Black guy who killed white guy avoids jail because the white guy had called him a racial slur

The guy was also mentally ill and wearing a woman's wig...

So, yes, we have seen an uptick in attacks on Asians after Trump spent a year blaming Asians for Covid. Imagine that.

What Asians? All Asians? No. Just the ones who created and spread the virus in China. Yes, they were Asians. But that's because this all started in China. Where those Asian scientist lived and worked. I never, and you never heard Trump blame Asians, all Asians for this virus. And you know it.

You're just stretching because you're not smart enough, or you're too much of a party loyalist to admit the truth.
January 6 was an act of terrorism.

It was not "Peaceful". 143 Capitol Police officers were injured and one died

I worry about that too. We ended programs to treat mental illness and relieve poverty, and we wonder why we have a "crime" problem.

It amazes me that we live in the world you Right Wingers have brought us, and you are miserable in it.

The important thing is, rich people got their tax cuts.
It was a riot. Cops often get injured in a riot.

It was not an insurrection. An basically unarmed mob does not overthrow a government.

The events of Jan. 6, 2021, are misunderstood, and the failure to correct the record could be damaging to both America’s future and its justice system. Words have to have meaning, and the continuous mislabeling of the U.S. Capitol breach as an “insurrection” is an example of how a false narrative can gain currency and cause dangerous injustice.

WSJ Opinion Potomac WatchWhat's Missing From Congress's Jan. 6 Agenda


Many crimes undoubtedly took place at the Capitol that day. Demonstrators rioted, destroyed government property and in some instances engaged in acts of violence. Many are charged with violating 18 U.S.C. 371, which makes it a crime “to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States,” and with underlying charges of civil disorder, disorderly conduct, entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, destruction of government property, and obstruction of an official proceeding.
These are important criminal charges that shouldn’t go unaddressed. But of the hundreds of “Capitol Breach Cases” listed at the Justice Department’s prosecution page, not one defendant is charged with insurrection under 18 U.S.C. 2383. That’s because insurrection is a legal term with specific elements. No prosecutor would dare mislabel negligent homicide or manslaughter a murder, because they are totally distinct crimes. The media has no legal or moral basis to do otherwise.
The events of Jan. 6 also fail to meet the dictionary definition of insurrection, which Merriam-Webster defines as “an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.” A usage note adds that the term implies “an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds.” A closely related term, “insurgency,” is “a condition of revolt against a government that is less than an organized revolution and that is not recognized as a belligerency.”
having nude photos of gay men adults is just a little bit difference than having nude photos of under age boys....if you have the latter you are a fucking pedophile....quit making excuses for the asswipe...

The thug didn't know the white guy. He didn't know anything about him. So he wasn't trying to rid the earth of a sex abuser, a child molester, a rapist or anything else. He murdered the guy because he's violent thug who thought his negroidness gave him the entitlement to murder a white man over a word.
Don't call a black man a N9gger and expect not to be knocked on your ass. It's not ok to deck the racist, but the racist has no right to use the word.

Just a word to the wise.
I don't use the word but I sometimes think it whenever I see a black person acting like one. If black people want to expunge the term they should stop using it on themselves, and stop behavior that expresses the term.
Actually they use house arrest because most prisons are over crowded. Judges also want to make sure the accused is low risk for taking off from their home, perhaps to get even with somebody that testified against them. Here one guy got house arrest, left home and poured battery acid on the girl that had him arrested.
A good reason to build more prisons.
you must be like that are pathetic.....why dont you go and find one of those types of forums....
Why are you attacking me over posting the facts? I'm a straight woman btw----who lived several in years in an apartment complex that was 95% gay males. Their dating rituals and rules for engagement is a bit different than everyone elses. If a 17 year old gay males wants to date an older gay male---for money or otherwise, you aren't going to stop it.
It seemed more like a "wilding" event.
Jan 6th does fit the Urban Dictionary definition of wilding.

Wilding: Uptown New York term for when someone (Male or female) doing something so crazy, obscene or outright ridiculous.
Yo deadass that dude right there is wilding, real talk fam.

Yo real talk that dude is wilding for respect, who's man's is that!!
I don't use the word but I sometimes think it whenever I see a black person acting like one. If black people want to expunge the term they should stop using it on themselves, and stop behavior that expresses the term.

