Black Lives Matter(BLM) movement; A peaceful civil rights movement, or just another hate group?

BLM; A peaceful civil rights movement or just another hate group?

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I don't care what anyone says, Slavery ended what like 150 years ago? and they are still using that as the reason they don't like white people? and they think we are racist because of something that our ancestors might have done? Like who really cares any more? Yea there are hate groups and there will always be. but they are going to far and to me they are just making themselves look like pathetic victims and just want an excuse for more handouts and to be lazier. The government shouldn't let them be racist all over the media its just making it worse.
I think its so funny how BLM was initially against police shootings of blacks and inequality and how they weren't a racist hate group. They made claims that they were no way anything like white supremacy and that they are peaceful non-violent activist movement for civil rights.

They aren't racist? ok that is a lie. Ever since the BLM movement started police killings has increased and police have to deal with hostile and dangerous crowds while they are doing their job or making an arrest. How do they think police are going to act now?

What do they really expect? Do they really think that police and other law enforcement officers should just turn their heads the other way and let them just do what they do? Do they really think that they should get away with anything?

To me BLM are just a bunch of uneducated criminals trying to intimidate law enforcement so they can continue doing their criminal activities with out worry. No matter what a police officer does it because their black.

And honestly the government shouldn't allow any media hit the public that has any content of racism and/ or violence and threats directed towards another race.
BLM has made claims that they are a non-violent activist group, that has protested against police killings of black people, racial profiling, police brutality, and racial inequality in the United States.

They claim they are not just another hate group like other race groups such as the KKK or the White Supremacy.

The whole BLM movement is based on a lie. The idea that the United States is experiencing an epidemic of racially driven police shootings is false. Yea there was a few unfortunate cases that involved a police officer shooting and killing an unarmed black person, but really since 2013 when BLM was first created, How often does that really happen? They act like that they are the only race that the police go after, the only race the police harass, the only race that police kill. Sorry but that's not true. Police actually shot and killed more white people than black.

Has anyone ever considered where these incidents have occurred? Was the area more populated with blacks and is there a lot of crime in the areas? The areas where most likely areas that are dangerous and riddled with crime. I'm sure it wasn't like it was just a random black person walking down the street in a white neighborhood. I'm also pretty sure the victims were not all that innocent.

Now you have this group who is standing up to the police and causing everyone to resist and question the authority of Law Enforcement. That is only going to make Law enforcement officials fear for their life even more causing them to react in self defense.

To me they are only another hate group stirring up more racism.
They are more than a hate group, they are a terrorist organization posing as a civil rights group.
I don't care what anyone says, Slavery ended what like 150 years ago? and they are still using that as the reason they don't like white people? and they think we are racist because of something that our ancestors might have done? Like who really cares any more? Yea there are hate groups and there will always be. but they are going to far and to me they are just making themselves look like pathetic victims and just want an excuse for more handouts and to be lazier. The government shouldn't let them be racist all over the media its just making it worse.
If you think the problem ended 150 years ago, you've got your head up your asshole. Gas stations with Men's, Women's and Colored restrooms are within living memory.
so maybe 2 out of those 5 are problems
the police in the MBrown, TRice, and Bland cases were found NOT to be guilty by a fair, legal, civilized courts--so I don't know why you even listed can throw those off your list
please list others

That's like saying that the death of Emmet Till was no big deal because they had a trial.

just look at this video
blacks hate whites .... blacks are racists

NO, just these two angry people with a megaphone saying stuff to get a reaction.

Kind of like my 5 year old nephew says 'Butt" now because it gets a reaction.

so you have a whopping total of TWO!! wow
McDonald 2014
Scott 2015
TWO in 2 years!!! 1 per year !!!!! there are MILLIONS of calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops--per YEAR...and you say this proves cops PRACTICING brutality, inequality?? a huge, chronic problem??!!!!!!!!??
it's not even close...please look at the definition--if you have to--again

Actually, a lot more than that.. but the fact that you dismiss the other three because "they had it coming" is part of the problem.
I don't care what anyone says, Slavery ended what like 150 years ago? and they are still using that as the reason they don't like white people? and they think we are racist because of something that our ancestors might have done? Like who really cares any more? Yea there are hate groups and there will always be. but they are going to far and to me they are just making themselves look like pathetic victims and just want an excuse for more handouts and to be lazier. The government shouldn't let them be racist all over the media its just making it worse.

that's kind of a babble...

You think the government should be regulating the media?

I think when you have - still- a different standard of conduct of how the police treat black suspects and how they treat white suspects, that is a problem.
They are more than a hate group, they are a terrorist organization posing as a civil rights group.

They said the same thing about Dr. King and Malcolm X 50 years ago.

Now those guys have schools named after them.
I don't care what anyone says, Slavery ended what like 150 years ago? and they are still using that as the reason they don't like white people? and they think we are racist because of something that our ancestors might have done? Like who really cares any more? Yea there are hate groups and there will always be. but they are going to far and to me they are just making themselves look like pathetic victims and just want an excuse for more handouts and to be lazier. The government shouldn't let them be racist all over the media its just making it worse.

that's kind of a babble...

You think the government should be regulating the media?

I think when you have - still- a different standard of conduct of how the police treat black suspects and how they treat white suspects, that is a problem.
Police should treat everyone the same.

What I mean about the media is that all over social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and whatever there are a lot of racial threats towards people. It gets everyone stirred up. One person A might not have a racist bone in his body then the next day person b post something to his Facebook page and the post shows Person b, c, d, e, f and person g be racist now person a is getting all worked up and become racist because he sees his race being racist. Person a might not even know why or even have problems with the other race but decides to be racist like the others.

