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Zone1 Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger

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I showed you the parts of your own link that you ignored.
None of which supported your whining.

Not an opinion or anecdote, this has been studied for hundreds of years, come on man, step up!

I'll ask again, how well is denying and pretending these facts working for you?
Chicken and the egg thing. Could a nation’s inability to innovate and thrive be due to the low average IQ within it? Compare the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The former is much more developed than Haiti, with the former average IQ in the 90s and the latter in the 60s. When the average IQ of a nation is in the 60s, it turns out like Haiti.
I would disagree on your "chicken and egg" thing.

For one...IQ isn't static "national IQ's" rise and fall depending on events that disrupt education, economic security and the ability to meet the most basic of needs. When people have to focus all their energy on survival, there is little left for higher purposes like education.

Haiti and the Dominican Republic are a perfect example. Two worlds on one island, they have nothing in common. Different colonial histories with Haiti under France and DR under Spain led to very different outcomes. Geographically Haiti occuppies a terrain that is more mountainous and dryer, and was deforested by France. France imported slaves and exported exported timber. Haiti was the first and only successful slave revolt and nations subsequently punished it, did not want to invest in it or conduct much trade, unlike the Dominican Republic, further driving it into poverty. IQ? REALLY?!!

Source: https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=123374267#:~:text=But the main reason is,many slaves and was more

For another, what happens when you take a person or child out of that environment and place her into one where her needs are met and she is safe?

Also. it is almost impossible to accurately measure IQ independent of education. In fact, this study found education may actually boost IQ:

In combination, the studies indicated that an additional year of education correlated with an average increase of 3.394 IQ points.

“The most surprising thing was how long-lasting the effects seemed to be, appearing even for people who completed intelligence tests in their 70s and 80s,” Ritchie says. “Something about that educational boost seemed to be beneficial right across the lifespan.”

The researchers note that each type of study has strengths and weaknesses, and the findings raise several new questions that future research will have to address. For example, does an additional year of school just make students better at taking tests or does it produce an underlying neurobiological change? What are the specific parts of the educational experience that are most responsible for the change? And what are the limits of education’s effect?
Apologies. I forgot to shrink it to a bumper sticker.
None of which supported your whining.

Not an opinion or anecdote, this has been studied for hundreds of years, come on man, step up!

I'll ask again, how well is denying and pretending these facts working for you?
So you really can't counter it can you? Your concession is accepted.
You are failing your own argument here.

By your reasoning the highest levels of intelligence should be seen amongst peoples of the far north and high altitudes while Egypt, Greece and Rome, with mild Mediterranean climate should never have risen to the level they did.

Civilization doesn't select for anything but a great many factors go into selecting FOR "civilization" such as geography, geology, availability of resources allowing a transition from nomadic hunter gatherer to agrarian (which opens up more time for other activities).

Your argument is nothing more than standard racist rhetoric preyending to be science.
Cold climates have selected for intelligence because people who survive frigid winters need to be able to store food for the winter, and they need need to be able to build warm clothes and housing.

Civilization has selected for intelligence because intelligent men tend to be more prosperous than unintelligent men, so until very recently they had more children who survived and reproduced.

Currently, intelligent people tend to be less prolific than unintelligent people, so the human species is making a U turn at the same time that computer technology and automation are reducing many jobs, and certainly the better paying jobs, that those of below average intelligence can learn.
None of which "proves" it's attributable to "race". In 2022, the highest scores were Asian. Second highest was not whites but mixed race. In addition, test scores also show that the parent's education level has a big effect on a childs test results. There are a lot of factors you compleyely ignore in your need to show that one race is inferior to anorger. That is not science.
By "Asian" you mean East Asian, or as I like to call them "Oriental."

If mixed race people have higher IQ averages than white of European ancestry, they are white - Oriental mixtures. They are certainly not white - black mixtures.

Ashkenazi Jews have the highest averages, followed by Orientals, and followed by White Gentiles of European ancestry. Their averages are usually estimated at 115, 106, and 100.

