Black genocide, Planned Parenthood and political endorsements.

I don't see the murders of children, teens, and adults as being anywhere equal to performing abortion.

Comparing the desires of Hitler to exterminate a people by murdering six million Jews to a women's right to choose a reproductive choice, in this case abortion, I believe is at best an extremely poor choice on your part, or anyone else.

Then you proceed to claim that the black community is experiencing some 'genocide' by abortion.
I believe any woman in the US that is choosing the abortion option is doing so of their own free will.
If you call that genocide, or compare that to a holocaust, then I believe you have some loose screws.
Killing your baby is not a reproductive choice, it is killing your baby.

It's not a baby yet. It only has the potential to develop into one. You don't understand the human reproductive process.
I don't see the murders of children, teens, and adults as being anywhere equal to performing abortion.

Comparing the desires of Hitler to exterminate a people by murdering six million Jews to a women's right to choose a reproductive choice, in this case abortion, I believe is at best an extremely poor choice on your part, or anyone else.

Then you proceed to claim that the black community is experiencing some 'genocide' by abortion.
I believe any woman in the US that is choosing the abortion option is doing so of their own free will.
If you call that genocide, or compare that to a holocaust, then I believe you have some loose screws.
Killing your baby is not a reproductive choice, it is killing your baby.

It's not a baby yet. It only has the potential to develop into one. You don't understand the human reproductive process.

LefTard Logic 101:
“We should be able to take Condor eggs from their nest...the eggs aren’t Condors.”
Ignorant fucking fools!
With elections looming a lot of candidates are promising not to defund Planned Parenthood. Apparently it’s seen as a rite of passage for some politicians to make this pledge in order to preserve an organization that has essentially become a humane society for humans. Much like the Nazi machine presented its “Final Solution”, bureaucrats and macabre social engineers in the US tout Planned Parenthood as necessary to improve society. It’s generally agreed that Margaret Sanger, a proponent of eugenics that paralleled the philosophy of the Third Reich in the 1930’s was the founding principle of Planned Parenthood in the US.

The killing capacity of Planned Parenthood is on an industrial scale as it mass produces the extermination of human life so efficiently that the Nazis were rank amateurs by comparison. Like the Nazi architects who labeled Jews subhuman, Planned Parenthood calls developing babies fetuses in order to dehumanize the targets and proffer the policy to the people as decent and needed.

If the aim is population composition through selective breeding as Margaret Sanger proposed, then the removal of the “unselected” becomes a necessary moderating process to achieve the greater good of a more perfect and culturally-managed human group. Predictably African Americans have become over represented in the killing fields of abortion on demand raising the specter of politically-directed ethnic cleansing or black genocide. The Jews of the 1930’s have been replaced by contemporary black US citizens in order to curtail their growth as a percentage of the American population.

The numbers don’t lie. Though black women comprise only 7.5% of the population, they make up 36% of the abortions in the US. Since 1973 scores of millions of Black babies have been dumped in the mass graves of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics nationwide.

People need to understand that the jawbones and eyeballs of the waste material created by the abortion process have DNA specific to an individual human and no other on Earth. Planned Parenthood is operating a holocaust on black Americans greater and more effectually dynamic than any other holocaust in human history.

If you see a candidate promising not to defund Planned Parenthood you need to take your vote and run the other way. Any organization that uses a strategy closer to the Third Reich than the US Constitution should not be endorsed by any serious political candidate. Black lives do matter. The American flag cannot be a swastika.
I didn't realize the Jews were electing to get in the ovens.

The reason so many abortions are performed on black women is financial. Not being able to afford a child is one of the primary reasons for choosing to terminate a pregnancy. We know that as a group, black women are more likely to live in poverty.

The other reason MIGHT be that, according to black friends, black men HATE using condoms. Black women are at higher risk for high blood pressure and so many can't take the Pill. Hence....
But that one is just a guess.