America has a major problem with racial inequality and by the media becoming flooded with all types of racial content sure isn't helping.
I don't care what anyone says, Slavery ended what like 150 years ago? and they are still using that as the reason they don't like white people? and they think we are racist because of something that our ancestors might have done? Like who really cares any more? Yea there are hate groups and there will always be. but they are going to far and to me they are just making themselves look like pathetic victims and just want an excuse for more handouts and to be lazier. The government shouldn't let them be racist all over the media its just making it worse.
If you think the problem ended 150 years ago, you've got your head up your asshole. Gas stations with Men's, Women's and Colored restrooms are within living memory.
Slavery ended 150 years ago dumb ass read a history book.
I don't care what anyone says, Slavery ended what like 150 years ago? and they are still using that as the reason they don't like white people? and they think we are racist because of something that our ancestors might have done? Like who really cares any more? Yea there are hate groups and there will always be. but they are going to far and to me they are just making themselves look like pathetic victims and just want an excuse for more handouts and to be lazier. The government shouldn't let them be racist all over the media its just making it worse.
If you think the problem ended 150 years ago, you've got your head up your asshole. Gas stations with Men's, Women's and Colored restrooms are within living memory.
Mens womens and colored bathrooms is segregation not slavery
They said the same thing about Dr. King and Malcolm X 50 years ago.

Now those guys have schools named after them.

Don't be a dumbsh1t. King cheated through school and doesn't deserve to be called Dr. There's no dispute that his doctoral thesis was nearly wholly plagiarized. If he were white, his doctorate would have been revoked.

And, yes, King was a terrorist. He encouraged an explosion of crime and violence this country had never seen before or since. But, MLK is black, and when it comes to finding a black hero, we have shit and shittier to choose from.

You think blacks are suffering today under racial preferences and the gravy state how they were suffering in MLK;s day with only equality under the law, even if sometimes separate?
Mens womens and colored bathrooms is segregation not slavery

I can't imagine businesses ever having four restrooms. Nor do I see segregated (by sex) restrooms today as the least bit oppressive, even though women normally have nicer restrooms.

Meanwhile, today, blacks are busy segregating themselves (while whites get accused of discrimination).
They said the same thing about Dr. King and Malcolm X 50 years ago.

Now those guys have schools named after them.

Don't be a dumbsh1t. King cheated through school and doesn't deserve to be called Dr. There's no dispute that his doctoral thesis was nearly wholly plagiarized. If he were white, his doctorate would have been revoked.

And, yes, King was a terrorist. He encouraged an explosion of crime and violence this country had never seen before or since. But, MLK is black, and when it comes to finding a black hero, we have shit and shittier to choose from.

You think blacks are suffering today under racial preferences and the gravy state how they were suffering in MLK;s day with only equality under the law, even if sometimes separate?
Does anyone really think that there actually could be a peaceful movement for civil rights or anything for that matter? There never has and never will. Movement groups always cause more violence. Since BLM first came about back in 2013 homicide rates rose and the percent of police killed on duty was up 52% the following year.
Does anyone really think that there actually could be a peaceful movement for civil rights or anything for that matter?

"Civil rights" is an euphemism for stripping your neighbor of his rights. So, of course, a Civil Rights movement naturally is non-peaceful (with the liberal media constantly chanting "peaceful" to warp the public's perception of events). All conservative movements are peaceful, like the Tea Party movement.
Police should treat everyone the same.

What I mean about the media is that all over social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and whatever there are a lot of racial threats towards people. It gets everyone stirred up. One person A might not have a racist bone in his body then the next day person b post something to his Facebook page and the post shows Person b, c, d, e, f and person g be racist now person a is getting all worked up and become racist because he sees his race being racist. Person a might not even know why or even have problems with the other race but decides to be racist like the others.

America has a major problem with racial inequality and by the media becoming flooded with all types of racial content sure isn't helping.

All facebook does is make it easier for people to spew the racist crap they can't say in Public anymore. The problem is, they still think those things.
All conservative movements are peaceful, like the Tea Party movement.

PIctured- "Peaceful" conservatives.

so maybe 2 out of those 5 are problems
the police in the MBrown, TRice, and Bland cases were found NOT to be guilty by a fair, legal, civilized courts--so I don't know why you even listed can throw those off your list
please list others

That's like saying that the death of Emmet Till was no big deal because they had a trial.

just look at this video
blacks hate whites .... blacks are racists

NO, just these two angry people with a megaphone saying stuff to get a reaction.

Kind of like my 5 year old nephew says 'Butt" now because it gets a reaction.

so you have a whopping total of TWO!! wow
McDonald 2014
Scott 2015
TWO in 2 years!!! 1 per year !!!!! there are MILLIONS of calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops--per YEAR...and you say this proves cops PRACTICING brutality, inequality?? a huge, chronic problem??!!!!!!!!??
it's not even close...please look at the definition--if you have to--again

Actually, a lot more than that.. but the fact that you dismiss the other three because "they had it coming" is part of the problem.
so police do not have a right to self defense?
MBrown attacked a cop

what don't you understand about the courts saying the cops not guilty??
so you were there??? YES OR NO? you know exactly what happened?
please tell me you would let someone beat the shit out of you if you had a gun??

so if a lot of whites at a KKK meeting cheered for killing of blacks, most of them cheering would really be good guys, not haters??!!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

you people are PERFECT! are James Bond/Bruce Lee/Six Million Dollar Man/Dr Phill
you would talk NICELY to MBrown/etc and they would kneel for only you because of your sweet voice

or you could be the Six Million Dollar Man and with someone like TRice you would NOT have a would go into the hood with a rock and throw it at armed criminals that would NOT kneel for you

or like BLee, if someone had a 12 inch knife you would side step and give him a karate chop

you would not shoot MBrown--- but would let him beat the shit out of you

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