Black guy who killed white guy avoids jail because the white guy had called him a racial slur

It could be stopped. Quickly. If enough people get pissed off enough, and decide to put an end to it. Once and for all.

But the vicious crimes will continue as long as these animals are allowed to slide, instead of being SEVERELY punished for their never-ending, vicious crimes.
There was another one just yesterday: looks like a black guy (the news didn’t say report his race), swinging a hammer at what appears to be an Asian man in a NYC subway station.

Supposedly a 77 yr old white man called him a racial slur. Supposedly! There is no proof of it. Regardless if he did, words do not allow you to attack someone, unless they are viewed as threats of immediate violence. Then he punches a 77 year old man and kills him. He punched him as hard as he could breaking him jaw and sending him falling to the ground where he hit his head and died! 2nd degree murder for sure.

Yet, he was charged with involuntary manslaughter, which got plea down to house arrest. HOUSE ARREST!!! They say he didn’t mean to kill an elderly man he punch in the face as hard as he could!!! You have to be kidding me!

This is ridiculous. They sentence a cop to 1st degree murder for holding down a black criminal who is ODing on fentanyl and resisting arrests. But a black kid who kills a white man is given house arrest. This country is going to hell!

I kind of think we should hold a cop to a higher standard of conduct than a Dunkin employee.

The lib’s are going overboard to correct history’s ills and trying to avoid putting any blacks in prison. Yet at the same time they’ve locked up the trespassers from January 6, because…..whitey.

We are putting plenty of blacks in prison. This young man had no criminal history, and was clearly provoked by the victim, and plead guilty to his crime.

Yes; look at what they are doing with those people who had a protest at the Capitol last Jan. 6. I think that's terrible. Long sentences for the whites --- but blacks kill old white people and no problem, let them go.

Most countries would have executed the 1-6 terrorists.
There was another one just yesterday: looks like a black guy (the news didn’t say report his race), swinging a hammer at what appears to be an Asian man in a NYC subway station.

The guy was also mentally ill and wearing a woman's wig...

So, yes, we have seen an uptick in attacks on Asians after Trump spent a year blaming Asians for Covid. Imagine that.

True. The service is almost non-existent. There is never anyone at the register, and you have to flag someone down from the kitchen to take your order. Then you have to wait, and wait, and wait. Sometimes there are 10 people milling around at the counter, waiting for their order. And then, half the time the order is wrong.

The problem is that nobody wants to work. They advertise $15 an hour, and still….no takers. Between the food stamps, and subsidized housing, and free medical, and cash payments for the kids, there’s not much incentive to pick up a few hours a day for extra money.

Oh, noes, you mean people aren't willing to be exploited to make other people rich? The Horror. The Horror of it all!!!

I agree, the quality of service at fast food has gone down. We might all have to learn how to cook for ourselves again!
The extra sad thing is that one of them, who did nothing worse than enter the Capitol and upload a video he took, couldn’t stand the demonization by his own government and committed suicide.

1) Black kid kills elderly white man - no jail time

2) White man in peaceful protest - thrown in prison by his government government and treated like a domestic terrorist.

January 6 was an act of terrorism.

It was not "Peaceful". 143 Capitol Police officers were injured and one died

I'm really worried about how black violence and homeless takeover of cities is getting worse and worse and nobody stops it!

I worry about that too. We ended programs to treat mental illness and relieve poverty, and we wonder why we have a "crime" problem.

It amazes me that we live in the world you Right Wingers have brought us, and you are miserable in it.

The important thing is, rich people got their tax cuts.
Because you haven't become more civilized. Your culture still believes in treating black people like second class citizens It's just that you've been so cucked that you pussies no longer have the balls to. 😄

Yes, we have become much more civilized. That's why the only safe places to live in the US are white suburbs. The worst domestic terrorist attack in 2021 was because of a black terrorist. We sat back and are still sitting back quietly as the process takes place. We are not running around destroying our own businesses.
Black folks make up about 13% of this country. Out of those, I suppose 40 to 50% of them are POS negroid thugs. The decent black folks won't be taking up for the negroids.
Let's see, 330 million people, that's about 20 million negroids, Subtract the 5 million that are in prison. That leaves us with about 15 million negroids. You can probably subtract 5 million more because they'd be too chickenshit once it started. So that's 10 million. Which leaves about 200 million white folks. Deduct about 5 million who are in prison. Then deduct at least 60% of those, for the elderly, children and the lefties who wouldn't fight to protect their own children. That leaves us with a little over 100 million white folks against 10 million negroids. I like those odds. Especially with the weapons us white folks have.

Surely they don't want a race war, do they? I hope not. But then again, it would save a lot of white folks from being murdered, raped and robbed. Heck, it would save a lot of decent black folks from being murdered, raped and robbed too.
I actually think the POS blacks are far less than 50% of all blacks. The majority of blacks are working-to-middle class (as are most people), and I’d guess less than 20% are the lowlife thugs who behave like savages.

