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Zone1 Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger

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Multiple reasons. Did every poor Jewish boy in the tenaments score that way? How many out of all took the exam? How many came from families with a strong educational background? You have too many variables in addition to intelligence to make broad generalizations about racial or individual intelligence, not to mention there multiple types of intelligence. How do you untangle environment, culture and education?
Of course not EVERY poor Jewish boy scored that way. But the top percentile was way overrepresented by Jews.

And as I said, these poor Jewish boys did NOT come from families with strong educational backgrounds (or else they would not have been poor.)

The fact is that genetics account for a LOT of why people succeed, although leftists (mostly) like to find external reasons why some succeed and some fail. That is why you like to discredit the idea of inherited IQ (or the validity of IQ at all), along with traits such as motivation.
It is certainly possible, but it states "MAY" and this:

The sordid history of mixing genetics, ethnicity and intellect guarantees a spotlight on this work. But only time and rigorous research will tell if genes are the most important factor in conferring smarts.
So it says that it’s uncertain if genes are THE most important factor in conferring smarts. But it’s certainly a significant factor.
The word gene is often used when gene allele would be more appropriate. A gene is a location on a chromosome which may contain one of several alleles. For example, the gene for eye color may have an allele for light brown, dark brown, blue, green, or grey eyes.

Many different alleles determine intelligence.

Tay-Sachs and Gaucher's are determined by a gene allele that is dominant for higher intelligence and recessive for the diseases. If a person has both genes for one of these, the person has the disease and more intelligence. If the person has one gene for one of these the person does not have the disease, but does have more intelligence.

The superior average intelligence of the Ashkenazim is a comparatively recent development. Ashkenazi Jews had to evolve more intelligence quickly, so they picked up some dangerous intelligence alleles.

The great majority of human evolution took place in Africa. Nevertheless, agriculture, civilization, and cold climates select more vigorously for intelligence than Africa, so races that evolved further outside of Africa have higher IQ averages than Negroes.

Again, you can't eliminate environmental factors nor can you explain civilizations in cold areas that never developed to a high level or civilizations in hot areas that did.

The development of civilization was influenced by multiple factors, and there is no research to indicate whether or to what degree a "genetic intelligence" was a factor. In addition civilizations have risen and fallen ... a sudden lack of intelligence or like the beginning of civilization, a multiplicity of factors?

Agriculture led to settled communities. Settled communitees led to a freeing of time and energy from activities related to survival. Settled communities led to urbanization and the development of specialties. All of this is pollinated by trade, the movement and migrations of peoples bringing new and different ideas with them.

And, there have to be certain factors in place for it to develop in the first place. Often times they begin at rivers, which help agriculture and trade. They need to be in an area where there are plant and animal species ammenable to domestication and MOST are not. Despite that great civilizations arose in Zimbabwe, the American Southwest (Anasazi), as well as the Incas and Mayans.

The northern climates, Scandinavia for example, didn't develope a great civilization on its own and many "great civilizations" grew through the conquest or mingling of others and absorbtion of knowledge and skills from them that changed them from "barbarian" to "civilized".

The problem with your simplistic explanation is omits this larger picture that would mess up the "racial intelligence" theory.

Ancient Egyptians were Caucasians. Their ancestors evolved in Asia and crossed the Sinai Peninsula after they developed agriculture, but before they developed civilization.

Today Egyptians have higher IQ averages than Negroes, but lower averages than Europeans, who developed civilization later, but who evolved in colder climates.

At this point you you are diving deep into the pseudo-science of racism, as defined by the belief that one race is superior/inferior to another. You can only maintain it by discounting or ignoring anything that contradicts it.

Even your choice of words is revealing: Asians, Jews, Caucasions and...The Negro.

You ignore the role environment, education and culture plays, you ignore the pitfalls of "national IQ" ratings, and the fact there are multiple types of intelligence which we are only just beginning to understand.

lisa I notice you agree with SOME of what Hector says, what are your thiughts on the direction this is going and the conclusions he is drawing?

