Black guy who killed white guy avoids jail because the white guy had called him a racial slur

yea thats what it means.....keep making excuses for the old pedophile.......

I don't even care about the old pedophile. He's not the point. And you know it. You're just trying to change the subject to keep from having to admit your boi is an entitled thug.

I'd probably do the same thing if I was a black racist, who is embarrassed by the thugs with my skin color.
One thing worth mentioning.

"Yet for Black women, the numbers are even more stark. More than 40% of Black women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime, according to the Institute of Women’s Policy Research’s Status of Black Women in the United States."
Probably because theyre oftentimes so loud, vulgar, and mouthy
You honestly think some half wit grassroots is going to change the system that's in place? Bro, there's no way. We're passed all that. That wasn't even possible as far back as the 50's.
I'm sure that's what they thought too until the end of segregation came around. The one constant there is is that things always change.
How the hell does a black ex lobbyist who sided with big coal (recently) during the Obama administration get to be the DNC chair? By not giving a damn about negroids or white trash or their little organizations. They get their by those with more money than all your little grassroots donations combined.
The Justice Democrats pulled in more money typically than their establishment opponents from average Americans $10 at a time.
Radical progressives will sit down and STFU, or they won't get re-elected. The DNC will make sure that their democratic opponent is financially well healed, and that the media in their districts push for the DNC's chosen candidate. All those little donations from individuals won't even matter if you can't get your face on TV.
They tried that in the last election and they all got re-elected.
That's how it works bro. Look at Rand Paul. He had to come out and endorse Trump to get re-elected. He had to squelch his honesty about how corrupt the republicans were to get re-elected.
Thats your side bro. I never told you to support cucks.
I'm sure that's what they thought too until the end of segregation came around. The one constant there is is that things always change.

Bro, the end of segregation came because it was just wrong to start with. And because the wrongs and the violence was was being committed on so many innocent black people. They were segregated because of their race. There wasn't some fictitious BS, like the numbers the black racist have been spewing for the last 5 year. When BLM's BS numbers started being exposed for the lies and half truths they were, then it all started coming unraveled.
Like blacks are more likely to get shot by a cop. Percentage wise, maybe. But still more whites are being shot by cops. So that narrative was destroyed.
The number of blacks being shot by cops is pretty high. But then we found out that like 99% of them were either armed and shooting at the cops, or was about to.
So once again, the race hustlers lost that argument.
And time after time, BLM's arguments were destroyed. Why? Because turns out blacks had a LOT better than they did during segregation. There's more black in college now a days than in any other time in history. There's millions of middle class black people who made it out of poverty into middle class, upper class, millionaire and billionaire status. And we had a black president.
But the race hustlers that got you still stuck on stupid, don't want you to think about the war on blacks being lost many MANY decades ago. They don't want y'all celebrating the victory.
They want y'all dumbed down and bitching. Making fools of yourselves so THEY can collect donations to pad their banks accounts and get their faces on TV. Like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. Hell, they don't even want y'all judging the white man by his character.

And let's not forget, had it NOT been for so many non racist white people in the 40's, 50's and 60's, blacks would've been segregated for a lot longer. Luckily for the blacks, racist white folks were NOT the majority back then. Just as they're not the majority now.
The Justice Democrats pulled in more money typically than their establishment opponents from average Americans $10 at a time.

They tried that in the last election and they all got re-elected.

Thats your side bro. I never told you to support cucks.

I said what I said. It is what it is.
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Bro, the end of segregation came because it was just wrong to start with.
I can't agree: As a child I lived under segregation and now I see it was a WHOLE lot safer than I feel now, with all the terrible crime. With the schools impossible for white children to attend. Segregation had a purpose and now that there is so much black crime and animal-like behavior on planes, in stores, everywhere, just wild thrashing about, we see what that purpose was.
I can't agree: As a child I lived under segregation and now I see it was a WHOLE lot safer than I feel now, with all the terrible crime. With the schools impossible for white children to attend. Segregation had a purpose and now that there is so much black crime and animal-like behavior on planes, in stores, everywhere, just wild thrashing about, we see what that purpose was.

Safer is one thing. But there's a lot of factors that would've changed, had segregation ended or not. But telling someone they can't eat with white people because they're blacks. Or go to school with whites. Or all the other things blacks weren't allowed to do. That's just wrong.

"All men are created equal, with certain unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." There are no caveats in that statement.
Safer is one thing. But there's a lot of factors that would've changed, had segregation ended or not. But telling someone they can't eat with white people because they're blacks. Or go to school with whites. Or all the other things blacks weren't allowed to do. That's just wrong.

"All men are created equal, with certain unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." There are no caveats in that statement.
I would prefer that people, including store owners, renters, etc. had rights about who they wanted to associate with. You could put up a sign, "No Irish" if you wanted. Well, "No blacks" these days. The rules about having to sell and rent to people no one wants in the neighborhood for EXCELLENT reasons are oppressive and have caused us all to have to live next door to crime, crime, crime.
If that creature were white, she'd be gaged and hog tied within a minute.

