Black guy who killed white guy avoids jail because the white guy had called him a racial slur

It's beginning to look like forever at this point. What can stop this black violence against whites? So far, it just gets worse and worse and worse and homeless shacks full of blacks are taking over the cities, one after the other. Nobody stops the crime. Whatever blacks do bad, that's supposed to be okay.
It could be stopped. Quickly. If enough people get pissed off enough, and decide to put an end to it. Once and for all.

But the vicious crimes will continue as long as these animals are allowed to slide, instead of being SEVERELY punished for their never-ending, vicious crimes.
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I stopped it. I moved about 200 miles from the nearest blue shithole metro. I live in a tiny almost completely white Midwest rural town, where it's clean and quiet and crime free and well armed, and the only graffiti we see is what goes by on the sides of train cars.
That's the best solution. TOTAL segregation would be a blessing.

They call us wacists for not wanting to live near them. But look at their behavior. They will never, ever, change.
It could be stopped. Quickly. If enough people get pissed off enough, and decide to put an end to it. Once and for all.

But the vicious crimes will continue as long as these animals are allowed to slide, instead of being SEVERELY punished for their never-ending, vicious crimes.

You know, for like ever, it's been said that whites are horrible people. We've killed millions of Jews, American indians, enslaved blacks and Asians. Which, in all honesty is true.
But we've evolved into pretty nice folks, for the most part. Most of us aren't out rioting and burning down the business this THUG was employed when he murdered the guy. We're not burning down the town because of the leftist judge.

Maybe we should be. We are still the majority in this country. And being treated like we were dogs.
It's getting pretty old.
You know, for like ever, it's been said that whites are horrible people. We've killed millions of Jews, American indians, enslaved blacks and Asians. Which, in all honesty is true.
But we've evolved into pretty nice folks, for the most part. Most of us aren't out rioting and burning down the business this THUG was employed when he murdered the guy. We're not burning down the town because of the leftist judge.

Maybe we should be. We are still the majority in this country. And being treated like we were dogs.
It's getting pretty old.
It's time for the reckoning. I hope I get to see it.
We were like that 40 years ago ---- but time passes and the refuse of Baltimore moves north.

I had a landlord a few years ago, who asked me (more like made sure) I wasn't dating blacks. Or had really close black friends. When he started throwing out those questions, I was thinking, damn, this dude is really racist.
Anyways, I assured him I was not doing any of those things, and he let me rent the house.
After I got to know him, I found out his reasoning.

Two renters before me, was a single black woman with a teenage son. He never met the son when he rented her the house. She was very nice, respectful. Worked two jobs, one as a CNA. Within two months, the cops had been called to the house 3 times. Violence, drugs and vandalizing the old saw mill behind the house.
Since the mom was at work most of the time, the son would have parties and raise all kinds of hell. And the mom rarely knew what was going on, until the cops were called.

So, the landlord did an inspection and found holes in the walls. Bullet holes in the ceiling and roof. A couple of dead animals behind their fence, that had been shot.

So, no more blacks. Period. End of story.
It's time for the reckoning. I hope I get to see it.

The democrat leadership is trying their best to squelch this racist BS. The moderate democrats are abandoning ship. BLM is losing most of it's funding. So things are quieting down. Note this incident happened a little while ago. (last year I think).

So hopefully, this will all fade away like a bad dream. I'd hate for a civil war to break out. Cause I know some decent black folks who didn't buy into all the BLM racist crap. And knowing the white rednecks around here, (country boys), it could get bloody.

If it does happen, I hope it's in the cities like Chicago, Detroit and the Bronx.
"cook was a registered sex offender"


The negroid didn't know that.
We're not taking up for the old man he murdered. We're against the black privilege that the thug is enjoying.
If two white guys can go to jail for life, because one other white guy shoots a black thug in self defense, then this POS negroid should do the same time.

Equality should mean equal.
It's beginning to look like forever at this point. What can stop this black violence against whites? So far, it just gets worse and worse and worse and homeless shacks full of blacks are taking over the cities, one after the other. Nobody stops the crime. Whatever blacks do bad, that's supposed to be okay.

