Black guy who killed white guy avoids jail because the white guy had called him a racial slur

No, it's because many in our country are ignorant of our laws just like you. The Minnesota incident ended up in nearly an immediate arrest of the officer. The other two riots the police were found to be not guilty of the phony charges against them. However uncivilized people were unhappy with how civilized people conduct a lawful society and rioted.

A society where the police murder people without due process is not "civilized".

My city was one of the greatest places to live before blacks moved in and HUD targeted our area for destruction. Since that time it's been taken over by Democrats who only further the destruction by moving in more lowlifes.

Tell us again how not racist you are, Ray.. that never gets old.

They will try to play it down and did so with the help from the MSM by getting the story off the table as quickly as possible. What little we do know about that guy is he didn't live in the area and was a staunch BLM supporter. His social media posts (which were erased) displayed his hatred for white people just like you. While the extension of the Democrat party (MSM) are keeping the 1/6 story alive for well over a year now, the terrorist attack in Wisconsin was reported on less than a week; many more people injured and more people killed including a child.

Actually, his story had about as much shelf life as the white loser who shoots up a school or a shopping mall.

1/6 is actually kind of a big deal. It was an attempt to overthrow democracy in this country. Everyone involved belongs in prison for the rest of his life, including the Trump Crime Family

If you weren't such a born hypocrite, I'd ask you what do you think would have happened if a white guy deliberately went to an all black area and did the same? But as we both know, you'd never honestly answer.

I would actually look at the case. No one has really proven this guy went out to kill white people that day. What has been proven is that he's mentally ill.

So this thread is about how yet another black POS is getting away with killing, with NO jail time, compared to the decades-long prison sentence whiteys get for doing much less, and….you’re back to condemning whitey. Typical anti-white liberal racist.

Except it was an accident, and the dead child molester incited the incident by threatening the staff of that donut shop.

I say nothing racist. All I am doing is reporting on the double standards these days when a black commits murder vs a white who trespasses on federal property and kills nobody.

Except he didn't commit murder, he committed involuntary manslaughter. As opposed to the 1/6 Traitors who tried to overthrow democracy in this country.

No, we thought the white kid was justified in shooting a BLM savage who was threatening his life - and thankfully the jury agreed. Just because you’re out committing arson to support a Blaxk cause doesn’t mean you get carte blanche to kill someone.

Not sure how an unarmed midget was threatening his life, exactly... or the other two people who tried to take him into custody after he shot the midget.

Back with the lies again I see. Limbaugh didn't go to the same people drug addicts go to, that's why he was never arrested or charged. People who buy dope from others on the street are easily busted because it's a no brainer for detectives or police officers to setup.

Oh, I see, it's okay that Limbaugh got his drugs through his maid and his doctor instead of a sleaze street dealer!
White Privilege. I love it!

And that doesn't tell you anything?????
That we live in a racist society... um, yeah.
He also misrepresents what I’ve said - which is what bigoted leftists do. I never said too many blacks get into college. I said that we shouldn’t be admitting a black who would otherwise be rejected simoly because he’s black, and displacing a better-qualified white.

But admitting a legacy or an athlete is perfectly fine.

Who is "better qualified"? The people you say are?
So that warrants him physically attacking the customer? We don't do that in a civilized society. The piece of shit was not threatened in any way, he just got pissed off for being called what he was. Call the police and let them handle it.

Oh, so it's okay to call black people the N-word? I am sure you do that all the time, Ray. Oh, no, you don't. You're too chickenshit.

If you ask him about covid deaths during Trump, he will tell you those deaths are Trump's fault because the buck stops with him. Ask him about covid deaths under Dementia that exceeded Trump even though he had three vaccines to work with, he will tell you it's Republicans that are causing the deaths and Dementia has no control over that.

Trump didn't start with the virus in the whole country, (because Trump failed to contain it) after his predecessor made masking and vaccinations a social issue. Vaccines don't do much good if you have 1/3rd of the population refusing to take them.