I think everyone should use it, for the simple fact that ngrs are just that. And are different from decent black folks. Letting a few radical racist dictate our vocabulary is just retarded. When I call someone a ngr, that's what he is. A POS low life thug with no self respect or respect for anyone else, who is black.
I got another word for the whites who fit that description. In fact, I have several words for them. White trash is just one of them.
Who here could do two years of house arrest?
We came close to doing several months under COVID. Our Dem Governor only let us go out for groceries, medicine, and medical appointments. I’m sure the same applies to house arrest.
I actually think the POS blacks are far less than 50% of all blacks. The majority of blacks are working-to-middle class (as are most people), and I’d guess less than 20% are the lowlife thugs who behave like savages.

The problem is that the decent blacks aren’t up in arms, throwing the book at them when they behave like rabid animals, to get them locked up in prison for the maximum. It would send message: “we are appalled by the behavior of these blacks, and they don’t represent us, and we want them away from decent society as much as you do.”

Instead, what do we have? BLM activists making demands that whitey better give them special privileges, elected blacks saying their goal is to keep blacks from going to prison (one even said her goal was to get rid of ALL prisons), another elected black screeching at a white woman about her “white rage,” etc.

Blacks should be the FIRST ones hollering from the rooftops to get these lowlife thugs into prison, and yet we have them defending them or making excuses for them.
I, unfortunately, grew up and spent decades in an area heavily populated by blacks. The schools were filled with them, and ruined by them. I know black nightclub owners, restaurant owners, jazz, blues, and funk musicians, prostitutes, druggies, a couple of imprisoned rapists, an accountant, several teachers. A wide assortment of people, good and bad. But - imo, most white people greatly underestimate the percentage of truly awful, dangerous and worthless assholes within that population. Many would gladly slice your fucking throat, given the opportunity.

I was always supportive of their struggles for equality, jobs, opportunities of all kinds. But the decades of riots, brainless destruction, thievery and crimes of all kinds, have changed those supportive feelings.

The rise of BLM and the overall attitude of entitlement, thinking they can cause all the problems they choose to, and get away with it. The way they think the world owes them a fucking living, etc. I find disgusting. Today I couldn't care less what happens to them. I just want to be away from them. Far, away from them.
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I, unfortunately, grew up and spent decades in an area heavily populated by blacks. The percentage of thugs within the black population is MUCH higher t
I‘ve seen both sides. My early childhood (1960s) was in a straight middle class neighborhood, a mix of college-educated parents and some small business owners. The black households consisted of married parents who wanted their kids to do well in school, and participated in the PTA.

Then I saw the flip side in 1968, when blacks set Washington DC on fire after MLK was assassinated. My folks kept us kids far away from the bad parts for months, but eventually we ventured downtown. I was shocked at the damage done, and for what purpose? Even 10 years later, when I would go downtown, you still saw shells of buildings they destroyed.
And do dumb things. If he wanted the old guy out of the store why did he knock him to the floor. He could have "bum-rushed" him out of the door. Or he could have simply called the police. Instead he welcomed the opportunity to strike him, without regard to possible serious injury. It's no different than blacks shooting up a neighborhood with no thought or regard for who they might strike and kill. Same with "Knock 'em out" events. The perp has no regard for serious injuries that might result from a fall to the concrete pavement or curb.
They are not a deep thinking race. Governed mostly by emotion and not known for thinking things thru.
Don't you think that at some point we have to update the statistics? Maybe separate the North from Southern slavery. I doubt if many black women were raped in the north during that period.
95% of black women are "unrapeable"


You cuck Whites aren't going to do a damn thing but continue to lay down and take it.

There's probably no need to escalate this, since the DNC is sending down their orders from on high to the media to stop focusing the racist groups like BLM and the black panthers. The negroid racist are being told to sit down and STFU. Why? Because y'all actin a fool and it's going to cost the DNC votes and donations.
Y'all don't even know who your real masters are.

Your DNC leader, Jaime Harrison. And ex lobbyist from the Padesta group that's still under investigation for lobbying violation dealing with.... UKRAINE.. LMAO.. Y'all genius for sure.


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