Black Farmer Financial Fraud

Last week, the Obama USDA sent out 18,000 checks to people- a total of $1.2 billion dollars-to people who made the claim but didn’t have to provide any proof.

Were all 18,000 claims fraudulent?

Were all 18,000 claims filed by black farmers?

Tom Burrell does appear to be soliciting people to commit fraud.
Why are people not outraged? Why do most people not even know about this? Are we that jaded to scandal and fraud now?
This Data Visualization Of Pigford II Claims Says It All


What GAO Found

The parties charged with carrying out the terms of the Pigford II settlement agreement have created numerous internal control measures designed to balance various interests including accuracy, efficiency, and cost. Many of these measures serve to identify and deny fraudulent or otherwise invalid claims. For example, the parties conduct iterative reviews of each claim and identify potential fraud concerns. In addition, the parties told us that they plan to conduct final control measures after all claims are provisionally adjudicated and before payments are made. Those measures include identifying duplicate claims (to ensure no one is paid twice) and claims filed on behalf of the same farming operation (to ensure only one payment per farming operation) or same class member (to ensure only one payment per class member).

In general, the internal control design provides reasonable assurance that fraudulent or otherwise invalid claims could be identified and denied; however, certain weaknesses in the control design could expose the claims process to risk of improper determinations. Some of these weaknesses are a result of constraints imposed by the terms of the settlement agreement, which were agreed to by the parties to the settlement agreement as fair, reasonable, and adequate. In addition, the terms were approved by the presiding judge, effectively ratified by Congress in the Claims Resolution Act of 2010 and in some cases originated in Pigford I and were subsequently enacted in the 2008 Farm Bill. These design weaknesses, hence, cannot be modified by the implementing parties. For example, by the terms of the settlement agreement, most claims must be evaluated based solely on the information submitted by the claimants and, as a result, the adjudicator of these claims has no way of independently verifying that information. Another weakness is within the authority of the implementing parties to modify. Specifically, the Claims Administrator is responsible for determining class membership, including that claimants have not obtained prior judgments on their complaints. The Claims Administrator, however, has not established agreed upon procedures--beyond consulting two other settlement participant lists--for checking whether claimants already obtained judgments in judicial or administrative forums. Without such procedures, some individuals may improperly be found to be class members.

Finally, at the time of our review, the internal control design was generally operating as intended to identify and deny fraudulent or otherwise invalid claims. However, the design has not yet been fully implemented, and we cannot determine whether the remainder of the design will operate as intended.

So, take your "black people getting free stuff" racist dog whistle and put it back in the closet with your sheet and pointy hood.
Oh, Holder's Justice Dept declaring everything's OK nothing to see here folks. that's comforting.

Ddi you bother to read and understand your own quote?
Last week, the Obama USDA sent out 18,000 checks to people- a total of $1.2 billion dollars-to people who made the claim but didn’t have to provide any proof.

Were all 18,000 claims fraudulent?

Were all 18,000 claims filed by black farmers?

Tom Burrell does appear to be soliciting people to commit fraud.

How many fraudulent claims are you OK with?
Yet Rabbi & company have been very quiet about this every time it's brought up. We aren't talking millions of dollars, we're talking billions.
Dr. Coburn Releases Report Exposing Billions in Giveaways for Millionaires
Dr. Coburn Releases Report Exposing Billions in Giveaways for Millionaires - Press Releases - Tom Coburn, M.D., United States Senator from Oklahoma

Plese detail when I've been quiet about this. Go ahead.

Giveaways like this are reasons to abolish entire departments. We dont need an Ag Dept. Are you ready to call for eliminating the dept?
Everybody who has checked into this matter knows it is a flagrant fraud.

But, anybody in authority who tried to do something about it....would immediately be labeled a racist for life. The only quicker way to commit political suicide is to take on the crooks on Wall Street. One is death by Race Card...the other is death be being Money-Whipped by the RICO ACT Gansters on Wall Street.

And the person who is charged with doing something about both is ERIC HOLDER.

