Black guy who killed white guy avoids jail because the white guy had called him a racial slur

Going to places and living together are two separate things. The problem is them moving into our areas, not getting a big mac combo at our local McDonald's.


See,. I don't have problem living around blacks. Working with them or eating in the same restaurants. I know the ones your talking about though. They're like a violent version of a white Karen.
BLM used all the propaganda they could muster. And for the most part it worked. They got recognition. They got funded. Then they got rich. And now, their money is being investigated and they're easing back into the shadow's, like the black panthers did, once everyone figured out they were also a bunch of racist thugs.

I blame the media more than BLM. It's the media that gets all these people worked up enough to protest and riot. The media loves riots. It gets people tuning into their news stations, going to their websites, participating in their news blogs. The more people watch, the more they can charge for advertisement.

I think what needs to be done is police holding seminars in minority schools. Show them what they are taught. Demonstrate why police officers give out the commands they do. Explain the laws to them. That would save a hell of a lot more black lives than burning down their hair salons and cell phone/ pager stores.

See,. I don't have problem living around blacks. Working with them or eating in the same restaurants. I know the ones your talking about though. They're like a violent version of a white Karen.

People of different colors can live in peace. People of different cultures can't.

Until we can separate or allow people of different cultures to be separated, then the only solution is to move as far away from blacks as possible. The problem is (depending on where you live) that many can't afford to live in an all white area.
I would prefer that people, including store owners, renters, etc. had rights about who they wanted to associate with. You could put up a sign, "No Irish" if you wanted. Well, "No blacks" these days. The rules about having to sell and rent to people no one wants in the neighborhood for EXCELLENT reasons are oppressive and have caused us all to have to live next door to crime, crime, crime.
I have to disagree with that one. It reminds me of the “No Jews” signs in Nazi Germany.

Instead, let’s just go with a sign saying “rude, obnoxious, hostile people not welcome.”
Bro, the end of segregation came because it was just wrong to start with.
Not everyone felt that way, half the country wanted segregation to continue.
And because the wrongs and the violence was was being committed on so many innocent black people. They were segregated because of their race. There wasn't some fictitious BS, like the numbers the black racist have been spewing for the last 5 year. When BLM's BS numbers started being exposed for the lies and half truths they were, then it all started coming unraveled.
Nothing is unraveling. Clowns said the same things about civil rights activists back then as they do about blm activists today.
Like blacks are more likely to get shot by a cop. Percentage wise, maybe. But still more whites are being shot by cops. So that narrative was destroyed.
No. It's not destroyed because a moron like you just discovered what per capita meant.
The number of blacks being shot by cops is pretty high. But then we found out that like 99% of them were either armed and shooting at the cops, or was about to.
Wrong again. You just pulled that out of your ass.
So once again, the race hustlers lost that argument.
Are you talking about yourself?
And time after time, BLM's arguments were destroyed. Why? Because turns out blacks had a LOT better than they did during segregation. There's more black in college now a days than in any other time in history. There's millions of middle class black people who made it out of poverty into middle class, upper class, millionaire and billionaire status. And we had a black president.
Really? Blacks are doing better now than under segregation!? You don't say...
But the race hustlers that got you still stuck on stupid, don't want you to think about the war on blacks being lost many MANY decades ago. They don't want y'all celebrating the victory.
They want y'all dumbed down and bitching. Making fools of yourselves so THEY can collect donations to pad their banks accounts and get their faces on TV. Like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. Hell, they don't even want y'all judging the white man by his character.
The only people making fools of themselves are cuck Whites like you who don't realize your racism is glaringly obvious. There's a reason over 90% of black voters reject Republicans and conservatives, election after election.
And let's not forget, had it NOT been for so many non racist white people in the 40's, 50's and 60's, blacks would've been segregated for a lot longer. Luckily for the blacks, racist white folks were NOT the majority back then. Just as they're not the majority now.
You racist cucks should remember that. You're a minority.
I said what I said. It is what it is.
And it is deplorably racist, as is the conversation you had with your segregationists buddy.
They look for reasons to destroy things. Even during the Floyd riots I told people that if you went there and asked them who Georg Floyd was, probably only half of them would be able to tell you. Just an excuse to destroy their businesses and cities.
I can't think of a single country where blacks have had a positive influence. They seem only capable of causing destruction, high crime, and deep racial division.