The problem is that the decent blacks aren’t up in arms, throwing the book at them when they behave like rabid animals, to get them locked up in prison for the maximum. It would send message: “we are appalled by the behavior of these blacks, and they don’t represent us, and we want them away from decent society as much as you do.”

Instead, what do we have? BLM activists making demands that whitey better give them special privileges, elected blacks saying their goal is to keep blacks from going to prison (one even said her goal was to get rid of ALL prisons), another elected black screeching at a white woman about her “white rage,” etc.

Blacks should be the FIRST ones hollering from the rooftops to get these lowlife thugs into prison, and yet we have them defending them or making excuses for them.
In cases like this I always ask where the family is. If I were younger and this guy killed my grandfather, he would mysteriously disappear one night after serving his two year house arrest. Nobody would ever see him again.

Yes, Ray, we know you are a walking hate crime looking for a place to happen.

I’ve been called a K to my face, and didn’t hit anyone or break any property. I told the person I never wanted to hear from her again and stormed out of the restaurant. (I stopped up front to settle my bill.)

How much of a stereotype are you that a total stranger knows you are Jewish?

Good for you. Jeepers, people are so antagonist in public these days.

Yes, they are. Polite society is breaking down and we are all doomed.

Of course, I've been hearing that all of my life, and I'm nearly 60.

The only time death is deserved is if the person killed another person. Sex offender can mean a lot of things.

Funny, you thought that Joseph Rosenbaum's status as a convicted sex offender totally justified Rittenhouse gunning him down in the middle of the street, and then gunning down two more people who tried to take him into custody.

He just hit the old creepy cracker... You should admire his restraint.

You cuck Whites aren't going to do a damn thing but continue to lay down and take it.
^^^ this is an example of what I just spoke about. Instead of expressing revulsion at what that black lowlife did, this poster jusr threatens that whitey is going to lay down and take it.
Not surprised US message board fans are siding with this guy:

Cook was arrested in 2006 after police raided his home at the time, on 19th Street near University Mall, and found surveillance cameras mounted around a bed, homemade videos and DVDs and boxes of photographs of nude young men and boys, according to news reports at the time.

Police said Cook enticed teen boys into his home with comic books, video games and candy. He then used the boys for his pornographic fantasies, including filming himself performing sex acts with a 16-year-old boy, police said. At the time of his arrest, Cook told reporters that he was not guilty, saying there was no evidence the photographs were child pornography.

Cook was sentenced in 2008 to five years in prison for a range of charges including lewd and lascivious battery on a child, using a child in a sexual performance and several counts of unlawful sex with a minor. He was released in 2011.

Victim in fatal Tampa Dunkin’ punch case identified
Yes, we have become much more civilized. That's why the only safe places to live in the US are white suburbs. The worst domestic terrorist attack in 2021 was because of a black terrorist. We sat back and are still sitting back quietly as the process takes place. We are not running around destroying our own businesses.

Why should we? the whole system is designed to cater to white people. When Rush Limbaugh goes to the same prison that a black drug user goes to, then you can truly loot and rob to your heart's content.

I actually think the POS blacks are far less than 50% of all blacks. The majority of blacks are working-to-middle class (as are most people), and I’d guess less than 20% are the lowlife thugs who behave like savages.

Funny, the shit you say about blacks sounds like the kind of shit Dr. Goebbels used to say about Jews.

The problem is that the decent blacks aren’t up in arms, throwing the book at them when they behave like rabid animals, to get them locked up in prison for the maximum. It would send message: “we are appalled by the behavior of these blacks, and they don’t represent us, and we want them away from decent society as much as you do.”

I guess that when they see black kids go to prison for the kinds of things that white people get a pass for, they don't have any faith in the Criminal Justice system nor should they.

Instead, what do we have? BLM activists making demands that whitey better give them special privileges, elected blacks saying their goal is to keep blacks from going to prison (one even said her goal was to get rid of ALL prisons), another elected black screeching at a white woman about her “white rage,” etc.

Here's the thing. The Prison Industrial Complex is a crime against humanity. Most industrialized nations do NOT lock up millions of people like we do. Blacks make up 13% of the population and 40% of people in prison.
Yes, we have become much more civilized. That's why the only safe places to live in the US are white suburbs.

Whites in the suburbs don't need criminals to come after them, they do a fine job of shooting themselves in the face. Suicide by gun deaths in the country vastly outnumber gun deaths by violent crime, white and black and those suicides are overwhelmingly done by middle class white men. I guess being complete cucks takes its toll. 😄
The worst domestic terrorist attack in 2021 was because of a black terrorist. We sat back and are still sitting back quietly as the process takes place. We are not running around destroying our own businesses.
Who thinks this other than fringe white wing mutants and morons? As far as civilized society is concerned the biggest terrorist attack in our country happened on 1/6. That's the power of propaganda. It doesn't even matter if we riot. We've primed your country to agree with our cause, morally and financially, so when we do riot what is shown to us is empathy. Where is the moral argument for segregation? Who's that winning with? Where's the moral argument for over turning Democracy? If you can't win the argument then you can't win support and then it doesn't matter what the fuck you do, you will always been seen as the bad guy. The deplorable. 😁
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Yup. They made a media circus of a white teen trying to defend himself - with the goal of putting him in prison for the rest of his life - and you don’t hear a word about the black thug who intentionally murdered many whites. When is HIS trial going to be in TV, with gangs of angry whites outside the courthouse to ensure the jury puts him away?