Shameless, lowlife, low iQ filth love to use abortion as a’s super difficult for trashy filth to be proactive and pick up FREE birth’s way easier to have a stranger dig around in ones vagina to kill that pesky fetus.[/QUOTE]

It's totally absurd for the same folks who want to deny people access to this "FREE birth control," which is available from Planned Parenthood, and call them "trashy filth," and who also fail to acknowledge that birth-control measures have various failure rates and health risks, then turn around and scream about abortion. The notion that people "love to use abortion as a contraceptive" is just outright silly, as if people actually prefer surgery rather than using non-invasive measures to avoid the problem in the first place.

I wonder what BrokeLoser is doing to ensure that all people have access to birth control in a setting that provides them with privacy, including those in rural areas. Some people don't think logically.

Shameless, lowlife, low iQ filth love to use abortion as a’s super difficult for trashy filth to be proactive and pick up FREE birth’s way easier to have a stranger dig around in ones vagina to kill that pesky fetus.

It's totally absurd for the same folks who want to deny people access to this "FREE birth control," which is available from Planned Parenthood, and call them "trashy filth," and who also fail to acknowledge that birth-control measures have various failure rates and health risks, then turn around and scream about abortion. The notion that people "love to use abortion as a contraceptive" is just outright silly, as if people actually prefer surgery rather than using non-invasive measures to avoid the problem in the first place.

I wonder what BrokeLoser is doing to ensure that all people have access to birth control in a setting that provides them with privacy, including those in rural areas. Some people don't think logically.[/QUOTE]

“It's totally absurd for the same folks who want to deny people access to this "FREE birth control”
Excuse after excuse after’s what LefTards do. You hate accountability.
“It can’t be me, it’s got to be something else.”
Can you explain how anyone is denying lowlifes access to birth control?
Should we be hand delivering the magic pill and forcing it down their throats each morning?

“I wonder what BrokeLoser is doing to ensure that all people have access to birth control”
I wonder how fucked in the head someone has to be to honestly believe it is the responsibility of others to “ensure” that bottom feeders have access to birth control?
I have a couple dogs, I don’t need any pet humans.
If we get rid of PP then there will be X amount of babies in America, every year, that will be living in poverty, living off the system aka government assistance which would eat more $$$ than PP ever will. Then the kids will typically become alcoholics, drug dealers, gang members, junkies, criminals, convicts, etc.

That is the reality alternative. Pick your poison. Aint America great?

Very briefly, you repeat an banal pre-programmed political-ideological response seeded on your tongue by falsified antipositivist social science originating from nearly 50 years ago. The man you largely have to thank for your pro-abortion ideological indoctrination went by the name of Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a co-founder of NARAL or the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws. As a current political psychology and political philosophy major, I find fascinating the behavioral tendency of those minds captured by political ideologies to the extreme that they have compressed entire moral and philosophical ethos and issue specific politically "hot" narratives-- in their complex entireties, into these few sentence, pre-programmed responses, which they then repeat when triggered by a word such as: abortion, almost as if they are parrots who overheard their ideological master's conversations, or tape recorders on playback loops. Fascinating indeed.
If we get rid of PP then there will be X amount of babies in America, every year, that will be living in poverty, living off the system aka government assistance which would eat more $$$ than PP ever will. Then the kids will typically become alcoholics, drug dealers, gang members, junkies, criminals, convicts, etc.

That is the reality alternative. Pick your poison. Aint America great?
Then I guess you and the butcher baby killer bunch will have to resort to being responsible for your actions; a fate worse than death to liberals.
If we get rid of PP then there will be X amount of babies in America, every year, that will be living in poverty, living off the system aka government assistance which would eat more $$$ than PP ever will. Then the kids will typically become alcoholics, drug dealers, gang members, junkies, criminals, convicts, etc.

That is the reality alternative. Pick your poison. Aint America great?