Does ANYONE believe that will ever change? Their behavior, over time, seems to indicate they are incapable of evolving any further.
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"All men are created equal, with certain unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." There are no caveats in that statement.
Yes. But people should be able to exercise their personal "preferences," too.

And those preferences, and THEIR pursuit of happiness might very well include a choice to separate themselves from black people, and all of the fucking problems they cause, and the crimes they bring with them.

There's no simple answer. But, imo, it's horrible to force people to live next to people they can't stand. These folks have rights, too. Why should they be forced to live near people who behave like savages?
Yes. But people should be able to exercise their personal "preferences," too.

And those preferences, and THEIR pursuit of happiness might very well include a choice to separate themselves from black people, and all of the fucking problems they cause, and the crimes they bring with them.

There's no simple answer. But, imo, it's horrible to force people to live next to people they can't stand. These folks have rights, too. Why should they be forced to live near people who behave like savages?
Because you're cucks and you have no choice but to accept it or fuck on off. 😄
Not everyone felt that way, half the country wanted segregation to continue.

Did I say "everyone?" No, and you know I didn't. But you're still trying to make out like I did say it. Or maybe that's what you read? How far did you get in school?
Obviously there was more whites who supported desegregation than blacks. At least where in counted. In DC. White representatives from the south. Not to mention, most of those who supported desegregation, the Civil Rights bill and even ending slavery, were white conservatives. The democrats who voted against the civil rights bill almost outnumbered the conservatives who voted for it. Same as the the law that abolished slavery. Same as the law that abolished segregation.
Nothing is unraveling. Clowns said the same things about civil rights activists back then as they do about blm activists today.

Yes, BLM's message of hate was unraveled when the facts about their numbers were expose. Then more unraveling of BLM came about when one of the founders went on a real estate buying spree. Buying million houses in predominantly white neighborhoods.
Then it was discovered that with all the millions BLM raised, none of it went to better the black community. No black community resources were funded by BLM. THE only thing BLM funded were things that would improve their donations.

Y'all got took, my man.
No. It's not destroyed because a moron like you just discovered what per capita meant.

Yes, it's on it's way out as we speak. And for good reason. BLM got too violent. So y'all pushed out all the white people that could support all lives matter. Y'all segregated yourself. Black Lives Matter was the stupidest name.
Wrong again. You just pulled that out of your ass.

Look it up. Only 19 were unarmed.
Are you talking about yourself?

Cute come back. But no, I'm not talking about myself.
Really? Blacks are doing better now than under segregation!? You don't say...

I do say. They have been for many decades. All y'all got to do is get rid of your thugs, try to keep your families together and stop letting rap music dictate the future of your kids. That shit is like a cancer in the black community. Y'all bars ain't nothing but doing drugs, guns, committing crimes and treating women like ho's. Are all the young black women ho's?
The only people making fools of themselves are cuck Whites like you who don't realize your racism is glaringly obvious. There's a reason over 90% of black voters reject Republicans and conservatives, election after election.

You're making a pretty big fool of yourself right now. Rejecting FBI data. Rejecting what actual non racist black folks have been telling your about your communities for several decades now. Y'all hard headed. You don't wanna hear common sense. All y'all wanna here is how you're going to defeat whitey.
That's racist. You've let racist sink a cancer into your brains. I'm not a fan of republicans. I only really support actual conservatives. There's HUGE difference in the two.
And for the record, the GOP outlawed actual conservatism back in 2012.
You racist cucks should remember that. You're a minority.

