Black Immunity for the Big Liar in the White House


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Three American presidents have committed the cardinal sin of staring into that television and telling bald faced lies to the American people.

Clinton ought to be left out of the discussion, because after all, he was just trying to wiggle out of a blow job...but it still got him impeached by the House of Representatives.

Nixon lied over and over trying to cover up a third rate burglary, that, because it failed, actually did no harm to anyone....except the folks who tried to cover it up. He was drummed out of office by forced avoid impeachment and conviction.

Obama has premeditatedly, and with careful planning and Chicago thug-like guile, told a practiced lie over and over to the American people which affected their lives adversely--millions and millions of them....and more to come. And the discredited socialist rag known as the New York Times has the temerity to say he merely "mis-spoke"....partially because he is a fellow socialist...but mostly because he is Black.

It is the Reverse Race Card.

The man is a LIAR and he has intentionally lied to the American People, over and over...and if he was not Black and Liberal...a howl would be coming forth from the rotting big cites around this country for Impeachment.

You just do not look into that T. V. Camera and tell the American people an intentional outright LIE, get caught cold, no denying it...LIE....and then get away with it.

But, now there is a Black Exception.

I'm o.k. with it. Very few of us have the stomach for impeaching the first Black President.

But, we need not pretend that Nixon, or anybody else, would have gotten away with what he has just pulled. And we ought to be able to at least have him go play golf for the next three years...and thus limit this gross misgovernment before it wrecks the country.

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