Black guy who killed white guy avoids jail because the white guy had called him a racial slur

G-d forbid I’m ever attacked by some lowlife POS, but if I am, I sure hope it’s a white guy. If I have evidence, he’s going to prison. But if it’s a black guy, all the racists on the left will come out to make ME look like the bad one in order to keep the black guy from paying for his crime.

Look how much ignorance shapes the world view of stupid racists. Lisa here, despite claiming that she thinks the vast majority of black people are decent, law abiding citizens, and despite knowing that in actuality that black suspects are far more likely to be convicted (whether they're guilty or not) than white ones and when they are they are typically given harsher sentences, she wishes to assaulted by a white guy instead. 😄

It's white men that kept white women as slaves for much of this country's history. Denied them the right to work, open bank accounts, own property, or even vote. White women had to wrestle these freedoms from selfish white men and yet she fears black ones.
1/6 was an anomaly that lasted less than 8 hours. The Democrats were hoping something like that would happen which is why they refused President Trump's offer to have the national guard there before anybody even arrived. Yet since the second term of Hussein, there have been three riots by blacks in just a matter of a few years, the most recent one lasting for months in some places.

The national guard wouldn't have been necessary if Trump had merely conceded the election and not incited an angry mob for hours.

yes, we had riots because cops murder people. Maybe if we got cops to stop murdering people, this wouldn't be an issue.

1/6 was an attack against our government. The black terrorist however deliberately targeted a white area to indiscriminately kill innocents for no reason other than his hatred for whites. So no, 1/6 was not the largest terrorist attack last year.

Actually, we still don't know what the motive was of that guy. He might have just simply plowed into a crowd because he was fleeing police.

Even the Waukesha Police have said "this was not a terrorist event".

It is believed that the driver acted alone and did not know anyone at the parade.[7][32][28][35] Waukesha Police Chief Daniel Thompson said the attack "was not a terrorist event."[36] Police are investigating whether Brooks may have been fleeing from a nearby domestic disturbance when encountering the parade.[18] The police chief said, "We have information that the suspect prior to the incident was involved in a domestic disturbance, which was just minutes prior, and the suspect left that scene just prior to our arrival to that domestic disturbance."[14] He also said that Brooks was not being chased by police when he drove into the parade route.[28] Prosecutors have alleged that Brooks was trying to "strike and hurt as many people as possible".[37]

Brooks was interviewed by Fox News while in custody and said, "I just feel like I'm being monster – demonized."[38] His mother wrote a letter to the media saying he had a long history of mental health problems and no health insurance to pay for treatment.[38][39] In December, Brooks was charged further for the November 2 incident, with charges of intimidating a witness and intimidation of a victim, both felonies. He is alleged to have called his girlfriend from jail over several days and threatened her not to cooperate with the investigation.[26]
Try to keep up. The guy went to prison for 5 years for molesting teen boys and making kiddie porn. And he was an old racist. No wonder the kid got off so lightly.

So where in the OP did it state that?

Yes, there were. People got fed up with police brutality in general.

You see, here's the ugly truth. Most people really don't like cops. And most of it has to do with cops who abuse their authority.

No, it's because many in our country are ignorant of our laws just like you. The Minnesota incident ended up in nearly an immediate arrest of the officer. The other two riots the police were found to be not guilty of the phony charges against them. However uncivilized people were unhappy with how civilized people conduct a lawful society and rioted.

Yeah, who would want to live in a slum and collect welfare. I mean besides you, Welfare Ray.

My city was one of the greatest places to live before blacks moved in and HUD targeted our area for destruction. Since that time it's been taken over by Democrats who only further the destruction by moving in more lowlifes.

A person with a severe mental disability like OCD has no place to criticize anybody else.
The national guard wouldn't have been necessary if Trump had merely conceded the election and not incited an angry mob for hours.

yes, we had riots because cops murder people. Maybe if we got cops to stop murdering people, this wouldn't be an issue.

Actually, we still don't know what the motive was of that guy. He might have just simply plowed into a crowd because he was fleeing police.

Even the Waukesha Police have said "this was not a terrorist event".

