Black Kid Kills His White Teacher In School Bathroom

The kid is certainly not a typical black murderer. It appears that skin color had nothing to do with this crime. There has been no motive disclosed about why this 14 year old brutally sliced this very good teacher that was well loved in the school. Clearly there is some mental illness involved...maybe a sexual crime was being attempted.

This crime smacks of the Sandy Hook shooting in that the perp comes from what appears to be a nice home. The kid clearly is in need of psychological evaluation and treatment ..if not institutionalizing. His parents are responsible for the care of a 14 year old. They had to know he is a danger to the community. They should be charged with something as well as thier son. It is extremely rare for an act such as this to not be proceeded by a lot of evidense that the kid isn't wired right. I would be willing to bet that this kid has done some real wack shit and his parents knew about it.
And, as his right, he may remain silent throughout. We may never know why.

The loss is in the difference that woman could have made in so many lives over so many years.
And, as his right, he may remain silent throughout. We may never know why.

The loss is in the difference that woman could have made in so many lives over so many years.

This just posted 4 hours ago, is the same thing I heard this afternoon:[/B]


A law enforcement official briefed on the investigation said the teacher was stabbed and cut. It appeared, according to the official, that a box cutter was used. The official declined to speak for attribution, citing the sensitivity of the investigation.

Teen accused of killing teacher, 24, in Danvers - Metro - The Boston Globe
"Hate crime?" Unless he's deemed crazy, he should be prosecuted as an adult for a "Hate crime." If he was white and the teacher black, Al, Jessie, and many of the public would demand it.
Bet you anything he wanted sex, and she refused his advances.
He probably had seen news stories the last couple years about young white teachers having sex with male students, and figured this pretty teacher would want to have sex with him a big black kid.

Hope the piece of shit gets fried.
Another day, another story of Black-on-White crime. Of course, no peep from the CBC, NAACP, Sharpie, Jackson or Obama.
What does the color of his skin have to do with anything. You guys are the first to accuse the left of playing the race card; and the first to pull it out when it suits your agenda.
The kid is certainly not a typical black murderer. It appears that skin color had nothing to do with this crime. There has been no motive disclosed about why this 14 year old brutally sliced this very good teacher that was well loved in the school. Clearly there is some mental illness involved...maybe a sexual crime was being attempted.

This crime smacks of the Sandy Hook shooting in that the perp comes from what appears to be a nice home. The kid clearly is in need of psychological evaluation and treatment ..if not institutionalizing. His parents are responsible for the care of a 14 year old. They had to know he is a danger to the community. They should be charged with something as well as thier son. It is extremely rare for an act such as this to not be proceeded by a lot of evidense that the kid isn't wired right. I would be willing to bet that this kid has done some real wack shit and his parents knew about it.

What is a "typical black murderer" and how do you distinguish them from a non-typical black murderer?
What does the color of his skin have to do with anything. You guys are the first to accuse the left of playing the race card; and the first to pull it out when it suits your agenda.

It's like how libs used the race card with trayvon. Obama even commented, now when some who who literally would look like his son he is silent. Libs are silent
What does the color of his skin have to do with anything. You guys are the first to accuse the left of playing the race card; and the first to pull it out when it suits your agenda.

You're just pissed because someone beat you to it.

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