No, it's a local investigation. The Communists are in total charge now and they would never dream of launching a federal investigation. Just look at Hunter. He illegally purchased a firearm from a gun store and not even a slap on the hand. That's how Communists cover for each other. if anybody else did that, they would be facing federal charges and possibly prison time.
He bought a gun. Big deal. A lot of people who shouldn't have guns buy them. Thanks, National Rampage Association.

There are no soci-economic disparities in this country. We all have the ability to go to school, go to college, learn a trade, and make personal decisions for ourselves like having children. If you blacks spent as much time trying to solve your problems as you do making excuses, you would be much further ahead economically.
For those playing along at home, Ray lives in a slum because he can't move somewhere else, collects disability because he doesn't want to take another job that pays slightly less, and for years, refused to leave his job that wouldn't pay for his insurance because other jobs weren't what he wanted.

But Blacks are making excuses... not Ray.

No you racist idiot. If I am standing in the doorway, waiting for the bus, i am more likely to be killed or raped by a black guy walking by then a white guy.

If I am standing in a doorway, it is more likely that a white man will walk by me than a black man (depending on the area of course), because there are more whites than blacks. But once we are in the position of having a white or black walk by, the black is more likely to assault me than the white. Simple statistics.

Most people aren't murdered standing in doorways. It's like saying, "If I am standing on one leg in the rain, I am more likely to be killed by a Chinese guy."

The reality, if you are raped or murdered, it is more likely it will be by someone you know, usually of the same race.
That’s historically. NOW, the pendulum has swung far to the other side where blacks get leniency and whites get the book thrown at them. Just consider how this violent black kid who ended up killing someone is getting no prison and the whites who trespassed into the Capitol are getting 60-year sentences.

Actually, the longest sentence handed out for the January 6 TREASON is five years.

The problem was this kid wasn't "violent". He defended himself when confronted by a ranting racist pedophile by punching him. And then the guy died 3 days later, probably because he was really old and lived a debauched lifestyle.
A society where the police murder people without due process is not "civilized".

Every shooting has due process, but you have to be intelligent enough to know the law which you are not.

Tell us again how not racist you are, Ray.. that never gets old.

How can truth be racist?

Actually, his story had about as much shelf life as the white loser who shoots up a school or a shopping mall.

1/6 is actually kind of a big deal. It was an attempt to overthrow democracy in this country. Everyone involved belongs in prison for the rest of his life, including the Trump Crime Family

Only a complete moron would think that our democracy was threatened by a bunch of unarmed yahoos. You are such a puppet, that's why your party loves people like you.

I would actually look at the case. No one has really proven this guy went out to kill white people that day. What has been proven is that he's mentally ill.

Right, he didn't kill his own people where he lived, and he didn't express his hatred of white people, and he didn't support BLM either. Hey! I have a bridge for sale if you're ever in the area.

Oh, I see, it's okay that Limbaugh got his drugs through his maid and his doctor instead of a sleaze street dealer!
White Privilege. I love it!

He never got any drugs from his maid. If he did, that too would have been such an easy of a setup for authorities. All they would have to do is attach a hidden camera and mic on her. She and her ex-con husband found out about his addiction and blackmailed him until it got to the point he didn't want to go along with it any further. That's why they turned him in. In any case, he got hooked on prescription medication, not recreational drugs like street drug addicts. That's the difference between lowlifes who use the stuff for enjoyment and those that had a legitimate reason for using those drugs in the first place.

That we live in a racist society... um, yeah.

Sure, that must be it. It can't be because of that race committing most of the violent crimes in this country.
^^^ racist alert.

The lesson is: don’t behave like a savage and knock an elderly man (or anyone) to the ground because you don’t like what he said.

The lesson is, don't go screaming racial epitaphs at people, especially when they are younger and bigger than you are.


Not really----GAY TEENS like to take photos of their stuff and other gay men like to look at that stuff. A lot of them actively look for sugar daddies and post stupid shit THEMSELVES-- Having a photo of a gay teen who wants to show off his stuff (boy) is alot different than having photos of underage boys or girls who don't want and didn't put their stuff out there.

I didn't read the details of the charges so I am not sure which one that he was but given the active smears---I'd say that if it wasn't some willing teen boys and men sending him nude photos verses real underage victims then the media would have pointed this out.