African Negroes average 70. American Negroes average 85, because most have some white ancestry. Australian aborigines, San Bushmen of south eastern Africa, and pygmies have even lower averages than African Negroes.

One fourth of the American Negro population have IQ's below 75. At that level there is little they can learn, and minimum wage jobs are difficult for them. These are the Negroes who make up the underclass of the black ghettos. They support themselves by a combination of welfare and crime.
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Cold climates have selected for intelligence because people who survive frigid winters need to be able to store food for the winter, and they need need to be able to build warm clothes and housing.
How does that explain Asians and Indians?
Cold climates have selected for intelligence because people who survive frigid winters need to be able to store food for the winter, and they need need to be able to build warm clothes and housing.

Yet hot arid Egypt created one of the greatest civilizations.

So did the Mayans and Aztecs South and Central America and Mexico.

Other than clothing, beavers can accomplish most of that northern list...

Civilization has selected for intelligence because intelligent men tend to be more prosperous than unintelligent men, so until very recently they had more children who survived and reproduced.

That doesn't make any sense. The more educated and prosperous people are, the fewer children they choose to have and the more they invest in those children. This is the same in every culture. Civilization doesn't "select for" anything. It depends on the individual culture and what it values. Just speculating, but if there were any qualities that would lead to "civilization" it would be those that lead to a more cooperative social structure.

Currently, intelligent people tend to be less prolific than unintelligent people, so the human species is making a U turn at the same time that computer technology and automation are reducing many jobs, and certainly the better paying jobs, that those of below average intelligence can learn.
Prosperity and education usually leads to fewer children, independent of intelligence.
Yet hot arid Egypt created one of the greatest civilizations.

So did the Mayans and Aztecs South and Central America and Mexico.

Other than clothing, beavers can accomplish most of that northern list...
A nation needs a baseline level of intelligence to start a civilization. Once it gets started is when the eugenic benefits of civilization began. Once civilization reached northern Europe the combined benefits of civilization and cold climates began to have their effect.
Prosperity and education usually leads to fewer children, independent of intelligence.
Unintelligent people do not become prosperous unless they are one of the best athletes or singers in the country. Unintelligent people cannot benefit from much intelligence.
A nation needs a baseline level of intelligence to start a civilization. Once it gets started is when the eugenic benefits of civilization began. Once civilization reached northern Europe the combined benefits of civilization and cold climates began to have their effect.
Eugenics huh?

By the way....civilization precedes nationhood.

You are either not reading the entire artist (in both cases) or choosing to ignore ithe parts that don't fit. From your source:

Debates over the fairness, value and accuracy of the SAT are sure to continue. The evidence for a stubborn race gap on this test does meanwhile provide a snapshot into the extraordinary magnitude of racial inequality in contemporary American society. Standardized tests are often seen as mechanisms for meritocracy, ensuring fairness in terms of access. But test scores reflect accumulated advantages and disadvantages in each day of life up the one on which the test is taken. Race gaps on the SAT hold up a mirror to racial inequities in society as a whole. Equalizing educational opportunities and human capital acquisition earlier is the only way to ensure fairer outcomes
Then explain how poor Jewish boys in NYC In the 1940s, almost every one of them the son of impoverished, uneducated immigrants, growing up in tenements, were at the very top percentile of the city-wide Regents exam. They had no “accumulated advantages” - and on top of that were in the midst of knowing that Hitler was killing their European families. Yet still they came out on the very top.

There are many, MANY articles explaining that genetics accounts for a good percentage of certain traits - and motivation is high in the list. here’s one such article, studying 13,000 sets of twins throughout six countries, and it was found that as much as 50% of their motivation level was due to genetics.

