Black guy who killed white guy avoids jail because the white guy had called him a racial slur

Supposedly a 77 yr old white man called him a racial slur. Supposedly! There is no proof of it. Regardless if he did, words do not allow you to attack someone, unless they are viewed as threats of immediate violence. Then he punches a 77 year old man and kills him. He punched him as hard as he could breaking him jaw and sending him falling to the ground where he hit his head and died! 2nd degree murder for sure.

Yet, he was charged with involuntary manslaughter, which got plea down to house arrest. HOUSE ARREST!!! They say he didn’t mean to kill an elderly man he punch in the face as hard as he could!!! You have to be kidding me!

This is ridiculous. They sentence a cop to 1st degree murder for holding down a black criminal who is ODing on fentanyl and resisting arrests. But a black kid who kills a white man is given house arrest. This country is going to hell!
Read the whole report:
The guy was asked twice to leave the premise and he didn't and he racially abused him. He then punched him...

So this guy who basically probably panicked and punched him...

Lets remember the guy rushed into the business, was asked to leave and he started off in racial slurs... Sorry but the young kid wasn't looking for a fight or was the aggressor, comparing this to the Tryvon Martin case the guy could be considered unlucky...
Read the whole report:
The guy was asked twice to leave the premise and he didn't and he racially abused him. He then punched him...

So this guy who basically probably panicked and punched him...

Lets remember the guy rushed into the business, was asked to leave and he started off in racial slurs... Sorry but the young kid wasn't looking for a fight or was the aggressor, comparing this to the Tryvon Martin case the guy could be considered unlucky...

So that warrants him physically attacking the customer? We don't do that in a civilized society. The piece of shit was not threatened in any way, he just got pissed off for being called what he was. Call the police and let them handle it.
Still wrong Lisa. Maybe that's why you couldn't get into college. If a black man is walking behind you you're more likely to think he's following you because you're a racist. You're still more likely to be attacked by a white man. That's what the statistics say you moron.

No, what statistics say is that per capita, blacks lead the country in all violent crime.
He also misrepresents what I’ve said - which is what bigoted leftists do. I never said too many blacks get into college. I said that we shouldn’t be admitting a black who would otherwise be rejected simoly because he’s black, and displacing a better-qualified white.

I don't know how much discussions you've ever had with OCD Joe, but 90% of what he posts are nothing but lies. You can waste time proving it was a lie over and over again, but it's a waste of time because he'll keep on telling the same lie.

If you ask him about covid deaths during Trump, he will tell you those deaths are Trump's fault because the buck stops with him. Ask him about covid deaths under Dementia that exceeded Trump even though he had three vaccines to work with, he will tell you it's Republicans that are causing the deaths and Dementia has no control over that.

This is how a warped mind works. If you don't believe he's that much of a liar, just ask him about the covid deaths under both Presidents. You'll see for yourself.
No, what statistics say is that per capita, blacks lead the country in all violent crime.

The problem is that you morons don't know how to apply statistics appropriately, maybe you idiots don't even really understand what they mean, conceptually.

Black men are more likely to be violent criminals compared to white men, though most men of either group are more likely to be law abiding citizens. White men however also drastically outnumber black men so in terms of total number of violent crimes both groups commit around the same. And because of our highly segregated society these violent crimes are usually committed against people of the same race. So while black men might be statistically more likely to commit violent crimes compared to white ones, white women are undoubtedly more likely to suffer a violent crime at the hands of a white one. Statistics compare very specific variables, you can't just apply them to whatever you feel like.
Considering though that they are a small portion of society and far more likely to attack other black people Lisa is far more likely to be assaulted by a white man than a black one and that white man is far more likely to escape justice. That's what the actual numbers say.

If we had an equal population, yes. But blacks are much more uncivilized so your chances of being attacked by blacks regardless of what race you are is much higher than whites.
In this country, suicide by gun is predominantly a white male thing while violent crime in black neighborhoods a reflection of socio-economic disparities. Segregation isn't going to help it, segregation is one of the underlying causes.

The majority of democratic law makers were not hoping for that. A lot of them are actually too stupid to understand what and who you guys are. I'm not though and yes, I do hope you continue to act out as you continue to lose more and more of your country and your culture. That can only hasten your extinction. 😄

Only according to your little cuck feelings. Did it launch a F.B.I. and Congressional Investigation?

No, it's a local investigation. The Communists are in total charge now and they would never dream of launching a federal investigation. Just look at Hunter. He illegally purchased a firearm from a gun store and not even a slap on the hand. That's how Communists cover for each other. if anybody else did that, they would be facing federal charges and possibly prison time.

There are no soci-economic disparities in this country. We all have the ability to go to school, go to college, learn a trade, and make personal decisions for ourselves like having children. If you blacks spent as much time trying to solve your problems as you do making excuses, you would be much further ahead economically.

Right now we have a dementia patient running the country, and his poll numbers almost guarantee a Republican sweep next election. Yes, Commie Whorris advertised a Go Fund Me account to bailout lowlifes so they could get back out in the street to riot some more. Another commie Mayor called her riots the Summer of Love. So yes, they wanted to keep the riots going as long as possible for political reasons. Forget the injured cops, destroyed businesses, damage to public property. Winning is all that counts to a Democrat.

The problem is that you morons don't know how to apply statistics appropriately, maybe you idiots don't even really understand what they mean, conceptually.