I'm in the minority because I believe equality should mean equal? Dude, you can put a negroid up next to a piece of white trash and shoot'm both. I wouldn't loose a bit of sleep. I ain't about to take up for white thugs, just cause they white. But it seems race hustlers, like the ones you seem to support, they burn a damn town down over a violent black druggie thug, like George Floyd. Some dude that no one would've cared about had he been killed by another one.
Hypocrites are bitch made.
And it is deplorably racist, as is the conversation you had with your segregationists buddy.

One thing you're not catching onto, even though I've said it many times, I don't like thugs. Be a negroid thug or white trash thug. I hate'm both equally.

One thing I'm not catching onto, is why you keep calling me a cuck? Bro, I'm so damn independent from political parties, politicians & race. You just don't know. I recognize BS when I hear it. That's why I don't buy into BLM, Democrats, republicans or Trump. You sound like you're buying into anything with a black label.

I got a bridge I'll sell you. And for the right price, I'll even paint it black for you.
Yes. But people should be able to exercise their personal "preferences," too.

And those preferences, and THEIR pursuit of happiness might very well include a choice to separate themselves from black people, and all of the fucking problems they cause, and the crimes they bring with them.

There's no simple answer. But, imo, it's horrible to force people to live next to people they can't stand. These folks have rights, too. Why should they be forced to live near people who behave like savages?

We have that right. Some just lack gumption to do it. Moving sucks. Moving to a new place is scary. If you want to move to an all white town, then go for it. Last year, I was dead set on retiring in MX. I was down to packing my bags, my man. I've always enjoyed the Mexican people, their culture and their food. The only thing that stopped me was Mexico raising their income requirements to just a little more than what my retirement brings in. And I didn't want to hop skip and jump back and forth across the border every 6 months.
Did I say "everyone?" No, and you know I didn't. But you're still trying to make out like I did say it. Or maybe that's what you read? How far did you get in school?
Obviously there was more whites who supported desegregation than blacks. At least where in counted. In DC. White representatives from the south. Not to mention, most of those who supported desegregation, the Civil Rights bill and even ending slavery, were white conservatives. The democrats who voted against the civil rights bill almost outnumbered the conservatives who voted for it. Same as the the law that abolished slavery. Same as the law that abolished segregation.

You question my education? The Southern Democrats who voted against ending segregation were the conservatives you dipshit.
Yes, BLM's message of hate was unraveled when the facts about their numbers were expose. Then more unraveling of BLM came about when one of the founders went on a real estate buying spree. Buying million houses in predominantly white neighborhoods.
One bad actor doesn't invalidate an entire movement. The entire world still stands with BLM.
Then it was discovered that with all the millions BLM raised, none of it went to better the black community. No black community resources were funded by BLM. THE only thing BLM funded were things that would improve their donations.

