Black guy who killed white guy avoids jail because the white guy had called him a racial slur

If that were true then you could point to the statistics that say whites are more often convicted compared to blacks or that white people were given harsher sentences on average, but you can't because that isn't actually happening.
It just started happening within the last year. Too early for stats. But all you have to do is open your eyes.
No...I just said that if the criteria for being allowed to punch some guy to death is just having nude photos of nude photo of gay men and teens---then there are a whole lot of gay males that can now legally be punched to death with nothing more than probation.

And hell if we are now allowed to kill criminals now as also implied---then there is no reason entire housing projects can't be targeted.

Oh hell, and name calling---if calling someone a bad name means they get to kill you---I've got lots people who have called me names...many on this board.

I mean if we are going to use these criteria for killing...
having nude photos of gay men adults is just a little bit difference than having nude photos of under age boys....if you have the latter you are a fucking pedophile....quit making excuses for the asswipe...
That’s historically. NOW, the pendulum has swung far to the other side where blacks get leniency and whites get the book thrown at them. Just consider how this violent black kid who ended up killing someone is getting no prison and the whites who trespassed into the Capitol are getting 60-year sentences.
I have also read this, that whites are treated a bit more harshly than blacks in sentencing. This reflects a general leniency in sentencing blacks. That said there are still more blacks incarcerated proportional to population.
It just started happening within the last year. Too early for stats. But all you have to do is open your eyes.
Your eyes are the most easily deceived of your senses. We chart crime statistics by year, let's see your evidence.
I have also read this, that whites are treated a bit more harshly than blacks in sentencing. This reflects a general leniency in sentencing blacks. That said there are still more blacks incarcerated proportional to population.
don't know where you heard that. This was man bites dog story, and frankly the cracker got his just dessert in the donut shop. But the lesson is: don't knock some cracker with a soft head onto a hard floor.
I have also read this, that whites are treated a bit more harshly than blacks in sentencing. This reflects a general leniency in sentencing blacks. That said there are still more blacks incarcerated proportional to population.
Your last sentence is true, but wouldn’t you expect more blacks incarcerated proportional to their population since this small subset commits more than half the violent crime?
don't know where you heard that. This was man bites dog story, and frankly the cracker got his just dessert in the donut shop. But the lesson is: don't knock some cracker with a soft head onto a hard floor.
^^^ racist alert.

The lesson is: don’t behave like a savage and knock an elderly man (or anyone) to the ground because you don’t like what he said.
^^^ racist alert.

The lesson is: don’t behave like a savage and knock an elderly man (or anyone) to the ground because you don’t like what he said.
Don't call a black man a N9gger and expect not to be knocked on your ass. It's not ok to deck the racist, but the racist has no right to use the word.

Just a word to the wise.
having nude photos of gay men adults is just a little bit difference than having nude photos of under age boys....if you have the latter you are a fucking pedophile....quit making excuses for the asswipe...
Not really----GAY TEENS like to take photos of their stuff and other gay men like to look at that stuff. A lot of them actively look for sugar daddies and post stupid shit THEMSELVES-- Having a photo of a gay teen who wants to show off his stuff (boy) is alot different than having photos of underage boys or girls who don't want and didn't put their stuff out there.

I didn't read the details of the charges so I am not sure which one that he was but given the active smears---I'd say that if it wasn't some willing teen boys and men sending him nude photos verses real underage victims then the media would have pointed this out.
Don't call a black man a N9gger and expect not to be knocked on your ass. It's not ok to deck the racist, but the racist has no right to use the word.

Just a word to the wise.
I never said he had the right to use that word. But you said the cracker deserved to die for using it.

The irony is that you think a white using a racial slur against blacks deserve to be killed, and then you use a racial slur against whites.
Not really----GAY TEENS like to take photos of their stuff and other gay men like to look at that stuff. A lot of them actively look for sugar daddies and post stupid shit THEMSELVES-- Having a photo of a gay teen who wants to show off his stuff (boy) is alot different than having photos of underage boys or girls who don't want and didn't put their stuff out there.

I didn't read the details of the charges so I am not sure which one that he was but given the active smears---I'd say that if it wasn't some willing teen boys and men sending him nude photos verses real underage victims then the media would have pointed this out.
I didn’t know all that! I am learning so much from USMB.
None of that changes the fact that in any given individual situation involving a black man and a white man, I am more likely to be hurt by the black man. It’s simple math.
Right. For that reason, race is terribly important to identify ---- people who say we shouldn't notice race are silly. Sex is also important, and age.

I'd say when walking in a fog, the first things we identify about someone coming our way is sex, then in America race, then age.

Transvestite attempts to defraud people by men pretending to be women are dangerous. As is training people to pretend race doesn't matter. It does if they rob and kill you!
Not really----GAY TEENS like to take photos of their stuff and other gay men like to look at that stuff. A lot of them actively look for sugar daddies and post stupid shit THEMSELVES-- Having a photo of a gay teen who wants to show off his stuff (boy) is alot different than having photos of underage boys or girls who don't want and didn't put their stuff out there.

I didn't read the details of the charges so I am not sure which one that he was but given the active smears---I'd say that if it wasn't some willing teen boys and men sending him nude photos verses real underage victims then the media would have pointed this out.
you must be like that are pathetic.....why dont you go and find one of those types of forums....
Don't call a black man a N9gger and expect not to be knocked on your ass.

And if you are, that is assault. If you kill somebody while committing the felony of assault, that is murder.

As for myself words are harmless. It takes me back to a younger day when my instructor told me of an old Chinese proverb: Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.
I didn’t know all that! I am learning so much from USMB.
No, I said the dead cracker should not have been surprised that his words let to him getting his ass kicked. The black guy had no intention of actually killing him, but it's still a crime.

Where I live, the black guy wouldn't have gotten house arrest, and imo he'd have gotten more years.
And if you are, that is assault. If you kill somebody while committing the felony of assault, that is murder.

As for myself words are harmless. It takes me back to a younger day when my instructor told me of an old Chinese proverb: Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.
Actually, if you hit a guy who calls you a N0gger where I live, and he dies, its manslaughter and the minimum is one year, but most likely it'd be more, maybe ... 5? I dunno. House arrest is used mainly for non-violent types. Drug dealers can keep their business going!! LOL
I have also read this, that whites are treated a bit more harshly than blacks in sentencing. This reflects a general leniency in sentencing blacks. That said there are still more blacks incarcerated proportional to population.

Those statistics really don't mean shit. For one, judges are different in their views of sentencing. Two, the sentence is based on many more things than the crime alone. Criminal history is one. Two is the conduct of the suspect. Police are summoned by the judge before a trial. He or she wants to know if the suspect was cooperative, combative, disrespectful, that sort of thing. The judge may also use the conduct of the suspect during trial: how did they dress, were they rolling their eyes during the testimony given by somebody else, being disruptive in court and so on.

What race statistics tell you is the end result and never the study of what took place between the time of arrest and court. Judges are looking for remorse or disrespect of our legal system.
Actually, if you hit a guy who calls you a N0gger where I live, and he dies, its manslaughter and the minimum is one year, but most likely it'd be more, maybe ... 5? I dunno. House arrest is used mainly for non-violent types. Drug dealers can keep their business going!! LOL

Actually they use house arrest because most prisons are over crowded. Judges also want to make sure the accused is low risk for taking off from their home, perhaps to get even with somebody that testified against them. Here one guy got house arrest, left home and poured battery acid on the girl that had him arrested.

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