Maybe you should read the details of the charges.

The guy lured teens into his home and filmed himself having sex with them. This wasn't "some kid sent me his nude selfie" kind of charge.

This is why the county probably settled. They didn't want the facts about their victim aired in a court. "Oh, you punched a kiddy-diddler to death? Here's your medal!"
Oh, so it's okay to call black people the N-word? I am sure you do that all the time, Ray. Oh, no, you don't. You're too chickenshit.

When did I say it was okay liar?

Trump didn't start with the virus in the whole country, (because Trump failed to contain it) after his predecessor made masking and vaccinations a social issue. Vaccines don't do much good if you have 1/3rd of the population refusing to take them.

Thanks for proving my point hypocrite.

He bought a gun. Big deal. A lot of people who shouldn't have guns buy them. Thanks, National Rampage Association.

He lied on a federal firearms application which is a felony. It is a big deal if your father isn't a US Hitler.

For those playing along at home, Ray lives in a slum because he can't move somewhere else, collects disability because he doesn't want to take another job that pays slightly less, and for years, refused to leave his job that wouldn't pay for his insurance because other jobs weren't what he wanted.

But Blacks are making excuses... not Ray.

Ray lives in a once great area until the blacks moved in which this self-hating white is quite aware of. Ray collects disability because a government doctor determined I can no longer work thanks to a bunch of worthless bureaucrats. Ray had healthcare insurance his entire adult life until that Kenyan lawn jockey moved into the White House with his pig wife and destroyed employer sponsored insurance. But as I stated so often, the best part of being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault.
We have that right. Some just lack gumption to do it. Moving sucks. Moving to a new place is scary. If you want to move to an all white town, then go for it. Last year, I was dead set on retiring in MX. I was down to packing my bags, my man. I've always enjoyed the Mexican people, their culture and their food. The only thing that stopped me was Mexico raising their income requirements to just a little more than what my retirement brings in. And I didn't want to hop skip and jump back and forth across the border every 6 months.
What a sec? Mexico has an income requirement for Americans to immigrate there, and we are accepting millions of low-income illegals from Mexico? Perhaps that could be another thread.
Not really a capital offense, since it can't be proven that he knew the person would die or intended to kill him.

However, involuntary manslaughter charges would have been justified.
Yes, I looked up the Florida law. It says that when someone dies as a result of your committing a felony, it’s manslaughter. Carries with it a minimum sentence of 9.5 years. MINIMUM.

If a white kid did this to an elderly black man, it would be the lead story on every liberal media channel, and leftists would be calling for his head. But in the effort to keep the “blacks are oppressed“ lie going, they downplay it.

The worst racist crime was the black lowlife thug, out of jail on bond after committing another violent crime, who located a large group of whiteys, and ran them down and murdered them in cold blood. Where‘s the coverage for that? It happened around the same time the white kid defended himself against the BLM savages, and we had liberals more enraged that a white kid broke curfew than a lifelong black criminal murdered six whites.
Every shooting has due process, but you have to be intelligent enough to know the law which you are not.
Says the guy who thinks every police shooting of a black person is "justified".

How can truth be racist?
Your racism isn't truth. It's a mental defect. Get help before you hurt someone.

Only a complete moron would think that our democracy was threatened by a bunch of unarmed yahoos. You are such a puppet, that's why your party loves people like you.

Unarmed Yahoos that stormed the capitol, threatening to murder the Vice President and Members of Congress, and managed to injure 143 Capitol Police officers.

Right, he didn't kill his own people where he lived, and he didn't express his hatred of white people, and he didn't support BLM either. Hey! I have a bridge for sale if you're ever in the area.

The guy lived in Milwaukee. Waukesha is a suburb of Milwaukee.
He was fleeing from the police when the incident happened.
Stuff he posted on the internet is irrelevant. If you shot a black person, would you want the stuff you posted on USMB introduced into court?

