Black drivers receive less respect from police officers, study says

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Not that we didn't already know this but it's nice to have concrete data to back up the claims. The way black people are routinely treated by the police, for no reason other than those who believe that badge allows them this type of outlet for their aggression and hostility is disgraceful and should be unacceptable to even those who back the blue.
Just a reminder to black driver, you get what you give.
How can you be this bad at simple math?

If I have 100 coins

20 each of red, blue, yellow, orange and green.

Each subset of coin makes up 20% of the whole.

If I flip all the coins and the heads/tails come back as follows

Red 2/18
Blue 18/2
Yellow 10/10
Orange 20/0
Green 10/10

So 60/40 heads/tails total.

Red made up 45% the tails total while only accounting for 20% of the total coins.

Orange made up 33% of the heads total while only accounting for 20% of the total coins almost the same for Blue

Can you see how the red coins make up a larger percentage of the total tails in relation to their percentage of the overall coin population than would be expected? And that blue and orange do the same for heads?

Can you see your mistake now????
You don't get it do you? We aren't talking about coins flipping. We are talking about crime and the number of people participating in it. Even if we use per capita the number of blacks you want to base probability on is low. And given the fact that there is a direct link between crime and poverty and the povertay rate of whites is less than half that of blacks, whites should not be making up almost 3 times the arrests.

But the claim is made based on population so the most accurate indicator of crime by population is the use of the numbers of people of each race that are participants in crime. It is just that simple. Whites dont use this to consider anything else. There are more whites taking SAT tests so the mean score for whites will be higher based on the fact there are morre taking the test. But nobody argues that on your side because you want to keep living in a delusion of white supremacy.

The fact is that whites have a long history of violent and criminal behavior in America. Nobody else is even close.
No normal thinking person should take seriously ANYTHING Marxist Fake News NBC publishes.

NBC has a proven history of LYING in order to foment racial discourse in this Country.
Why do whites chose to pretend they can tell others how to act. Whites don't respect the police.
Whites rarely get punished for cussing cops out.

I was in a car with a white girl and we got pulled over. The cop came over to the passenger side where I was sitting and asked for my ID. She flipped out on him while I am trying to tell her to shut up before he shoots me. She asked for his badge number and he immediately turned away and got back in his car and drove off. I just knew he was going to shoot me and claim I attacked him.
Bullshit. Newsvine knows what shes doing. You drive trucks.

Yes I did, but in order to drive a truck, you also need to read which I do very well. The very biased article points out that they studied only a very small number of cases in selected cities of their choice. It also stated that some police used terms like "bro" and "dude" which tells me the officers were trying to relate to the black people they had pulled over, not be disrespectful as the article tries to insinuate.

Human nature is to respond in similar order that you are addressed, and nowhere in this article does it state how the black drivers addressed these police officers.
ou don't get it do you? We aren't talking about coins flipping. We are talking about crime and the number of people participating in it. Even if we use per capita the number of blacks you want to base probability on is low. And given the fact that there is a direct link between crime and poverty and the povertay rate of whites is less than half that of blacks, whites should not be making up almost 3 times the arrests.

But the claim is made based on population so the most accurate indicator of crime by population is the use of the numbers of people of each race that are participants in crime. It is just that simple. Whites dont use this to consider anything else. There are more whites taking SAT tests so the mean score for whites will be higher based on the fact there are morre taking the test. But nobody argues that on your side because you want to keep living in a delusion of white supremacy.

The fact is that whites have a long history of violent and criminal behavior in America. Nobody else is even close.

Human nature is to respond in similar order that you are addressed
They are paid to be professionals. Even if they are spoken to a certain way (which I know isnt the case) they should do their jobs. If they cant hack it then they should be terminated. If a doctor gave you the wrong medication because they didnt like you, then they would lose their licence and get sued.
Whites rarely get punished for cussing cops out.

I was in a car with a white girl and we got pulled over. The cop came over to the passenger side where I was sitting and asked for my ID. She flipped out on him while I am trying to tell her to shut up before he shoots me. She asked for his badge number and he immediately turned away and got back in his car and drove off. I just knew he was going to shoot me and claim I attacked him.

R-I-G-H-T ......

And, Jussie Smollett was jumped by three Trump supporters too .......
Whites rarely get punished for cussing cops out.

I was in a car with a white girl and we got pulled over. The cop came over to the passenger side where I was sitting and asked for my ID. She flipped out on him while I am trying to tell her to shut up before he shoots me. She asked for his badge number and he immediately turned away and got back in his car and drove off. I just knew he was going to shoot me and claim I attacked him.
I was beaten near to death by Asian cops for just standing innocently on the street. Therefore all Asian cops hate people who are the same skin tone as me. I just know it.
It's undisputed that 13% of the population commit 50% of the violent crimes and are 50% of the prison population.

Of 8.4 million arrests, 2.2 million were black. That means blacks were 25% of all arrests yet are only 13% of the population. Oops.



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I drove for a living long enough to know many blacks are terrible drivers. Living in a mostly black suburb, I can guarantee it.

You know how hard it would be for YOU to drive a car with the drivers seat as far back as it will go, as low as it will go with 33" rims on a 35 year old Caprice with air suspension bouncing the damn thing down the road?
So when a group receives less respect is that because of historical conduct or skin color?
So when a group receives less respect is that because of historical conduct or skin color?

Gotta be skin color. Police are supposed to be mindless buffoons' who think a young black punk male who has been in prison 5 times in 5 years is the same threat to them as a 50 year old white guy with his wife and kids in the car.
They are paid to be professionals. Even if they are spoken to a certain way (which I know isnt the case) they should do their jobs. If they cant hack it then they should be terminated. If a doctor gave you the wrong medication because they didnt like you, then they would lose their licence and get sued.

What the OP is talking about is using voice analysis to determine whether police speak differently to blacks as they do whites. If you need a machine to detect that, chances are no human would be able to.

Being a professional doesn't make you inhuman. We are all human no matter what line of work we do. I was a professional driver. It doesn't mean I wouldn't get pissed off at terrible drivers or not cuss them out when they did something stupid in front of me. In fact it happened so often I had to purchase a dash cam just for my protection. You pull in front of a 75,000 lbs vehicle two feet from it's bumper and hit the breaks and I have to slam on mine to try and not kill you, of course this professional is going to get pissed. I will blow my air horn, scream out the window that you're Fn idiot and that I should have just killed you since it wouldn't be my fault anyway. I was never dehumanized when I went into this line of work.

Police officers are no different than anybody else who works for a living professional or otherwise. You treat them with respect, they will treat you with respect in most cases. If you treat them like they are assholes, don't expect them to treat you with respect because respect is something you earn from another human being.
Gotta be skin color. Police are supposed to be mindless buffoons' who think a young black punk male who has been in prison 5 times in 5 years is the same threat to them as a 50 year old white guy with his wife and kids in the car.
Ok I understand. Do libs get brainwashed via injection or exposure?
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