The problem here is that there is no doubt this man WILL spend the rest of his life in either prison or a mental institution. It's a foregone conclusion.

Rittenhouse, on the other hand, gunned down three people in the street and was acquitted.
G-d forbid I’m ever attacked by some lowlife POS, but if I am, I sure hope it’s a white guy. If I have evidence, he’s going to prison. But if it’s a black guy, all the racists on the left will come out to make ME look like the bad one in order to keep the black guy from paying for his crime.
If it's kids I agree with you. But if some guy feels up his GF and she gets angry and prosecutes him, that's a different story.

Try to keep up. The guy went to prison for 5 years for molesting teen boys and making kiddie porn. And he was an old racist. No wonder the kid got off so lightly.

As time moved on, whites have become more civilized during the same time blacks became more uncivilized. This is why desegregation was the worst thing whites did to themselves. Don't kid yourself though, there were plenty of whites involved in those riots.

Yes, there were. People got fed up with police brutality in general.

You see, here's the ugly truth. Most people really don't like cops. And most of it has to do with cops who abuse their authority.

It would be the best for whites, but not for blacks. The American blacks are the only group of people in the world constantly trying to get away from their own kind. They do this for good reason.

Yeah, who would want to live in a slum and collect welfare. I mean besides you, Welfare Ray.
G-d forbid I’m ever attacked by some lowlife POS, but if I am, I sure hope it’s a white guy. If I have evidence, he’s going to prison. But if it’s a black guy, all the racists on the left will come out to make ME look like the bad one in order to keep the black guy from paying for his crime.

Actually, if you were ever involved in an altercation with a black guy, you'd better hope they don't discover all the racist shit you spew here all the time.

Here's the thing. If anything, black people are MORE likely to pay for their "crimes" than white people. Blacks get prison, whites get probation. Blacks get prison, whites get drug rehab.

We have more black men in prison than college, and you incessantly get on here and complain too many are being admitted to college.

Whites in the suburbs don't need criminals to come after them, they do a fine job of shooting themselves in the face. Suicide by gun deaths in the country vastly outnumber gun deaths by violent crime, white and black and those suicides are overwhelmingly done by middle class white men. I guess being complete cucks takes its toll. 😄

Who thinks this other than fringe white wing mutants and morons? As far as civilized society is concerned the biggest terrorist attack in our country happened on 1/6. That's the power of propaganda. It doesn't even matter if we riot. We've primed your country to agree with our cause, morally and financially, so when we do riot what is shown to us is empathy. Where is the moral argument for segregation? Who's that winning with? Where's the moral argument for over turning Democracy? If you can't win the argument then you can't win support and then it doesn't matter what the fuck you do, you will always been seen as the bad guy. The deplorable. 😁

Suicides happen all across the country and globe. It's not a white suburban thing. Even if it was, it's not the same as violent crime that comes when blacks move in. If the guy next door kills himself, he's no threat to me and even less of a threat now that he's gone.

1/6 was an anomaly that lasted less than 8 hours. The Democrats were hoping something like that would happen which is why they refused President Trump's offer to have the national guard there before anybody even arrived. Yet since the second term of Hussein, there have been three riots by blacks in just a matter of a few years, the most recent one lasting for months in some places.

1/6 was an attack against our government. The black terrorist however deliberately targeted a white area to indiscriminately kill innocents for no reason other than his hatred for whites. So no, 1/6 was not the largest terrorist attack last year.
Not surprised US message board fans are siding with this guy:

Cook was arrested in 2006 after police raided his home at the time, on 19th Street near University Mall, and found surveillance cameras mounted around a bed, homemade videos and DVDs and boxes of photographs of nude young men and boys, according to news reports at the time.

Police said Cook enticed teen boys into his home with comic books, video games and candy. He then used the boys for his pornographic fantasies, including filming himself performing sex acts with a 16-year-old boy, police said. At the time of his arrest, Cook told reporters that he was not guilty, saying there was no evidence the photographs were child pornography.

Cook was sentenced in 2008 to five years in prison for a range of charges including lewd and lascivious battery on a child, using a child in a sexual performance and several counts of unlawful sex with a minor. He was released in 2011.

Victim in fatal Tampa Dunkin’ punch case identified

Let's not forget, the Right Wingers thought that Rittenhouse was totally justified in SHOOTING an unarmed man because he was convicted of child molestation 20 years earlier when he was barely a kid himself.

But this child molestor goes into a store, threatens the staff to the point where they call the cops, and gets punched in the mouth after screaming a racial slur, and he's a right wing martyr.
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