He never got any drugs from his maid. If he did, that too would have been such an easy of a setup for authorities. All they would have to do is attach a hidden camera and mic on her. She and her ex-con husband found out about his addiction and blackmailed him until it got to the point he didn't want to go along with it any further. That's why they turned him in. In any case, he got hooked on prescription medication, not recreational drugs like street drug addicts. That's the difference between lowlifes who use the stuff for enjoyment and those that had a legitimate reason for using those drugs in the first place.

they have the emails where he asked his made to get him pills. He got hooked on prescription meds and then started getting them illegally.

The Enquirer said the Clines backed up their claim of being Limbaugh's drug suppliers by providing e-mails Limbaugh allegedly sent them with such messages as, "You know how this stuff works ... the more you get used to, the more it takes."

The messages also mention "small blue babies," an apparent reference to the painkillers.

According to Wilma Cline's story, Limbaugh's descent into drug addiction happened after she told him that her husband was hurt in a fall from a ladder and that he was taking hydrocodone.

"To my astonishment, he said, 'Can you spare a couple of them?"' she told the Enquirer.

She said David Cline was impressed by who Limbaugh was and gave him 10 pills from his prescription.

Now, as much as an awful human being Rush Limbaugh was, I don't think he should have gone to prison. I also think the prosecutor going after him was an abuse of power in that he just wanted a celebrity scalp to hang on his wall.

But compare him to Richard Paey, a man who was legitimately crippled, who was convicted of drug trafficking because he received too many drugs at one time. They put him on trial three times before getting a conviction.

Sure, that must be it. It can't be because of that race committing most of the violent crimes in this country.

Yup, must be it. Mostly because white people get probation, black people get prison and lifetime criminal records.

Now, I've talked about my Trump loving brother I haven't talked to because he's pals with one of the leading perps that BLM is upset about. When he was young, he got into all sorts of trouble with drugs and petty vandalism. His excuse- he was going through a lot because of our parents being ill. (Funny, I went through the same thing, and did such anti-social things as "Getting a college degree" and "Serving my country") Well, because my older sisters kept bailing him out, making sure he got good legal representation, and of course, being treated well by the system because he was white, he was eventually able to get a good job and make a life for himself. (He's still an asshole, though). The ironic thing is that he's all law and order and defends thug cops that would have probably shot him 30 years ago if he were black.

We don't have equal justice in this country. Anyone who pretends we do is a liar or a racist or both.
What Asians? All Asians? No. Just the ones who created and spread the virus in China. Yes, they were Asians. But that's because this all started in China. Where those Asian scientist lived and worked. I never, and you never heard Trump blame Asians, all Asians for this virus. And you know it.

You're just stretching because you're not smart enough, or you're too much of a party loyalist to admit the truth.

Like you bigots can tell the difference between Filipinos and Chinese when you go on one of your Trump inspired hate crimes.
But admitting a legacy or an athlete is perfectly fine.

Who is "better qualified"? The people you say are?
I’ve said before I’m opposed to both.

The better-qualified are the people who have demonstrated they can bear succeed in a competitive, challenging academic program. That’s dohe through the record of academic accomplishment - grades and scores. You don’t let reject white kids with a 3.8 and top MCAT scores from med school to admit black kids with a 3.2 and mediocre scores, simoly because they’re black.

It’s racist to base admissions decisions on race. But liberals are fine with racism, as long as it goes against whites and Asians.
Yes, I looked up the Florida law. It says that when someone dies as a result of your committing a felony, it’s manslaughter. Carries with it a minimum sentence of 9.5 years. MINIMUM.

If a white kid did this to an elderly black man, it would be the lead story on every liberal media channel, and leftists would be calling for his head. But in the effort to keep the “blacks are oppressed“ lie going, they downplay it.

Um, yeah, because the guy was a convicted felon, pedophile and racist. That's why no one is getting all that upset that he died in an accident he instigated.

Frankly, I think this kid settled too easy. This happened in Florida, which has a "Stand your Ground" law, and you can use deadly force if you feel threatened.

The worst racist crime was the black lowlife thug, out of jail on bond after committing another violent crime, who located a large group of whiteys, and ran them down and murdered them in cold blood. Where‘s the coverage for that? It happened around the same time the white kid defended himself against the BLM savages, and we had liberals more enraged that a white kid broke curfew than a lifelong black criminal murdered six whites.

