Black guy who killed white guy avoids jail because the white guy had called him a racial slur

I would look at recent figures.
Before you even declared for what purpose? What question are you trying to answer? For some questions, looking back at the the entire history of rape and non-consensual sex would be more appropriate. If we did that an were inclined to view all of American history instead of just the recent past, we'd see sexual violence being perpetuated overwhelming by white men against women of all races and nationalities.
You are an idiot. Look at it like a math problem. We already know the answer. We have the statistics. White women are far more likely to be assaulted by white men. That is a cold hard fact. You keep trying to invent word problems to fit your racist point of view but your answer still keeps coming up wrong. You're variables are off. Black men don't assault white women at the same rate they do black women. Until you account for that inconvenient fact (and I don't see why it should be inconvenient, I'd think you'd want to know who you should actually be weary of) your answer will continue to reflect a different reality than the one we live in.
None of that changes the fact that in any given individual situation involving a black man and a white man, I am more likely to be hurt by the black man. It’s simple math.
None of that changes the fact that in any given individual situation involving a black man and a white man, I am more likely to be hurt by the black man. It’s simple math.
No you idiot, facts change things quite a bit. It's a fact that white men assault white women at a greater rate than black men do. You are indeed more likely to be assaulted by a white man. How fucking stupid are you? Honestly.... 😂
Before you even declared for what purpose? What question are you trying to answer? For some questions, looking back at the the entire history of rape and non-consensual sex would be more appropriate. If we did that an were inclined to view all of American history instead of just the recent past, we'd see sexual violence being perpetuated overwhelming by white men against women of all races and nationalities.
You're playing the 'history' card? ;)
You're playing the 'history' card? ;)
I'm explaining to you the importance of context when doing analysis. Look at that moron Lisa. She can't separate the context of reality from her fear of black men. She actually said if she were assaulted she'd hope it was a white guy because then they'd more likely face justice. 😄 Which group of people in this country has escape justice more than violent white men?
So that’s how the leftist system was able to keep the violent black kid out of prison. He was guilty of manslaughter: someone died as a result of his felony battery. Minimum sentence of 9.5 years.

Why wouldn’t he be charged with manslaughter, other than to make sure a black guy doesn’t go to prison?
Because he's black. That's "social justice".
I'm explaining to you the importance of context when doing analysis. Look at that moron Lisa. She can't separate the context of reality from her fear of black men. She actually said if she were assaulted she'd hope it was a white guy because then they'd more likely face justice. 😄 Which group of people in this country has escape justice more than violent white men?
Don't you think that at some point we have to update the statistics? Maybe separate the North from Southern slavery. I doubt if many black women were raped in the north during that period.
I had a landlord a few years ago, who asked me (more like made sure) I wasn't dating blacks. Or had really close black friends. When he started throwing out those questions, I was thinking, damn, this dude is really racist.
Anyways, I assured him I was not doing any of those things, and he let me rent the house.
After I got to know him, I found out his reasoning.

Two renters before me, was a single black woman with a teenage son. He never met the son when he rented her the house. She was very nice, respectful. Worked two jobs, one as a CNA. Within two months, the cops had been called to the house 3 times. Violence, drugs and vandalizing the old saw mill behind the house.
Since the mom was at work most of the time, the son would have parties and raise all kinds of hell. And the mom rarely knew what was going on, until the cops were called.

So, the landlord did an inspection and found holes in the walls. Bullet holes in the ceiling and roof. A couple of dead animals behind their fence, that had been shot.

So, no more blacks. Period. End of story.
Hey, the mom surely noticed the holes in the walls and ceilings and roof and the dead animals lying around. They know, they just don't care.

Our neighbor across the street started renting his house out and got a lot of bad renters, but the last lot was black. I took him to task for that, and he said the single mom worked at the base, she was fine, very respectable.

Un-huh. They could never mow their lawn -- I don't care, this is a farm so who cares, but the owner had to come over and do it for them. When it snowed, they never shoveled so they got stuck halfway up the driveway and had to call a tow-truck. The teenage son started selling drugs: someone would park on the road and phone him, presumably, and he climbed up the hill most nights and sold something to them thru the window. I could see everything. He suddenly had to go into the Army; I assume the police caught him.

Then they left out suddenly --- without taking any of their stuff. My neighbor had to move in TWO (2!) 32-foot dumpsters and move everything out into the dumpsters himself.

Served him right, the turkey.
The negroid didn't know that.
We're not taking up for the old man he murdered. We're against the black privilege that the thug is enjoying.
If two white guys can go to jail for life, because one other white guy shoots a black thug in self defense, then this POS negroid should do the same time.

Equality should mean equal.

Doesn't matter

He got lucky

Nobody cares

His punishment can be explained by that line alone.
Don't you think that at some point we have to update the statistics? Maybe separate the North from Southern slavery. I doubt if many black women were raped in the north during that period.
There was probably more rape than you imagine but sure, I see no reason statistics shouldn't be updated with new information.
It's not racist bias. The only way to examine what group of people do X is to use per capita, and not as a whole when the whole is five times larger.
I know what per capita means moron, but if you want an accurate assessment you need to account for all the variables and the fact is black men do not assault white women at the same rate as black women or the same rate as white men.
Bet he didn't. Africans have been known to lie to avoid punishment.
And do dumb things. If he wanted the old guy out of the store why did he knock him to the floor. He could have "bum-rushed" him out of the door. Or he could have simply called the police. Instead he welcomed the opportunity to strike him, without regard to possible serious injury. It's no different than blacks shooting up a neighborhood with no thought or regard for who they might strike and kill. Same with "Knock 'em out" events. The perp has no regard for serious injuries that might result from a fall to the concrete pavement or curb.
I'm explaining to you the importance of context when doing analysis. Look at that moron Lisa. She can't separate the context of reality from her fear of black men. She actually said if she were assaulted she'd hope it was a white guy because then they'd more likely face justice. 😄 Which group of people in this country has escape justice more than violent white men?
That’s historically. NOW, the pendulum has swung far to the other side where blacks get leniency and whites get the book thrown at them. Just consider how this violent black kid who ended up killing someone is getting no prison and the whites who trespassed into the Capitol are getting 60-year sentences.
That’s historically. NOW, the pendulum has swung far to the other side where blacks get leniency and whites get the book thrown at them. Just consider how this violent black kid who ended up killing someone is getting no prison and the whites who trespassed into the Capitol are getting 60-year sentences.
If that were true then you could point to the statistics that say whites are more often convicted compared to blacks or that white people were given harsher sentences on average, but you can't because that isn't actually happening.
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keep on making excuses for the must think underage boys are ok....
No...I just said that if the criteria for being allowed to punch some guy to death is just having nude photos of nude photo of gay men and teens---then there are a whole lot of gay males that can now legally be punched to death with nothing more than probation.

And hell if we are now allowed to kill criminals now as also implied---then there is no reason entire housing projects can't be targeted.

Oh hell, and name calling---if calling someone a bad name means they get to kill you---I've got lots people who have called me names...many on this board.

I mean if we are going to use these criteria for killing...
It's not racist bias. The only way to examine what group of people do X is to use per capita, and not as a whole when the whole is five times larger.
Exactly! Anyone who pretends not to get that is playing dumb intentionally.

Here’s one: I am much more likely to be run over by a driver between the ages of 16 and 70 than I am a 15-year-old with a driver’s permit. Why? Because there are more adult drivers than there are student drivers.

But if I am driving and the “learner” is behind me, he is much more likely to ram into my car than an adult driver. So when I have to come to a sudden stop, I sure hope it’s an adult driver behind me than some kid with no driving experience.

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