Pick another Government Fraud to spotlight that is not so dangerous. There are plenty to choose from.
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Yet Rabbi & company have been very quiet about this every time it's brought up. We aren't talking millions of dollars, we're talking billions.
Dr. Coburn Releases Report Exposing Billions in Giveaways for Millionaires
Dr. Coburn Releases Report Exposing Billions in Giveaways for Millionaires - Press Releases - Tom Coburn, M.D., United States Senator from Oklahoma

Plese detail when I've been quiet about this. Go ahead.

Giveaways like this are reasons to abolish entire departments. We dont need an Ag Dept. Are you ready to call for eliminating the dept?
I think we need parts of the AG Department....definitely NOT the part that pays farmers for NOT planting...any subsidies offered to po ass farmers should come through the full House of Representatives and some some group of appointed spendthrifts passing out tax dollars to their buddies.

Let's do away with the Department of Interior...and the IRS.
It's a sign of your inherent racism to even question this.

After all, it's for BLACK farmers only... Don't you understand that...

Just as it's not racist for a Black Federal Employee to tell a White Farmer to go see a lawyer who is one of your own kind.. ie White.. even if that lawyer doesn't know the law as well as Black Federal Employee does and whose job it was to help all farmers, as they later admitted, regardless of skin color.
Yet Rabbi & company have been very quiet about this every time it's brought up. We aren't talking millions of dollars, we're talking billions.
Dr. Coburn Releases Report Exposing Billions in Giveaways for Millionaires
Dr. Coburn Releases Report Exposing Billions in Giveaways for Millionaires - Press Releases - Tom Coburn, M.D., United States Senator from Oklahoma

Plese detail when I've been quiet about this. Go ahead.

Giveaways like this are reasons to abolish entire departments. We dont need an Ag Dept. Are you ready to call for eliminating the dept?
I think we need parts of the AG Department....definitely NOT the part that pays farmers for NOT planting...any subsidies offered to po ass farmers should come through the full House of Representatives and some some group of appointed spendthrifts passing out tax dollars to their buddies.

Let's do away with the Department of Interior...and the IRS.

How about we cut it out entirely? If you can't make money farming, go do something else. If you can't make money in banking, close up shop and do something else. Don't whine to the taxpayers for a subsidy for your lifestyle.
Why are people not outraged? Why do most people not even know about this? Are we that jaded to scandal and fraud now?
This Data Visualization Of Pigford II Claims Says It All

This has been out there for some time but you won't find the MSM covering it. So consequently no one knows about it except those of us who frequent message boards it seems.

Joe and Mary Six Pack are blissfully in the dark checking up on the Kardashians.

We on the other hand are political animals.

I mean come on. If this isn't fraud what is? Get $50,000 for claiming you "thought about farming".

Proof of a claimant's intent to farm also included a statement from that petitioner saying he or she had attempted to farm by planting a batch of tomatoes in his or her backyard and having that statement verified by a family member.

In essence, the need to be a farmer at the time of the alleged discriminatory actions by the USDA was not a requirement to share in the financial redress.

Fraud was endemic to the claims process -- for example, every apartment in a New York City building received a settlement of at least $50,000.

Further, some families received checks of $50,000 for each family member (see the NYT's fraud identification narrative of 4-26-13).

These payments were dispensed by the judgment fund's monitor, whose management and control fell to the Executive Branch and Justice Department.

Articles: Pigford: The Unexamined Obama Administration Scandal
I mean come on. If this isn't fraud what is? Get $50,000 for claiming you "thought about farming".

Proof of a claimant's intent to farm also included a statement from that petitioner saying he or she had attempted to farm by planting a batch of tomatoes in his or her backyard and having that statement verified by a family member.

In essence, the need to be a farmer at the time of the alleged discriminatory actions by the USDA was not a requirement to share in the financial redress.

Fraud was endemic to the claims process -- for example, every apartment in a New York City building received a settlement of at least $50,000.

Further, some families received checks of $50,000 for each family member (see the NYT's fraud identification narrative of 4-26-13).

These payments were dispensed by the judgment fund's monitor, whose management and control fell to the Executive Branch and Justice Department.

Articles: Pigford: The Unexamined Obama Administration Scandal
The money went to black people ......... I would consider this as an economic stimulus since blacks spend their money on stupid shit, like in this video:
[ame=""]Excellent Stimulus Idea[/ame]
I don't think anyone should have a problem with it, especially white people.

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