Black guy who killed white guy avoids jail because the white guy had called him a racial slur

They are not a deep thinking race. Governed mostly by emotion and not known for thinking things thru.
My favorite story in that regard is what happened when blacks took over a large white-owned dairy farm in South Africa that had a herd of hundreds of milk cows, employed hundreds of locals and provided meat and milk for hundreds of families. They butchered all the animals and passed out the meat to the local families. A prosperous farm that and had taken decades to build up, that provided food and jobs for hundreds, and was gone in a few weeks.
The thug didn't know the white guy. He didn't know anything about him. So he wasn't trying to rid the earth of a sex abuser, a child molester, a rapist or anything else. He murdered the guy because he's violent thug who thought his negroidness gave him the entitlement to murder a white man over a word.
and all i said because he had nude pictires of under age boys and he may have gotten what he deserved and you and turtle start making excuses for the old basterd...fuck him....he got what he deserved...
Why are you attacking me over posting the facts? I'm a straight woman btw----who lived several in years in an apartment complex that was 95% gay males. Their dating rituals and rules for engagement is a bit different than everyone elses. If a 17 year old gay males wants to date an older gay male---for money or otherwise, you aren't going to stop it.
they were under age....what dont you get about that?......
My favorite story in that regard is what happened when blacks took over a large white-owned dairy farm in South Africa that had a herd of hundreds of milk cows, employed hundreds of locals and provided meat and milk for hundreds of families. They butchered all the animals and passed out the meat to the local families. A prosperous farm that and had taken decades to build up, that provided food and jobs for hundreds, and was gone in a few weeks.
Same thing happens when Israelis gave up their agricultural businesses in Gasa and the West Bank
I imagine this sentence scares a few posters here. They can't call people N'ers without repercussion now. Tee hee.
I‘ve seen both sides. My early childhood (1960s) was in a straight middle class neighborhood, a mix of college-educated parents and some small business owners. The black households consisted of married parents who wanted their kids to do well in school, and participated in the PTA.

Then I saw the flip side in 1968, when blacks set Washington DC on fire after MLK was assassinated. My folks kept us kids far away from the bad parts for months, but eventually we ventured downtown. I was shocked at the damage done, and for what purpose? Even 10 years later, when I would go downtown, you still saw shells of buildings they destroyed.

They look for reasons to destroy things. Even during the Floyd riots I told people that if you went there and asked them who Georg Floyd was, probably only half of them would be able to tell you. Just an excuse to destroy their businesses and cities.
and all i said because he had nude pictires of under age boys and he may have gotten what he deserved and you and turtle start making excuses for the old basterd...fuck him....he got what he deserved...

Gotten what he deserved if the thug had killed him for that. I wouldn't object to it. But that's not why the thug murdered him. He was just triggered by a word that his dumb ass thought made him entitled to hit a white person if they used it.

The white guy being what he was, doesn't make the thug any better for doing what he did, for the reasons he did it.
I, unfortunately, grew up and spent decades in an area heavily populated by blacks. The schools were filled with them, and ruined by them. I know black nightclub owners, restaurant owners, jazz, blues, and funk musicians, prostitutes, druggies, a couple of imprisoned rapists, an accountant, several teachers. A wide assortment of people, good and bad. But - imo, most white people greatly underestimate the percentage of truly awful, dangerous and worthless assholes within that population. Many would gladly slice your fucking throat, given the opportunity.

I was always supportive of their struggles for equality, jobs, opportunities of all kinds. But the decades of riots, brainless destruction, thievery and crimes of all kinds, have changed those supportive feelings.

The rise of BLM and the overall attitude of entitlement, thinking they can cause all the problems they choose to, and get away with it. The way they think the world owes them a fucking living, etc. I find disgusting. Today I couldn't care less what happens to them. I just want to be away from them. Far, away from them.

Unfortunately government doesn't want you to be far away from them. When HUD targets your area for destruction, that's exactly what's going to happen, and Biden wants that on steroids.

Unfortunately government doesn't want you to be far away from them. When HUD targets your area for destruction, that's exactly what's going to happen, and Biden wants that on steroids.

Ever seen what happens to brand spankin new apartment complex's for low income minorities. Within 6 months, they turn into drug and gang infested shitholes.
Ever seen what happens to brand spankin new apartment complex's for low income minorities. Within 6 months, they turn into drug and gang infested shitholes.
It used to be different in the projects, circa 1960s, in New York City. The residents were mostly elderly Jews and Italians, who did the best they could. Crime was minimal. Now, I hear stories about gang activity and shootings in the stairwell.

Time have changed.
Gotten what he deserved if the thug had killed him for that. I wouldn't object to it. But that's not why the thug murdered him. He was just triggered by a word that his dumb ass thought made him entitled to hit a white person if they used it.

The white guy being what he was, doesn't make the thug any better for doing what he did, for the reasons he did it.
do you know what MAY have gotten what he deserves means?....
It used to be different in the projects, circa 1960s, in New York City. The residents were mostly elderly Jews and Italians, who did the best they could. Crime was minimal. Now, I hear stories about gang activity and shootings in the stairwell.

Time have changed.
You mean besides the Mob?
Who here could do two years of house arrest?

I wouldn't have too much of a problem with it. However I'm single and live alone. My entire apartment is a man cave.

In my living room I have my 80" big screen and all my furniture reclines. It's connected to my Playstation and Nitendo games, plus my security cameras. In my dining room is where you'll find my darts and dartboard, electric keyboard, this computer, and my 1976 Marshall 100 amplifier. My refrigerator always has a case of Molson Canadian ice cold and ready to go. I have no pictures on the walls and no plants in the house. This place is a woman's nightmare. :badgrin:
There's probably no need to escalate this, since the DNC is sending down their orders from on high to the media to stop focusing the racist groups like BLM and the black panthers. The negroid racist are being told to sit down and STFU. Why? Because y'all actin a fool and it's going to cost the DNC votes and donations.
Y'all don't even know who your real masters are.

Your DNC leader, Jaime Harrison. And ex lobbyist from the Padesta group that's still under investigation for lobbying violation dealing with.... UKRAINE.. LMAO.. Y'all genius for sure.
Who gives a shit what the DNC wants? 😆 Civil Rights activists cucked segregationists and wrestled control of the Democratic Party from them, likewise the progressive caucus will do the same from the moderates and since their campaigns are funded by small dollar donations from American voters rather than big money donors or corporate pacs the DNC can't tell them shit.
Who gives a shit what the DNC wants? 😆 Civil Rights activists cucked segregationists and wrestled control of the Democratic Party from them, likewise the progressive caucus will do the same from the moderates and since their campaigns are funded by small dollar donations from American voters rather than big money donors or corporate pacs the DNC can't tell them shit.

You honestly think some half wit grassroots is going to change the system that's in place? Bro, there's no way. We're passed all that. That wasn't even possible as far back as the 50's.

How the hell does a black ex lobbyist who sided with big coal (recently) during the Obama administration get to be the DNC chair? By not giving a damn about negroids or white trash or their little organizations. They get their by those with more money than all your little grassroots donations combined.

Radical progressives will sit down and STFU, or they won't get re-elected. The DNC will make sure that their democratic opponent is financially well healed, and that the media in their districts push for the DNC's chosen candidate. All those little donations from individuals won't even matter if you can't get your face on TV.

That's how it works bro. Look at Rand Paul. He had to come out and endorse Trump to get re-elected. He had to squelch his honesty about how corrupt the republicans were to get re-elected.


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