Hector, you have referenced eugenics several times, which is highly disturbing given the history of such a movement and how it culminated in the slaughter of millions of Jews, Slavs, the disabled, gays and more, all based on the fact they considered them genetically and racially inferior supported by the pseudo-science of race and intelligence. This pseudo- science, loosely supported by cherry picked data, has spawned numerous canards against groups such as Jews and Blacks that are both ugly and false. Your "science" sounds convincing until you pick it apart because you have to simplify everything in order for it to hold.

Is there a genetic component to "intelligence"? There quite likely are many, in conjunction with environmental factors that lead to the expression of multiple types of intelligence. That is not so easily broken down into neat racial or ethnic packages.
Of course not EVERY poor Jewish boy scored that way. But the top percentile was way overrepresented by Jews.

And as I said, these poor Jewish boys did NOT come from families with strong educational backgrounds (or else they would not have been poor.)

The fact is that genetics account for a LOT of why people succeed, although leftists (mostly) like to find external reasons why some succeed and some fail. That is why you like to discredit the idea of inherited IQ (or the validity of IQ at all), along with traits such as motivation.
Not necessarrily true if they are immigrants who fled Hitler, it is usually the second generation that becomes wealthy.

There are many, MANY articles explaining that genetics accounts for a good percentage of certain traits - and motivation is high in the list. here’s one such article, studying 13,000 sets of twins throughout six countries, and it was found that as much as 50% of their motivation level was due to genetics.

Interesting, which is why I wanted to see source. There is a lot of possible genetics that can influence personality traits.

But the authors also expressed a caution:

While the researchers are careful to note that this doesn't mean there's a 'gene for enjoying school', it could indicate that there are genetic factors at play in people that make them more likely to be motivated to learn. And knowing that perhaps it's harder for some kids to be motivated and it's not their fault could help teachers and parents handle this better.

Here is another interesting oneone:

Not necessarrily true if they are immigrants who fled Hitler, it is usually the second generation that becomes wealthy.
Yes, my point exactly. Poor Jewish immigrants fleeing Hitler (or earlier, Russian pograms), arriving in America penniless, without a high school diploma, and not speaking the language - and the next generation, their children are overwhelmingly attending college, and majoring in difficult science and engineering programs.

So how do you account for that? They certainly didn’t have any advantages such as family wealth or connections. All they had was their intelligence and motivation.

From tenement in Generation One to a 5-bedroom colonial in Generation Two.
Yes, my point exactly. Poor Jewish immigrants fleeing Hitler (or earlier, Russian pograms), arriving in America penniless, without a high school diploma, and not speaking the language - and the next generation, their children are overwhelmingly attending college, and majoring in difficult science and engineering programs.

So how do you account for that? They certainly didn’t have any advantages such as family wealth or connections. All they had was their intelligence and motivation.

From tenement in Generation One to a 5-bedroom colonial in Generation Two.

It is difficult to "account for it" without being able to account for all the variables.
It is difficult to "account for it" without being able to account for all the variables.
Like what other variables? Tens of thousands of Jews came in through Ellis Island - poor, uneducated, unable to speak the language, no job, no family connections, and yet….a generation later, their children almost all became educated and affluent.

So what other variables would be involved other than their intelligence and motivation that were NOT available to the population at laege?
Interesting, which is why I wanted to see source. There is a lot of possible genetics that can influence personality traits.

But the authors also expressed a caution:

While the researchers are careful to note that this doesn't mean there's a 'gene for enjoying school', it could indicate that there are genetic factors at play in people that make them more likely to be motivated to learn. And knowing that perhaps it's harder for some kids to be motivated and it's not their fault could help teachers and parents handle this better.

Here is another interesting oneone:
That is not a “caution” - it’s a clarification: there isn’t a ”gene for enjoying school.” (I mean, really.) But the author goes are to say that it could indicate there are genetic factors at play that make kids motivated to learn.

Motivation is definitely inherited, to a large extent.
to you race hustlers who shake down white people for their money because you are unwilling to improve yourself.
Jews would be a fine group for blacks like IM2 to emulate - a minority long suffering from horrific persecution, but with the right choices, values, and self-discipline, have succeeded well above average.

