Black Lives Matter Plans Major Disruptions at Trump STL Rally

FUCK IT...WE'LL JUST HAVE TO KILL THEM.... they certainly won't be missed!:biggrin:

Gateway Pundit ^ | 3/11/2016
The fascist Donald Trump is coming to our city this Friday. It is our job and our duty to unite to #ShutItDown. UPDATE: **Buying tickets and then not showing up WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE. Peabody Opera House will be filled with overflow crowd if people with tickets do not show up. Make sure to spread this as well.** If you would like assistance from us to help protect your safety, please feel free to message us and we will be making the proper connections as needed in the near future. If you got a ticket and would like to attend...

All of these KKK lies spread by the people who want Trump out are causing this, I wouldn't be surprised if the Koch brothers made their own Black Life's Matter hate destructive group to cause destruction..

I once marched in a calm protest in San Francisco against Wall Street. That night there were fires, and destruction that I feel was set up by the opposition to discredit the happens every time .

Should be interesting. He wont take their shit like bernout
"He" won't? So Drumpf IS responsible for the violence that happens at his rallies. Quelle surprise that you finally admit it.
he is responsible when they get removed, not punched. Try to refrain from being a dumbfuck ok? Its Friday FFS
We saw what you wrote. Thank you for finally admitting that Drumpf owned what "his people" do.

Where did you get that gif of Bodecea ?
Who the hell do you Libtards thinks if funding #BLM?

It's Soros and his cronies and they're following Saul Lawenski's playbook.
It always interests me how the usual posters start foaming at the mouth over the concept that Black Lives might actually matter.

Actually, all lives matter.... I see no need to partition people off into groups. When people do this, I become suspect.
Should be interesting. He wont take their shit like bernout
"He" won't? So Drumpf IS responsible for the violence that happens at his rallies. Quelle surprise that you finally admit it.
he is responsible when they get removed, not punched. Try to refrain from being a dumbfuck ok? Its Friday FFS
We saw what you wrote. Thank you for finally admitting that Drumpf owned what "his people" do.

Where did you get that gif of Bodecea ?
puckeredplywood dot com
So they are going with the intention of causing trouble, then when they get removed by force, all the liberals will call Trump a racist.
Lets just break this down. The lives of those involved with BLM do not matter to me in the least. Fuck them, let them all die because their racist welfare sucking asses are of no value to this country in the first place.
I hope someone has the good sense to douse them with gasoline and light them on fire. Maybe that will get the point across that their black lives are useless.
To those blacks that do not involve themselves with BLM? I wish you the best and most enjoyable life possible.
It always interests me how the usual posters start foaming at the mouth over the concept that Black Lives might actually matter.

If you actually hold a sign that says black lives matter then you are saying that these are the only lives that matter. Maybe I should hold a poster that says white lives matter and when someone says that is racist I will say no because all lives matter. Why didn't I hold up a sign that said that in the first place?
So they are going with the intention of causing trouble, then when they get removed by force, all the liberals will call Trump a racist.
Lets just break this down. The lives of those involved with BLM do not matter to me in the least. Fuck them, let them all die because their racist welfare sucking asses are of no value to this country in the first place.
I hope someone has the good sense to douse them with gasoline and light them on fire. Maybe that will get the point across that their black lives are useless.
To those blacks that do not involve themselves with BLM? I wish you the best and most enjoyable life possible.
its like that thread of the muslim chicks I started yesterday. They were staring at and recording a flight attendant. They got kicked off and started whining. WTF did they expect? They just want to rile up the people on bullshit. People feed off that
Sounds like they are looking for some violence.
Of course that's what they are looking for.
Then MSNBC/MSM can scream about how Trump's Nazi Party' would round up every minority and send them to the gas chambers.
Only voting for an Obama third term President can save the country!
BLM/MSNBC/Democratic party/MSM. All one big happy family.
BIG surprise coming in November!
"He" won't? So Drumpf IS responsible for the violence that happens at his rallies. Quelle surprise that you finally admit it.
he is responsible when they get removed, not punched. Try to refrain from being a dumbfuck ok? Its Friday FFS
We saw what you wrote. Thank you for finally admitting that Drumpf owned what "his people" do.

Where did you get that gif of Bodecea ?
puckeredplywood dot com

She's full retard in that gif.
he is responsible when they get removed, not punched. Try to refrain from being a dumbfuck ok? Its Friday FFS
We saw what you wrote. Thank you for finally admitting that Drumpf owned what "his people" do.