Black folks make up about 13% of this country. Out of those, I suppose 40 to 50% of them are POS negroid thugs. The decent black folks won't be taking up for the negroids.
Let's see, 330 million people, that's about 20 million negroids, Subtract the 5 million that are in prison. That leaves us with about 15 million negroids. You can probably subtract 5 million more because they'd be too chickenshit once it started. So that's 10 million. Which leaves about 200 million white folks. Deduct about 5 million who are in prison. Then deduct at least 60% of those, for the elderly, children and the lefties who wouldn't fight to protect their own children. That leaves us with a little over 100 million white folks against 10 million negroids. I like those odds. Especially with the weapons us white folks have.

Surely they don't want a race war, do they? I hope not. But then again, it would save a lot of white folks from being murdered, raped and robbed. Heck, it would save a lot of decent black folks from being murdered, raped and robbed too.

Supposedly a 77 yr old white man called him a racial slur. Supposedly! There is no proof of it. Regardless if he did, words do not allow you to attack someone, unless they are viewed as threats of immediate violence. Then he punches a 77 year old man and kills him. He punched him as hard as he could breaking him jaw and sending him falling to the ground where he hit his head and died! 2nd degree murder for sure.

Yet, he was charged with involuntary manslaughter, which got plea down to house arrest. HOUSE ARREST!!! They say he didn’t mean to kill an elderly man he punch in the face as hard as he could!!! You have to be kidding me!

This is ridiculous. They sentence a cop to 1st degree murder for holding down a black criminal who is ODing on fentanyl and resisting arrests. But a black kid who kills a white man is given house arrest. This country is going to hell!
Obviously if a black man kills a white man he will now tell the cops that the white man used a racial slur. It will work like like a charm.

Of course if a black man uses a racial slur while talking to a white man and it is recorded on a dozen phones, the white man will still be charged with murder plus a hate crime.

Our nation has gone batshit crazy.
Black folks make up about 13% of this country. Out of those, I suppose 40 to 50% of them are POS negroid thugs. The decent black folks won't be taking up for the negroids.
Let's see, 330 million people, that's about 20 million negroids, Subtract the 5 million that are in prison. That leaves us with about 15 million negroids. You can probably subtract 5 million more because they'd be too chickenshit once it started. So that's 10 million. Which leaves about 200 million white folks. Deduct about 5 million who are in prison. Then deduct at least 60% of those, for the elderly, children and the lefties who wouldn't fight to protect their own children. That leaves us with a little over 100 million white folks against 10 million negroids. I like those odds. Especially with the weapons us white folks have.

Surely they don't want a race war, do they? I hope not. But then again, it would save a lot of white folks from being murdered, raped and robbed. Heck, it would save a lot of decent black folks from being murdered, raped and robbed too.

You cuck Whites aren't going to do a damn thing but continue to lay down and take it.
You know, for like ever, it's been said that whites are horrible people. We've killed millions of Jews, American indians, enslaved blacks and Asians. Which, in all honesty is true.
But we've evolved into pretty nice folks, for the most part. Most of us aren't out rioting and burning down the business this THUG was employed when he murdered the guy. We're not burning down the town because of the leftist judge.

Maybe we should be. We are still the majority in this country. And being treated like we were dogs.
It's getting pretty old.

As time moved on, whites have become more civilized during the same time blacks became more uncivilized. This is why desegregation was the worst thing whites did to themselves. Don't kid yourself though, there were plenty of whites involved in those riots.
That's the best solution. TOTAL segregation would be a blessing.

They call us wacists for not wanting to live near them. But look at their behavior. They will never, ever, change.

It would be the best for whites, but not for blacks. The American blacks are the only group of people in the world constantly trying to get away from their own kind. They do this for good reason.
As time moved on, whites have become more civilized during the same time blacks became more uncivilized. This is why desegregation was the worst thing whites did to themselves. Don't kid yourself though, there were plenty of whites involved in those riots.

It's hilarious to see a cuck white talk about becoming more civilized as you complain about the end of segregation.

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