1) There was plenty of coverage for that.
2) The Waukesha incident happened Nov. 21, 2021. The Rittenhouse Rampage (where THREE people were shot) happened August 25th 2020. So 15 months apart, not "around the same time".
3) If you want to have a discussion, let's start with why a man with lifelong mental health issues received no treatment. Then you wonder why he is eventually involved in an incident with loss of life. (And I put the same onus on white mass shooters.)
’ve said before I’m opposed to both.

But you spend all your time here whining about Blacks getting into good schools.

The better-qualified are the people who have demonstrated they can bear succeed in a competitive, challenging academic program. That’s dohe through the record of academic accomplishment - grades and scores. You don’t let reject white kids with a 3.8 and top MCAT scores from med school to admit black kids with a 3.2 and mediocre scores, simoly because they’re black.

Sure you do, if you are trying to create a greater good. Let's look at that. The White kid with 3.8 graduates medical school, and sets up a practice injecting old white women with botox.


The Black kid goes back to his community and provides medical care to the underserved. Which provides the greater good?

It’s racist to base admissions decisions on race. But liberals are fine with racism, as long as it goes against whites and Asians.

Asians are going to be fine. (I am still waiting for you to post that proof that Asians were being rejected for being ugly.)
Asians simply haven't encountered 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow. Whites have benefited from it.
Ray lives in a once great area until the blacks moved in which this self-hating white is quite aware of. Ray collects disability because a government doctor determined I can no longer work thanks to a bunch of worthless bureaucrats. Ray had healthcare insurance his entire adult life until that Kenyan lawn jockey moved into the White House with his pig wife and destroyed employer sponsored insurance. But as I stated so often, the best part of being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault.

Ray lived in a crappy city that became crappier when rich people moved all the jobs away, but he blames poor people because that's how he's been conditioned.
Ray was told he couldn't drive a truck, not that he couldn't work. He seems to realize that 99% of the population earns a living NOT driving trucks.
Ray missed that the number of people who were uninsured dropped because of ObamaCare, which is why Republicans weren't as keen to end it as they keep telling you. But his bottom feeder boss saw an opportunity to drop health care because he knew Ray would keep bending over.

Now, funny thing, I've suffered economic setbacks every time a Republican gets into office. But unlike you, I just don't throw up my hands and say, "Woe is me". I do something about it.
Actually, the longest sentence handed out for the January 6 TREASON is five years.

The problem was this kid wasn't "violent". He defended himself when confronted by a ranting racist pedophile by punching him. And then the guy died 3 days later, probably because he was really old and lived a debauched lifestyle.
No need to “defend yourself” against words. You’re in no danger. A CIVILIZED person would have walked away, like I did when someone called me a K.
It's beginning to look like forever at this point. What can stop this black violence against whites?

1. standardize recognition of CWPs across all states.

2. Pass a ‘Constitutional Carry’ amendment.
But you spend all your time here whining about Blacks getting into good schools.

Sure you do, if you are trying to create a greater good. Let's look at that. The White kid with 3.8 graduates medical school, and sets up a practice injecting old white women with botox.

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The Black kid goes back to his community and provides medical care to the underserved. Which provides the greater good?

Asians are going to be fine. (I am still waiting for you to post that proof that Asians were being rejected for being ugly.)
Asians simply haven't encountered 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow. Whites have benefited from it.
I never said Asians were rejected from Harvard for being ugly. That‘s your racist attitude toward Asians percolating down from your brain. Who thinks they’re ugly? I had an Asian boyfriend in college, and I thought he was handsome.

I said Harvard rejected them because they said they didn’t have the right personality, and they were unlikeable. If someone said that about blacks, and rejected them for that, you’d be screeching your head off. But Harvard, like liberals everywhere, is desperate to find reasons to reject Asians and let in lower-qualified blacks in their place.

They look for reasons to destroy things. Even during the Floyd riots I told people that if you went there and asked them who Georg Floyd was, probably only half of them would be able to tell you. Just an excuse to destroy their businesses and cities.
Back in the 80's and 90's robbing a store was just an excuse to shoot the clerk. Often the clerk was shot and nothing was stolen.

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