It is believed that the driver acted alone and did not know anyone at the parade.[7][32][28][35] Waukesha Police Chief Daniel Thompson said the attack "was not a terrorist event."[36] Police are investigating whether Brooks may have been fleeing from a nearby domestic disturbance when encountering the parade.[18] The police chief said, "We have information that the suspect prior to the incident was involved in a domestic disturbance, which was just minutes prior, and the suspect left that scene just prior to our arrival to that domestic disturbance."[14] He also said that Brooks was not being chased by police when he drove into the parade route.[28] Prosecutors have alleged that Brooks was trying to "strike and hurt as many people as possible".[37]

Brooks was interviewed by Fox News while in custody and said, "I just feel like I'm being monster – demonized."[38] His mother wrote a letter to the media saying he had a long history of mental health problems and no health insurance to pay for treatment.[38][39] In December, Brooks was charged further for the November 2 incident, with charges of intimidating a witness and intimidation of a victim, both felonies. He is alleged to have called his girlfriend from jail over several days and threatened her not to cooperate with the investigation.[26]

They will try to play it down and did so with the help from the MSM by getting the story off the table as quickly as possible. What little we do know about that guy is he didn't live in the area and was a staunch BLM supporter. His social media posts (which were erased) displayed his hatred for white people just like you. While the extension of the Democrat party (MSM) are keeping the 1/6 story alive for well over a year now, the terrorist attack in Wisconsin was reported on less than a week; many more people injured and more people killed including a child.

If you weren't such a born hypocrite, I'd ask you what do you think would have happened if a white guy deliberately went to an all black area and did the same? But as we both know, you'd never honestly answer.
January 6 was an act of terrorism.

It was not "Peaceful". 143 Capitol Police officers were injured and one died

I worry about that too. We ended programs to treat mental illness and relieve poverty, and we wonder why we have a "crime" problem.

It amazes me that we live in the world you Right Wingers have brought us, and you are miserable in it.

The important thing is, rich people got their tax cuts.
So this thread is about how yet another black POS is getting away with killing, with NO jail time, compared to the decades-long prison sentence whiteys get for doing much less, and….you’re back to condemning whitey. Typical anti-white liberal racist.
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Actually, if you were ever involved in an altercation with a black guy, you'd better hope they don't discover all the racist shit you spew here all the time.

Here's the thing. If anything, black people are MORE likely to pay for their "crimes" than white people. Blacks get prison, whites get probation. Blacks get prison, whites get drug rehab.

We have more black men in prison than college, and you incessantly get on here and complain too many are being admitted to college.
I say nothing racist. All I am doing is reporting on the double standards these days when a black commits murder vs a white who trespasses on federal property and kills nobody.

Look how much ignorance shapes the world view of stupid racists. Lisa here, despite claiming that she thinks the vast majority of black people are decent, law abiding citizens, and despite knowing that in actuality that black suspects are far more likely to be convicted (whether they're guilty or not) than white ones and when they are they are typically given harsher sentences, she wishes to assaulted by a white guy instead. 😄

It's white men that kept white women as slaves for much of this country's history. Denied them the right to work, open bank accounts, own property, or even vote. White women had to wrestle these freedoms from selfish white men and yet she fears black ones.

And she has no reason to? Over 50% of all murders in the US are conducted by just 7% of our population, and that are black males. Of course everybody is on guard with them around.
Let's not forget, the Right Wingers thought that Rittenhouse was totally justified in SHOOTING an unarmed man because he was convicted of child molestation 20 years earlier when he was barely a kid himself.

But this child molestor goes into a store, threatens the staff to the point where they call the cops, and gets punched in the mouth after screaming a racial slur, and he's a right wing martyr.
No, we thought the white kid was justified in shooting a BLM savage who was threatening his life - and thankfully the jury agreed. Just because you’re out committing arson to support a Blaxk cause doesn’t mean you get carte blanche to kill someone.
So this thread is about how a yet another black POS is getting away with killing, with NO jail time, compared to the decades-long prison sentence whiteys get for doing much less, and….you’re back to condemning whitey. Typical anti-white liberal racist.

