Black girl beats white girl in possible hate crime

Watch the video, groid

I did caucasoid. I still hope she didn't do what you did and call the girl a racial slur and that caused her to get beat like you got your ass beat when you were a kid.'re sure quick to whine when this is what you want. Punk ass white nationalists...all talk. You probably look like that faggot Ramzpaul from YouTube.
We don't have to wait you can see the video, even if the little white girl called the nigglet a name the nigglet needs to be trained to be more human and not be violent
Watch the video, groid

I did caucasoid. I still hope she didn't do what you did and call the girl a racial slur and that caused her to get beat like you got your ass beat when you were a kid.

In my life time, ive seen countless racial slurs thrown at white people, but I cant think of a single time ive EVER seen a white person call a black person the "N word". Ive seen it on video, but never in person. You know as well as everyone else that that girl didn't use a racial slur. She was attacked because violent racism is rampant in the black community, and black people like you are far too eager to always try and blame the victim. Remember Zimmerman? Your efforts to excuse bad behavior is why black people are incarcerated far more than every other culture in this nation. Bad behavior is acceptable in your community, in fact its expected.
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Watch the video, groid

I did caucasoid. I still hope she didn't do what you did and call the girl a racial slur and that caused her to get beat like you got your ass beat when you were a kid.

In my life time, ive seen countless racial slurs thrown at white people, but I cant think of a single time ive EVER seen a white person call a black person the "N word". Ive seen it on video, but never in person. You know as well as everyone else that that girl didn't use a racial slur. She was attacked because violent racism is rampant in the black community, and black people like you are far too eager to always try and blame the victim. Remember Zimmerman? Your efforts to excuse bad behavior is why black people are incarcerated far more than every other culture in this nation. Bad behavior is acceptable in your community, in fact its expected.

No one cares what you think happened. In my life I have seen white people call Blacks racial slurs and get their asses beat to the ground and then swear they were not doing anything. I hope this little girl did not do the same thing.
I did caucasoid. I still hope she didn't do what you did and call the girl a racial slur and that caused her to get beat like you got your ass beat when you were a kid.

In my life time, ive seen countless racial slurs thrown at white people, but I cant think of a single time ive EVER seen a white person call a black person the "N word". Ive seen it on video, but never in person. You know as well as everyone else that that girl didn't use a racial slur. She was attacked because violent racism is rampant in the black community, and black people like you are far too eager to always try and blame the victim. Remember Zimmerman? Your efforts to excuse bad behavior is why black people are incarcerated far more than every other culture in this nation. Bad behavior is acceptable in your community, in fact its expected.

No one cares what you think happened. In my life I have seen white people call Blacks racial slurs and get their asses beat to the ground and then swear they were not doing anything. I hope this little girl did not do the same thing.
That never happened. Youve NEVER seen a white person call a black person a ******, then get beat up. Do you ever tell the truth? No one believes in your fake world history, so we sure as fuck dont believe in your fake personal history. Fool! :lol:
You got this all wrong... Blacks can't be convicted of a hate crime. They are always the "victim".
In my life time, ive seen countless racial slurs thrown at white people, but I cant think of a single time ive EVER seen a white person call a black person the "N word". Ive seen it on video, but never in person. You know as well as everyone else that that girl didn't use a racial slur. She was attacked because violent racism is rampant in the black community, and black people like you are far too eager to always try and blame the victim. Remember Zimmerman? Your efforts to excuse bad behavior is why black people are incarcerated far more than every other culture in this nation. Bad behavior is acceptable in your community, in fact its expected.

No one cares what you think happened. In my life I have seen white people call Blacks racial slurs and get their asses beat to the ground and then swear they were not doing anything. I hope this little girl did not do the same thing.
That never happened. Youve NEVER seen a white person call a black person a ******, then get beat up. Do you ever tell the truth? No one believes in your fake world history, so we sure as fuck dont believe in your fake personal history. Fool! :lol:

Hysterically denying it didnt happen only shows you know its true. Sucks doesnt it? :lol:
Fraudboy, why do you have to make one of my favorite symbols look so weak? You's a fraud boy, ain't nothin Sinister about your pansy ass :)
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