Very briefly, you repeat an banal pre-programmed political-ideological response seeded on your tongue by falsified antipositivist social science originating from nearly 50 years ago. The man you largely have to thank for your pro-abortion ideological indoctrination went by the name of Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a co-founder of NARAL or the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws. As a current political psychology and political philosophy major, I find fascinating the behavioral tendency of those minds captured by political ideologies to the extreme that they have compressed entire moral and philosophical ethos and issue specific politically "hot" narratives-- in their complex entireties, into these few sentence, pre-programmed responses, which they then repeat when triggered by a word such as: abortion, almost as if they are parrots who overheard their ideological master's conversations, or tape recorders on playback loops. Fascinating indeed.

well professor, I didn't see you list any options here but you're pretty damn good at bloviating BS.
I don't see the murders of children, teens, and adults as being anywhere equal to performing abortion.
Killing your baby is not a reproductive choice, it is killing your baby.
Then caddo kid Makes This Assertion In His Very Next Post:
If we get rid of PP then there will be X amount of babies in America, every year, that will be living in poverty, living off the system aka government assistance which would eat more $$$ than PP ever will. Then the kids will typically become alcoholics, drug dealers, gang members, junkies, criminals, convicts, etc.
Validating The Eugenist Point Of PP AND The OP !!
With elections looming a lot of candidates are promising not to defund Planned Parenthood. Apparently it’s seen as a rite of passage for some politicians to make this pledge in order to preserve an organization that has essentially become a humane society for humans. Much like the Nazi machine presented its “Final Solution”, bureaucrats and macabre social engineers in the US tout Planned Parenthood as necessary to improve society. It’s generally agreed that Margaret Sanger, a proponent of eugenics that paralleled the philosophy of the Third Reich in the 1930’s was the founding principle of Planned Parenthood in the US.

The killing capacity of Planned Parenthood is on an industrial scale as it mass produces the extermination of human life so efficiently that the Nazis were rank amateurs by comparison. Like the Nazi architects who labeled Jews subhuman, Planned Parenthood calls developing babies fetuses in order to dehumanize the targets and proffer the policy to the people as decent and needed.

If the aim is population composition through selective breeding as Margaret Sanger proposed, then the removal of the “unselected” becomes a necessary moderating process to achieve the greater good of a more perfect and culturally-managed human group. Predictably African Americans have become over represented in the killing fields of abortion on demand raising the specter of politically-directed ethnic cleansing or black genocide. The Jews of the 1930’s have been replaced by contemporary black US citizens in order to curtail their growth as a percentage of the American population.

The numbers don’t lie. Though black women comprise only 7.5% of the population, they make up 36% of the abortions in the US. Since 1973 scores of millions of Black babies have been dumped in the mass graves of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics nationwide.

People need to understand that the jawbones and eyeballs of the waste material created by the abortion process have DNA specific to an individual human and no other on Earth. Planned Parenthood is operating a holocaust on black Americans greater and more effectually dynamic than any other holocaust in human history.

If you see a candidate promising not to defund Planned Parenthood you need to take your vote and run the other way. Any organization that uses a strategy closer to the Third Reich than the US Constitution should not be endorsed by any serious political candidate. Black lives do matter. The American flag cannot be a swastika.
I bet there are donations to Planned Parenthood on Traitor Trump's tax returns.

For sure there are donations to pro-abortion Democrats.
OldLady said:
The reason so many abortions are performed on black women is financial. Not being able to afford a child is one of the primary reasons for choosing to terminate a pregnancy. We know that as a group, black women are more likely to live in poverty.

The other reason MIGHT be that, according to black friends, black men HATE using condoms. Black women are at higher risk for high blood pressure and so many can't take the Pill. Hence....
But that one is just a guess.
Margaret Sanger Might Be Your Next Guess
As You Spelled Out Her Reason
For Founding Planned Parenthood Pretty Well

Those Sex Machines
Just Can't Control Their Impulses

Last edited:
g5000 said:
For sure there are donations to pro-abortion Democrats.
Any Contribution To Democrats For Any Reason
Is A Contribution To Pro-Abortion Democrats

There's No Other Kind Of Democrat

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