Black men are more likely to be violent criminals compared to white men, though most men of either group are more likely to be law abiding citizens. White men however also drastically outnumber black men so in terms of total number of violent crimes both groups commit around the same. And because of our highly segregated society these violent crimes are usually committed against people of the same race. So while black men might be statistically more likely to commit violent crimes compared to white ones, white women are undoubtedly more likely to suffer a violent crime at the hands of a white one. Statistics compare very specific variables, you can't just apply them to whatever you feel like.

That commie trick doesn't work with me. The problem with you leftists is that you want everybody to be as stupid as you are. I'm talking per capita, or don't you understand what that means? Of course whites will slightly exceed you in the numbers because we are five times your population. More whites hit the lottery too. It's not that we are any luckier, it's because we outnumber you so badly.

Supposedly a 77 yr old white man called him a racial slur. Supposedly! There is no proof of it. Regardless if he did, words do not allow you to attack someone, unless they are viewed as threats of immediate violence. Then he punches a 77 year old man and kills him. He punched him as hard as he could breaking him jaw and sending him falling to the ground where he hit his head and died! 2nd degree murder for sure.

Yet, he was charged with involuntary manslaughter, which got plea down to house arrest. HOUSE ARREST!!! They say he didn’t mean to kill an elderly man he punch in the face as hard as he could!!! You have to be kidding me!

This is ridiculous. They sentence a cop to 1st degree murder for holding down a black criminal who is ODing on fentanyl and resisting arrests. But a black kid who kills a white man is given house arrest. This country is going to hell!
It was flat out murder---the Tampa judge and the defendent both should put in prison.

Still wrong Lisa. Maybe that's why you couldn't get into college. If a black man is walking behind you you're more likely to think he's following you because you're a racist. You're still more likely to be attacked by a white man. That's what the statistics say you moron. 😄

Also Jesse Jackson gets to say that because he's black. 😁
Right. I was the top student in my university.

And again, if a black man is walking behind me, statistically he is more likely to attack me than a white man walking behind me.

And the fact that you‘re saying Jackson is allowed to point out the same thing because he’s black, and whitey girl is accused of being a racist when she says the identical thing just just what a racist YOU are.
the old fucker was a convicted sex offender....maybe he got what he deserved....
Sex offender or not, the murderer didn't know that---still doesn't give the murderer the right to murder. BTW, he was convicted of having nudes of men and underage boys---if you really want to say this is ok---then I think most gay males can now be killed off wholesale.
You're wrong again...

"sentenced to two years of house arrest after pleading guilty to felony battery."
I’m not “wrong”, the guy went before a judge and was sentenced. This topic is trolling, I’m only in here responding because I got a quote notification.

A gotcha topic blaming liberals for something 1 judge did = trolltopic
Sex offender or not, the murderer didn't know that---still doesn't give the murderer the right to murder. BTW, he was convicted of having nudes of men and underage boys---if you really want to say this is ok---then I think most gay males can now be killed off wholesale.
i said maybe he got what he deserved....and if the gay male has pictures of underage boys then that should tell you right there what he is about...
No, it's a local investigation. The Communists are in total charge now and they would never dream of launching a federal investigation. Just look at Hunter. He illegally purchased a firearm from a gun store and not even a slap on the hand. That's how Communists cover for each other. if anybody else did that, they would be facing federal charges and possibly prison time.

You know, if you people were a little less stupid and racist we might actually have decent country. You morons are why we can't have nice things.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer aren't Communists you dipshit, they are crony capitalists, along with the vast majority of politicians save the small few who refuse to take bribe money from the wealthy and large corporations. Those would be members of the Justice Democrats or The Squad as you all of come to call them, the progressive wing of American politics who got elected into office with small dollar donations from millions of poor and middle class Americans.
There are no soci-economic disparities in this country. We all have the ability to go to school, go to college, learn a trade, and make personal decisions for ourselves like having children. If you blacks spent as much time trying to solve your problems as you do making excuses, you would be much further ahead economically.
Your racist tropes aren't a substitute for facts. White American middle class families have on average 10x the wealth of black families and even more wealth on average than married black couples in high income jobs. That doesn't even address the wealth disparities among communities. It's really not p
difficult to understand why this wealth gap is so large, it's only been 57 years since white racists where legally prevented from beating and assaulting black people just trying to have lunch at the same counter as you.
Right now we have a dementia patient running the country, and his poll numbers almost guarantee a Republican sweep next election. Yes, Commie Whorris advertised a Go Fund Me account to bailout lowlifes so they could get back out in the street to riot some more. Another commie Mayor called her riots the Summer of Love. So yes, they wanted to keep the riots going as long as possible for political reasons. Forget the injured cops, destroyed businesses, damage to public property. Winning is all that counts to a Democrat.
None of that will be the reason Democrats lose control of Congress in the mid-terms if that happens. Election results show the popular vote is with Democratic Party and has been for nearly 2 decades.
Right. I was the top student in my university.

And again, if a black man is walking behind me, statistically he is more likely to attack me than a white man walking behind me.
No, he isn't more likely to attack you. It doesn't matter how you try to word it you moron, you are more likely to be assaulted by a white man before a black one.
And the fact that you‘re saying Jackson is allowed to point out the same thing because he’s black, and whitey girl is accused of being a racist when she says the identical thing just just what a racist YOU are.
No, Jackson is allowed to say it because he is more likely to be assaulted by a black man than a white man. Black people are more likely ro assaulted by black people and white are more likely to be assaulted by other whites. This isn't that hard you incredibly morons. 😂

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