Y'all got took, my man.
Another thing you just pulled from your ass.
Yes, it's on it's way out as we speak. And for good reason. BLM got too violent. So y'all pushed out all the white people that could support all lives matter. Y'all segregated yourself. Black Lives Matter was the stupidest name.
BLM is a globally recognized brand. They are advertised by companies, countries and sports leagues while white wing causes get funded by the MyPillow guy. 😄
I do say. They have been for many decades. All y'all got to do is get rid of your thugs, try to keep your families together and stop letting rap music dictate the future of your kids. That shit is like a cancer in the black community. Y'all bars ain't nothing but doing drugs, guns, committing crimes and treating women like ho's. Are all the young black women ho's?
This is just your racist and narrow understanding of black culture. The biggest consumers of rap music are young white men.
You're making a pretty big fool of yourself right now. Rejecting FBI data. Rejecting what actual non racist black folks have been telling your about your communities for several decades now. Y'all hard headed. You don't wanna hear common sense. All y'all wanna here is how you're going to defeat whitey.
Boy, you didn't even know the dixiecrats were the conservatives... 😆
That's racist. You've let racist sink a cancer into your brains. I'm not a fan of republicans. I only really support actual conservatives. There's HUGE difference in the two.
And for the record, the GOP outlawed actual conservatism back in 2012.
I'm sure the segregationist you were just conversing with feels the same way about you. 😆 Your clown party is in a race to the bottom.
I'm in the minority because I believe equality should mean equal? Dude, you can put a negroid up next to a piece of white trash and shoot'm both. I wouldn't loose a bit of sleep. I ain't about to take up for white thugs, just cause they white. But it seems race hustlers, like the ones you seem to support, they burn a damn town down over a violent black druggie thug, like George Floyd. Some dude that no one would've cared about had he been killed by another one.
Hypocrites are bitch made.
That's called empathy. You can act tough on the internet and pretend as if you don't care for anybody or anything but all that really means is you have no friends or allies.
One thing you're not catching onto, even though I've said it many times, I don't like thugs. Be a negroid thug or white trash thug. I hate'm both equally.
And the one thing you're not catching on to is saying things like negroid helps us politically to paint your entire side as disgusting racists. 😆
One thing I'm not catching onto, is why you keep calling me a cuck? Bro, I'm so damn independent from political parties, politicians & race. You just don't know. I recognize BS when I hear it. That's why I don't buy into BLM, Democrats, republicans or Trump. You sound like you're buying into anything with a black label.
You are an ignorant moron. You don't even know basic history. More likely you're just too stupid to know what you even stand for.
I got a bridge I'll sell you. And for the right price, I'll even paint it black for you.
The grifters are all on the Right. They sell human growth hormone and work out supplements with a side of racism or they trick their followers into making reoccurring donations to their campaigns without their knowledge.
I blame the media more than BLM. It's the media that gets all these people worked up enough to protest and riot. The media loves riots. It gets people tuning into their news stations, going to their websites, participating in their news blogs. The more people watch, the more they can charge for advertisement.

I don't disagree. But only add that most of those rioters, they'd riot for anything. They're just retarded that way. All the decent BLM protestors go home before dark because the thugs come out and screw everything up.
I think what needs to be done is police holding seminars in minority schools. Show them what they are taught. Demonstrate why police officers give out the commands they do. Explain the laws to them. That would save a hell of a lot more black lives than burning down their hair salons and cell phone/ pager stores.

I agree. Schools are too busy teaching straight kids not to trigger the boys in dresses. Or trying to divide us by race. I'd be a home schoolin dude if I had young kids today.

But in all honesty, they'd have to use black officers to do it. Maybe 2 black officers and a white one. Or something racist like that. Cause these high school thugs don't care about the law, or why cops have to do what they do.

The thugs in this country need to shown the light. Severely punished to the extent that punishment returns to being an actual deterrent. Thugs now a day, brag about going to jail and prison. That's F'd up. If I had my way, thug comes out of the pen knowing for a fact that he ain't never gonna do anything to get sent back.
We have that right. Some just lack gumption to do it. Moving sucks. Moving to a new place is scary. If you want to move to an all white town, then go for it. Last year, I was dead set on retiring in MX. I was down to packing my bags, my man. I've always enjoyed the Mexican people, their culture and their food. The only thing that stopped me was Mexico raising their income requirements to just a little more than what my retirement brings in. And I didn't want to hop skip and jump back and forth across the border every 6 months.
That's funny. I've lived in many places in western states. I used to LOVE moving. Flying down an empty highway, views that seemed to reach fifty miles. Prairies and mountains. Pure Heaven.

You're right. Mexico could be a great choice. I love the food, and the people can be great, too.

PR is another place that interests me. I've read some great things about it.

Have you read the book, or seen the movie, "Nomad land?" It's on my list. Seniors living on the road.

Don't want to derail this thread, so I'll let it go right here.

But I will add one last thing: it would take a shotgun held to my head to make me move to any of our American shitholes. You know, ShitCongo, Minneapolis, Baltimore, or a few other toilets.

I hope I can manage one last move, just for the Hell of it. But who knows when that might be....?

You question my education? The Southern Democrats who voted against ending segregation were the conservatives you dipshit.

One bad actor doesn't invalidate an entire movement. The entire world still stands with BLM.

Another thing you just pulled from your ass.