Where did you get that gif of Bodecea ?
puckeredplywood dot com

She's full retard in that gif.
here is a still shot
FUCK IT...WE'LL JUST HAVE TO KILL THEM.... they certainly won't be missed!:biggrin:

Gateway Pundit ^ | 3/11/2016
The fascist Donald Trump is coming to our city this Friday. It is our job and our duty to unite to #ShutItDown. UPDATE: **Buying tickets and then not showing up WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE. Peabody Opera House will be filled with overflow crowd if people with tickets do not show up. Make sure to spread this as well.** If you would like assistance from us to help protect your safety, please feel free to message us and we will be making the proper connections as needed in the near future. If you got a ticket and would like to attend...
Gee, if Trump was already Dictator like you want, he can order his stormtroopers to shoot the protestors. Too bad, eh?

When Trump deports Bodecca, posting at USMB will drop 15%
FUCK IT...WE'LL JUST HAVE TO KILL THEM.... they certainly won't be missed!:biggrin:

Gateway Pundit ^ | 3/11/2016
The fascist Donald Trump is coming to our city this Friday. It is our job and our duty to unite to #ShutItDown. UPDATE: **Buying tickets and then not showing up WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE. Peabody Opera House will be filled with overflow crowd if people with tickets do not show up. Make sure to spread this as well.** If you would like assistance from us to help protect your safety, please feel free to message us and we will be making the proper connections as needed in the near future. If you got a ticket and would like to attend...
Gee, if Trump was already Dictator like you want, he can order his stormtroopers to shoot the protestors. Too bad, eh?

When Trump deports Bodecca, posting at USMB will drop 15%
And the average IQ here will go up 50 points....
Should be interesting. He wont take their shit like bernout
"He" won't? So Drumpf IS responsible for the violence that happens at his rallies. Quelle surprise that you finally admit it.
he is responsible when they get removed, not punched. Try to refrain from being a dumbfuck ok? Its Friday FFS
We saw what you wrote. Thank you for finally admitting that Drumpf owned what "his people" do.
Sorry to hear about your sorrows.
FUCK IT...WE'LL JUST HAVE TO KILL THEM.... they certainly won't be missed!:biggrin:

Gateway Pundit ^ | 3/11/2016
The fascist Donald Trump is coming to our city this Friday. It is our job and our duty to unite to #ShutItDown. UPDATE: **Buying tickets and then not showing up WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE. Peabody Opera House will be filled with overflow crowd if people with tickets do not show up. Make sure to spread this as well.** If you would like assistance from us to help protect your safety, please feel free to message us and we will be making the proper connections as needed in the near future. If you got a ticket and would like to attend...
Gee, if Trump was already Dictator like you want, he can order his stormtroopers to shoot the protestors. Too bad, eh?

When Trump deports Bodecca, posting at USMB will drop 15%
Who is this Bodecca you keep whining about?
FUCK IT...WE'LL JUST HAVE TO KILL THEM.... they certainly won't be missed!:biggrin:

Gateway Pundit ^ | 3/11/2016
The fascist Donald Trump is coming to our city this Friday. It is our job and our duty to unite to #ShutItDown. UPDATE: **Buying tickets and then not showing up WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE. Peabody Opera House will be filled with overflow crowd if people with tickets do not show up. Make sure to spread this as well.** If you would like assistance from us to help protect your safety, please feel free to message us and we will be making the proper connections as needed in the near future. If you got a ticket and would like to attend...

One thing that I have always found fascinating about a Trump Supporter. Donald Trump knows how important the Latino vote is for the Republican nominee to winning the White House, but apparently his supporters don't. Trump blasted Republicans in 2012 for losing, citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals. He's right!The debate platform in 2012 was loaded with anti-immigration talk and deportation also.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

The last Republican to win was G.W. Bush, he captured 44% of this block, Romney lost by only getting 27%.

This year the Republican nominee needs 46% of this block to win the White House. Trump is polling at an historic 80% with Latino's. Even Republican Latino voters stated months ago they wouldn't support a Trump nominee. Latino voters represent 17% of the population or 23 million voters are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

So a question for you Trump supporters: What candidate goes into a race to win an election, and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior? Is this a candidate that is trying to win an election, or rather a candidate that is trying to drive it into someone else's lap?

Maybe a lot of you should consider what that phone call was about between Donald Trump & Bill Clinton, just prior to Trump announcing his candidacy.


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