That’s why IM2 and leftists get angry when I draw a parallel, and why blacks as a whole harbor more antisemitism than whites. Shows that people’s outcomes are primarily due to their own attributes, and we sure can’t allow THAT type of thinking,
Multiple reasons. Did every poor Jewish boy in the tenaments score that way? How many out of all took the exam? How many came from families with a strong educational background? You have too many variables in addition to intelligence to make broad generalizations about racial or individual intelligence, not to mention there multiple types of intelligence. How do you untangle environment, culture and education?
Ashkenazi Jews tend to be more intelligent than members of other races. This tendency is genetic. There is too much evidence of that from too many sources for it to be seriously disputed.
Jews would be a fine group for blacks like IM2 to emulate - a minority long suffering from horrific persecution, but with the right choices, values, and self-discipline, have succeeded well above average.
Let's be real Lisa558. Few blacks are capable of emulating Jews for genetic reasons.
How does that explain Asians and Indians?
Which Asians and which Indians? East Indians are inhabitants of India, they moved from India, or their ancestors did. India has an average IQ of 82, but the East Indians who move to the United States tend to be far to the right of the East Indian IQ bell curve.

Asia is a big continent. Asians include Orientals with IQ averages of 106, and Arabs who tip the scales at about 89.

During the European middle ages Arab civilization was more advanced than European civilization, and rivaled Chinese civilization. The Arabs never recovered from the Mongol attacks of the thirteenth century. History has passed the Arabs by. I do not think they will enjoy a second time at the top. When environmentally benign alternatives are found to petroleum I expect the Arabs to sink even deeper.

I attribute the low average IQ's of Arabs to the Negro slave trade. The Arabs castrated male slaves, but they conscripted females into their harems and brothels. Arabs preferred white females, but there were not enough of those to go around because Europeans, unlike Negroes, dis not cooperate with Arab slave raiders.
Let's be real Lisa558. Few blacks are capable of emulating Jews for genetic reasons.
But “a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?” (Santayana, I think.)

And besides, by “emulate” I mean follow their path: big emphasis on education, having a child out of wedlock is a SHONDE, delayed gratification, and of course not engaging in violent crime.
Eugenics huh?
Eugenics used to be a respectable persuasion in the United States. The Nazi effort to exterminate the most superior race in existence led to the belief that there are no races with low average IQ's.

We need some form of eugenics because people with low IQ's have more children who survive and reproduce than people with high IQ's. While this is happening, computer technology and automation are eliminating the jobs that people with below average intelligence are able to learn.

I do not want those people to die of starvation, and disease. I am not in favor of compulsory sterilization. I do want sterilization to be a requirement for accepting welfare benefits.
That is not a “caution” - it’s a clarification: there isn’t a ”gene for enjoying school.” (I mean, really.) But the author goes are to say that it could indicate there are genetic factors at play that make kids motivated to learn.

Motivation is definitely inherited, to a large extent.
The author says it could...not that it is, and it is a very limited study. That means it is an interesting finding and is worth looking further, but you can't form make a sweeping conclusion on one study.
Which Asians and which Indians? East Indians are inhabitants of India, they moved from India, or their ancestors did. India has an average IQ of 82, but the East Indians who move to the United States tend to be far to the right of the East Indian IQ bell curve.

Asia is a big continent. Asians include Orientals with IQ averages of 106, and Arabs who tip the scales at about 89.

During the European middle ages Arab civilization was more advanced than European civilization, and rivaled Chinese civilization. The Arabs never recovered from the Mongol attacks of the thirteenth century. History has passed the Arabs by. I do not think they will enjoy a second time at the top. When environmentally benign alternatives are found to petroleum I expect the Arabs to sink even deeper.

I attribute the low average IQ's of Arabs to the Negro slave trade. The Arabs castrated male slaves, but they conscripted females into their harems and brothels. Arabs preferred white females, but there were not enough of those to go around because Europeans, unlike Negroes, dis not cooperate with Arab slave raiders.

The author says it could...not that it is, and it is a very limited study. That means it is an interesting finding and is worth looking further, but you can't form make a sweeping conclusion on one study.
It’s one of many articles. I simply picked one of them.
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