Black privilege permits this to go on in public places

Here's a little food for thought about how the black community is being manipulated and controlled. Go to Youtube and search for "violent black woman." Then look at the results. You'll get a thousands BS video's before you actually get to a black chicks getting out of line. Most of the ones where the black chick is acting a fool, it's usually more about the white cop who was having to detain her. (and the lawsuit).
Point being Google and Youtube are part of this race hustling BS.

A note to add: Now do a search with "violent white woman." The results are actually close to what you're searching for. Not so much when you change White to Black in the search...
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I would prefer that people, including store owners, renters, etc. had rights about who they wanted to associate with. You could put up a sign, "No Irish" if you wanted. Well, "No blacks" these days. The rules about having to sell and rent to people no one wants in the neighborhood for EXCELLENT reasons are oppressive and have caused us all to have to live next door to crime, crime, crime.

I wished we all had that right too. Then maybe the blacks would see just how non racist white folks really are. I have a small business. And some of my best customers are black. When I get negroids in the shop, or white trash, I treat them as such. Suddenly I'm out of the parts I need, the time to make the repairs are extremely long or the quoted price is triple what I'd normally charge.

Being a bad person has nothing to do with your race. Only your character. Even if you're surrounded by thugs, a person with a good character won't be a thug.
I would prefer that people, including store owners, renters, etc. had rights about who they wanted to associate with. You could put up a sign, "No Irish" if you wanted. Well, "No blacks" these days. The rules about having to sell and rent to people no one wants in the neighborhood for EXCELLENT reasons are oppressive and have caused us all to have to live next door to crime, crime, crime.

First we need to abolish the Fair Housing Laws. Home owners and landlords are forced to sell or rent to people they know will be a problem for the neighborhood simply because they are a minority. Blacks in particular cannot segregate themselves by class because the lower class blacks will follow the middle-class blacks and they all get lumped into one group.
I don't even care about the old pedophile. He's not the point. And you know it. You're just trying to change the subject to keep from having to admit your boi is an entitled thug.

I'd probably do the same thing if I was a black racist, who is embarrassed by the thugs with my skin color.
im changing the subject?.....i was talking about the old pedo.....your the one trying to make it about the other guy.....
Safer is one thing. But there's a lot of factors that would've changed, had segregation ended or not. But telling someone they can't eat with white people because they're blacks. Or go to school with whites. Or all the other things blacks weren't allowed to do. That's just wrong.

"All men are created equal, with certain unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." There are no caveats in that statement.

Going to places and living together are two separate things. The problem is them moving into our areas, not getting a big mac combo at our local McDonald's.
Like blacks are more likely to get shot by a cop. Percentage wise, maybe. But still more whites are being shot by cops. So that narrative was destroyed.
The number of blacks being shot by cops is pretty high. But then we found out that like 99% of them were either armed and shooting at the cops, or was about to.
So once again, the race hustlers lost that argument.

Where they really lost the argument is there is no law in any state that denies one to use deadly force against an unarmed attacker. As a CCW holder in my state, I can tell you our laws mirror other states. The law states "A CCW holder is legally allowed to use deadly force if they believe they (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death." Nowhere does it state they have to be armed.

30 years ago I would have had a hard time proving my case that I believed I was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm against a young physically fit attacker. Today at the age of 61 with a lot of medical problems, I can make that case. I'm 6'3" and back then worked out with weights. I was not only a big guy, but a black belt in Kenpo. A prosecutor could make the case I was more than able to defend myself against an unarmed attacker. Now, the law would be on my side.

Police have to abide by the same laws we do. A police officer (if prosecuted) would have to demonstrate he (or she) believed they or others were in jeopardy of serious bodily harm by a suspect if they used deadly force. However they don't have to prove the suspect was armed or attacking them while armed.
Where they really lost the argument is there is no law in any state that denies one to use deadly force against an unarmed attacker. As a CCW holder in my state, I can tell you our laws mirror other states. The law states "A CCW holder is legally allowed to use deadly force if they believe they (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death." Nowhere does it state they have to be armed.

30 years ago I would have had a hard time proving my case that I believed I was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm against a young physically fit attacker. Today at the age of 61 with a lot of medical problems, I can make that case. I'm 6'3" and back then worked out with weights. I was not only a big guy, but a black belt in Kenpo. A prosecutor could make the case I was more than able to defend myself against an unarmed attacker. Now, the law would be on my side.

Police have to abide by the same laws we do. A police officer (if prosecuted) would have to demonstrate he (or she) believed they or others were in jeopardy of serious bodily harm by a suspect if they used deadly force. However they don't have to prove the suspect was armed or attacking them while armed.

BLM used all the propaganda they could muster. And for the most part it worked. They got recognition. They got funded. Then they got rich. And now, their money is being investigated and they're easing back into the shadow's, like the black panthers did, once everyone figured out they were also a bunch of racist thugs.

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