By the way....civilization precedes nationhood.
A nation begins as a group of tribes that speak the same language. Eventually they unite, and choose a king. Then they build a temple for their god, or deities and a palace for their king. This process can be traced in First and Second Samuel and the beginning of First Kings in the Old Testament.
Then explain how poor Jewish boys in NYC In the 1940s, almost every one of them the son of impoverished, uneducated immigrants, growing up in tenements, were at the very top percentile of the city-wide Regents exam. They had no “accumulated advantages” - and on top of that were in the midst of knowing that Hitler was killing their European families. Yet still they came out on the very top.
Ashkenazi Jews owe their high IQ averages, ironically, to Christian persecution. For over a thousand years Jews in Christian countries were not allowed to own land or to practice most trades. They were allowed to practice money lending, which Christians were not allowed to practice.

Money lending required one to learn intellectually difficult skills. For example, arithmetic with Roman numbers is much more difficult than arithmetic with Arabic numbers. Jewish men who could not learn the skills did not have children, or they left the faith.

Jews were sometimes forced to emigrate from Christian countries. This benefited those who were able to learn new languages quickly and adjust to new customs and legal structures.

I am of course not defending Christian persecution of Jews,
A nation begins as a group of tribes that speak the same language. Eventually they unite, and choose a king. Then they build a temple for their god, or deities and a palace for their king. This process can be traced in First and Second Samuel and the beginning of First Kings in the Old Testament.

Ashkenazi Jews owe their high IQ averages, ironically, to Christian persecution. For over a thousand years Jews in Christian countries were not allowed to own land or to practice most trades. They were allowed to practice money lending, which Christians were not allowed to practice.

Money lending required one to learn intellectually difficult skills. For example, arithmetic with Roman numbers is much more difficult than arithmetic with Arabic numbers. Jewish men who could not learn the skills did not have children, or they left the faith.

Jews were sometimes forced to emigrate from Christian countries. This benefited those who were able to learn new languages quickly and adjust to new customs and legal structures.

I am of course not defending Christian persecution of Jews,
Yes, the following article backs this theory.

Yes, the following article backs this theory.

The word gene is often used when gene allele would be more appropriate. A gene is a location on a chromosome which may contain one of several alleles. For example, the gene for eye color may have an allele for light brown, dark brown, blue, green, or grey eyes.

Many different alleles determine intelligence.

Tay-Sachs and Gaucher's are determined by a gene allele that is dominant for higher intelligence and recessive for the diseases. If a person has both genes for one of these, the person has the disease and more intelligence. If the person has one gene for one of these the person does not have the disease, but does have more intelligence.

The superior average intelligence of the Ashkenazim is a comparatively recent development. Ashkenazi Jews had to evolve more intelligence quickly, so they picked up some dangerous intelligence alleles.

The great majority of human evolution took place in Africa. Nevertheless, agriculture, civilization, and cold climates select more vigorously for intelligence than Africa, so races that evolved further outside of Africa have higher IQ averages than Negroes.

Ancient Egyptians were Caucasians. Their ancestors evolved in Asia and crossed the Sinai Peninsula after they developed agriculture, but before they developed civilization.

Today Egyptians have higher IQ averages than Negroes, but lower averages than Europeans, who developed civilization later, but who evolved in colder climates.
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Then explain how poor Jewish boys in NYC In the 1940s, almost every one of them the son of impoverished, uneducated immigrants, growing up in tenements, were at the very top percentile of the city-wide Regents exam. They had no “accumulated advantages” - and on top of that were in the midst of knowing that Hitler was killing their European families. Yet still they came out on the very top.
Multiple reasons. Did every poor Jewish boy in the tenaments score that way? How many out of all took the exam? How many came from families with a strong educational background? You have too many variables in addition to intelligence to make broad generalizations about racial or individual intelligence, not to mention there multiple types of intelligence. How do you untangle environment, culture and education?
Yes, the following article backs this theory.

It is certainly possible, but it states "MAY" and this:

The sordid history of mixing genetics, ethnicity and intellect guarantees a spotlight on this work. But only time and rigorous research will tell if genes are the most important factor in conferring smarts.
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