OCD Joe is a self-hating white who is also an openly anti-semetic Jew hater.
And she has no reason to? Over 50% of all murders in the US are conducted by just 7% of our population, and that are black males. Of course everybody is on guard with them around.
Actually, even less when you factor in age. These brutal crimes are committed almost solely by those in the 16 - 34 age bracket. So, in truth, over half the murders are being committed by 5% of the population - YOUNG black males.
Why should we? the whole system is designed to cater to white people. When Rush Limbaugh goes to the same prison that a black drug user goes to, then you can truly loot and rob to your heart's content.

Back with the lies again I see. Limbaugh didn't go to the same people drug addicts go to, that's why he was never arrested or charged. People who buy dope from others on the street are easily busted because it's a no brainer for detectives or police officers to setup.

Here's the thing. The Prison Industrial Complex is a crime against humanity. Most industrialized nations do NOT lock up millions of people like we do. Blacks make up 13% of the population and 40% of people in prison.

And that doesn't tell you anything?????
Suicides happen all across the country and globe. It's not a white suburban thing. Even if it was, it's not the same as violent crime that comes when blacks move in. If the guy next door kills himself, he's no threat to me and even less of a threat now that he's gone.
In this country, suicide by gun is predominantly a white male thing while violent crime in black neighborhoods a reflection of socio-economic disparities. Segregation isn't going to help it, segregation is one of the underlying causes.
1/6 was an anomaly that lasted less than 8 hours. The Democrats were hoping something like that would happen which is why they refused President Trump's offer to have the national guard there before anybody even arrived. Yet since the second term of Hussein, there have been three riots by blacks in just a matter of a few years, the most recent one lasting for months in some places.
The majority of democratic law makers were not hoping for that. A lot of them are actually too stupid to understand what and who you guys are. I'm not though and yes, I do hope you continue to act out as you continue to lose more and more of your country and your culture. That can only hasten your extinction. 😄
1/6 was an attack against our government. The black terrorist however deliberately targeted a white area to indiscriminately kill innocents for no reason other than his hatred for whites. So no, 1/6 was not the largest terrorist attack last year.
Only according to your little cuck feelings. Did it launch a F.B.I. and Congressional Investigation?
And she has no reason to? Over 50% of all murders in the US are conducted by just 7% of our population, and that are black males. Of course everybody is on guard with them around.
Considering though that they are a small portion of society and far more likely to attack other black people Lisa is far more likely to be assaulted by a white man than a black one and that white man is far more likely to escape justice. That's what the actual numbers say.
Okay, dude, stop trolling.

Black guy who killed white guy avoids jail because the white guy had called him a racial slur​

Your topic title is a troll, your article says the guy went to jail for Manslaughter.

Your post is a troll, you say lefties are okay with murder if someone is called a racial slur.

Like just shut the hell up.

An autopsy found that the fall resulted in a skull fracture and brain contusions, WTVT reported. The death was ruled a homicide, and Pujols was arrested on the manslaughter charge.
You're wrong again...

"sentenced to two years of house arrest after pleading guilty to felony battery."
So if a Negro calls me a Cracker I have permission to kill him/her or do the rule only apply Negros killing Whites?

It is good to know what the rules are.
OCD Joe is a self-hating white who is also an openly anti-semetic Jew hater.
He also misrepresents what I’ve said - which is what bigoted leftists do. I never said too many blacks get into college. I said that we shouldn’t be admitting a black who would otherwise be rejected simoly because he’s black, and displacing a better-qualified white.
Considering though that they are a small portion of society and far more likely to attack other black people Lisa is far more likely to be assaulted by a white man than a black one and that white man is far more likely to escape justice. That's what the actual numbers say.
Yes, but if I am being followed down the street by a black man, I am more likely to be attacked than if he were a white man. Even Jesse Jackson admitted that when he’s being followed down the street and turns his head to see who it is, he’s relieved when it’s a white guy.

Simple statistics.
Yes, but if I am being followed down the street by a black man, I am more likely to be attacked than if he were a white man. Even Jesse Jackson admitted that when he’s being followed down the street and turns his head to see who it is, he’s relieved when it’s a white guy.

Simple statistics.

Still wrong Lisa. Maybe that's why you couldn't get into college. If a black man is walking behind you you're more likely to think he's following you because you're a racist. You're still more likely to be attacked by a white man. That's what the statistics say you moron. 😄

Also Jesse Jackson gets to say that because he's black. 😁

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