poor, poor, black little angels" threads by bleeding heart libs make me want to puke.

Most are written as though the poster is looking at black people under a microscope. Or, as if they were dissecting a fish on a lab table. Blacks, as people, seem totally foreign to them.

Want to increase your credibility? Go hang out in the hood for a few days. Go to some black night clubs and after hours clubs. Get to know some people there, and in the projects and parks.

A LOT of blacks.have respect for no one. Not each other, not strangers, and surely not cops. It's a sick ghetto/prison culture in which showing kindness or respect can be seen as a sign of weakness.

Macho rules. "Don't like it? Fuck you," - might be followed by the stupid speaker grabbing his balls as he sneers at you.

A lot of these stupid fucking assholes show the same disrespect to women. So, how would anyone with a fucking brain expect these animals to show respect to the police? And I call them animals because that's how they behave.

Black people know all about this, of course. And if you know them well it isn't a taboo subject. will never, ever, learn this shit from books and stacks of statistics. To.begin to know anything about blacks it would help to get into the hood and get to really know some of the people. Otherwise you're talking out of your ass.

There are a lot of good intelligent blacks as well, of course. But those most likely to give cops a bad time are the idiots I spoke of, above. And those stupid fucks deserve all the shit they are begging for
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Not that we didn't already know this but it's nice to have concrete data to back up the claims. The way black people are routinely treated by the police, for no reason other than those who believe that badge allows them this type of outlet for their aggression and hostility is disgraceful and should be unacceptable to even those who back the blue.
Respect is earned.
Instead of making this ambiguous, why don't you use real numbers and values, such as the population of whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc. and then maybe it will be easier to see the point you're making because right now, a percentage of a percentage is still smaller than any of the 5 percentages that make up the whole
Because he can’t see past the race aspect of the math problem so I was trying to remove that aspect of the equation.

I’m not sure it will matter the simple math concept may be too much...
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