BLM is a globally recognized brand. They are advertised by companies, countries and sports leagues while white wing causes get funded by the MyPillow guy. 😄
My pillow is a friggin pillow company. One who's owner helps people with drug addiction. BLM never helped a drug addict get off drugs.
This is just your racist and narrow understanding of black culture. The biggest consumers of rap music are young white men.

LMAO Because white people are 60% of the US population. Where as blacks only make up about 13%.. There's that education thing biting you on your butt again.

You not good at deductions, are you?
Boy, you didn't even know the dixiecrats were the conservatives... 😆

LMAO.. Oh here we go with that the democrats were the republican excuse. Y'all got learn to let that one go. It didn't work when y'all tried it the first time.

I'm sure the segregationist you were just conversing with feels the same way about you. 😆 Your clown party is in a race to the bottom.

I don't have a party. I haven't had a party since 2012. Do you even know what independent means?
That's called empathy. You can act tough on the internet and pretend as if you don't care for anybody or anything but all that really means is you have no friends or allies.

Ok, call it what you want to. Call it some word you learned on some political forum (empathy). It's all semantics your using to try and make yourself look smart. But if you was actually using your own thought process, you would've already dumped the DNC years ago. For the same reason I dumped them, the RNC. They're both just wings of the same bird. The only difference is their rhetoric.
And the one thing you're not catching on to is saying things like negroid helps us politically to paint your entire side as disgusting racists. 😆

You got it in your head that I'm using it as a means to insult you. I don't even know you. But I do know thugs. I can't stand'm. They do more harm to society than even BLM does. But you empathize with them. Why? Because you are one? Because you're like the republicans who'll support Trump, regardless of the lies he tells? In the same way and reason you empathize thugs. That's just retarded bro. And shows ONLY how brainwashed you are.
Imagine, being a brainwashed as a Trump supporter.

You are an ignorant moron. You don't even know basic history. More likely you're just too stupid to know what you even stand for.

What does that have to do with anything I said? Nothing.
So now you're down to just childish name calling. I win, You lose.

You're like those morons on the oil threads. You don't have any facts. And when you run out of talking points, you just start throwing childish insults.

Prove me wrong. If I stated something that wasn't factual, here's your chance to prove it. I'm not getting into the mud with out about this crap. I'm not a racist. And I'm thinking you ain't really one either. You're just brainwashed into hoping I'm one.

I wished you knew a lot more than you believe in. We might could come to terms. But you're dead set on the things that's got you believing that whitey is all bad.
The grifters are all on the Right. They sell human growth hormone and work out supplements with a side of racism or they trick their followers into making reoccurring donations to their campaigns without their knowledge.

Yup, there's a lot of dummies on the right. I agree.
That's funny. I've lived in many places in western states. I used to LOVE moving. Flying down an empty highway, views that seemed to reach fifty miles. Prairies and mountains. Pure Heaven.

I got over 2 million miles under my belt. I've seen everything you can see in this country from an interstate. And a lot of things from the back roads. There are some extremely awesome sites out there.
You're right. Mexico could be a great choice. I love the food, and the people can be great, too.

PR is another place that interests me. I've read some great things about it.

PR is more expensive than MX. And you don't have a lot of climate options. The rainy season is like 6 months long. I did my research and found MX was cheaper, had better expat communities.

Wait, I may be mistaken PR for CR... It's been a while.
Have you read the book, or seen the movie, "Nomad land?" It's on my list. Seniors living on the road.

Don't want to derail this thread, so I'll let it go right here.

But I will add one last thing: it would take a shotgun held to my head to make me move to any of our American shitholes. You know, ShitCongo, Minneapolis, Baltimore, or a few other toilets.

I hope I can manage one last move, just for the Hell of it. But who knows when that might be....?

I've never seen the movie.

I found a small, quiet little town in the middle of no where. The house is big and nice. The rent is cheap. The people are nice and respectful. When I'm able, I can do a little side work (small engine repair). Life is good. I've moved way too many times to even think about it.
I don't disagree. But only add that most of those rioters, they'd riot for anything. They're just retarded that way. All the decent BLM protestors go home before dark because the thugs come out and screw everything up.

I agree. Schools are too busy teaching straight kids not to trigger the boys in dresses. Or trying to divide us by race. I'd be a home schoolin dude if I had young kids today.

But in all honesty, they'd have to use black officers to do it. Maybe 2 black officers and a white one. Or something racist like that. Cause these high school thugs don't care about the law, or why cops have to do what they do.

The thugs in this country need to shown the light. Severely punished to the extent that punishment returns to being an actual deterrent. Thugs now a day, brag about going to jail and prison. That's F'd up. If I had my way, thug comes out of the pen knowing for a fact that he ain't never gonna do anything to get sent back.

Correct. Being locked up like a Fn animal is prestigious in some way for them, but the concern I have is how they are taught, even by their parents: White police are out to kill you. Once they have you in cuffs, it's all over. White cops will find or create a reason to put you away for life, and so on.

Conspiracy theories lie deep in the black community. They believe any racist horseshit people throw out there. They don't understand that cops hate arresting people. Reports have to be made, they have to attend court on your court date, they have to testify what happened in most cases, it's just a pain in the ass.

Even today when you discuss police issues with the few blacks we have on this service, they constantly talk about "being stopped for driving while black" as if cops have nothing better to do. Where do they get this crap? The television shows and their friends or family. Blacks are Democrat minded; it's never their fault.

So when a police officer tells a black to freeze, they do just the opposite and end up getting killed in some cases. After all, if you believed police were only out to kill you, what would you do? You'd get the hell out of wherever because you are running for your life as far as you're concerned. That can be rectified by police going to these schools and discussing police issues with them.
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LMAO Because white people are 60% of the US population. Where as blacks only make up about 13%.. There's that education thing biting you on your butt again.

You not good at deductions, are you?

Moron you've completely missed the point. If rap music is the cause of problems in the black community rather than a reflection of them as you claim, then white children who listened to rap would he suffering the same consequences. Funny how you failed to deduce that. 😆
LMAO.. Oh here we go with that the democrats were the republican excuse. Y'all got learn to let that one go. It didn't work when y'all tried it the first time.
In what way do you think it doesn't work? Black voters overwhelmingly vote for the Democratic party and Confederate Idolaters are overwhelmingly Republican. It's hard to pretend the parties haven't switched when it's the Republicans fighting to save statues of old dead Democrat turn Confederate slavers. 😂
I don't have a party. I haven't had a party since 2012. Do you even know what independent means?
An idiot who doesn't understand pragmatism.
Ok, call it what you want to. Call it some word you learned on some political forum (empathy). It's all semantics your using to try and make yourself look smart. But if you was actually using your own thought process, you would've already dumped the DNC years ago. For the same reason I dumped them, the RNC. They're both just wings of the same bird. The only difference is their rhetoric.
Political nihilism is stupid and the domain of people with nothing to really fight for.
You got it in your head that I'm using it as a means to insult you. I don't even know you. But I do know thugs. I can't stand'm. They do more harm to society than even BLM does. But you empathize with them. Why? Because you are one? Because you're like the republicans who'll support Trump, regardless of the lies he tells? In the same way and reason you empathize thugs. That's just retarded bro. And shows ONLY how brainwashed you are.
Imagine, being a brainwashed as a Trump supporter.
You don't know shot boy. You've never met a thug in your life. 😆
Prove me wrong. If I stated something that wasn't factual, here's your chance to prove it. I'm not getting into the mud with out about this crap. I'm not a racist. And I'm thinking you ain't really one either. You're just brainwashed into hoping I'm one.
You said conservatives voted to end segregation missing the key component of that word which is conserv. It's just historically ignorant. The racists around here who know better stick to just calling them Democrats and ignoring the fact that they were conservatives because that's at least a fact they can try and spin.
Not really a capital offense, since it can't be proven that he knew the person would die or intended to kill him.

However, involuntary manslaughter charges would have been justified.

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