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Zone1 Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger

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Think whatever you want!

I don't agree with you!
You aren't black. So when you turn black, face what blacks face and see the problems MAGA blacks cause instead of being white and racist while disageeing only because those blacks validate your sickness then your opinion will matter.
No, there really is nothing to consider. Not from the perspective of a black person. Whites certainly don't set the rules and when blacks are uttering the same rhetoric, beliefs and opinions as white racists they should be ostracized in the same way as white racists. This is what black MAGAS do and the black MAGA is not a conservative.
You call all whites who don’t agree with you racists. So any blacks who dare think differently than you do is, in your warped opinion, thinking like a racist white person. You want to insist that all decent black people think like you do. WAKE UP CALL, not everyone thinks the same, even on racial issues.
No, it isn't "a fact". What is your source by the way?

If racial differences in average IQs were innate, why were there white groups in the U.S. and elsewhere with test scores similar to those of blacks? Why were there black schools with test scores that exceeded the national average? Why were black women significantly overrepresented among people with high IQs? Why did studies show that black orphans raised by white families had average IQs of 106 at a time when the average score of blacks nationally was 85 and the average score of whites was 100?
If you read your source, it agrees with my post.

Denying that it is true, does nothing to rectify the problem, all it does is perpetuate the issue. Don't you agree?

Here is another source.

Race gaps in SAT scores highlight inequality and hinder upward mobility

Richard V. Reeves and Dimitrios Halikias Wednesday, February 1, 2017


I can only laugh at the nerve of some white woman who thinks she can tell a black person how they are wrong about the threat blacks who have the same views as white racists are to the black community.
As usual you immediately turned on a supporter when she failed to agree with you on everything. Someday you are going to realize that the problem isn’t us, it’s you.
Are you now threatening black people, you psycho racist?!
Lol! You make me laugh. You're a white supremacist trying to call somebody a racist.
Lol! You make me laugh.

I make you do a lot of things because I make you shit yourself by telling you the truth. You see, you're so busy trying to be a victim to actually make something of your life. If you put half the time you waste here into making something of your life instead, you wouldn't have need, time nor care to sit here on some media forum whing about your miserable life because it would be great instead of miserable.
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Lol! You make me laugh. You're a white supremacist trying to call somebody a racist.
We both, and a few others, know well that it is you who best fits that description like a glove. :D
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You are contradicting yourself given you tied IQ to race (a common canard).
People of different races have different IQ averages. Once I read of a Nigerian immigrant in England who tested 162 on an IQ test. That gives him two more points than Bill Gates. That happens, but it happens so rarely as to be statistically insignificant.
Are saying you buy into the claim that certain races are less intelligent?
To say "that certain races are less intelligent" is to say that every member of those certain races are less intelligent than member of other races. That is obviously not true. Nevertheless, it is equally obvious that the races differ in average intelligence. Efforts to close the race gap, like Head Start and No Child Left Behind, have been expensive failures.
If you read your source, it agrees with my post.

Denying that it is true, does nothing to rectify the problem, all it does is perpetuate the issue. Don't you agree?

Here is another source.

Race gaps in SAT scores highlight inequality and hinder upward mobility

Richard V. Reeves and Dimitrios Halikias Wednesday, February 1, 2017


You are either not reading the entire artist (in both cases) or choosing to ignore ithe parts that don't fit. From your source:

Debates over the fairness, value and accuracy of the SAT are sure to continue. The evidence for a stubborn race gap on this test does meanwhile provide a snapshot into the extraordinary magnitude of racial inequality in contemporary American society. Standardized tests are often seen as mechanisms for meritocracy, ensuring fairness in terms of access. But test scores reflect accumulated advantages and disadvantages in each day of life up the one on which the test is taken. Race gaps on the SAT hold up a mirror to racial inequities in society as a whole. Equalizing educational opportunities and human capital acquisition earlier is the only way to ensure fairer outcomes
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To say "that certain races are less intelligent" is to say that every member of those certain races are less intelligent than member of other races. That is obviously not true. Nevertheless, it is equally obvious that the races differ in average intelligence. Efforts to close the race gap, like Head Start and No Child Left Behind, have been expensive failures.
Yet the racial gap HAS been closing.
Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger


As the American conservative movement has morphed from racist dog whistles and white-grievance politics to full-blown fascism and white nationalism, Black MAGAs have enlisted as soldiers in the war against civil rights, voting rights, liberal democracy and racial justice. Unable to achieve their unpopular and toxic policies through the ballot box, MAGA intends to bring about their goals through white nationalist minority rule. And Black MAGAs are eager to oblige.

Lacking principles, these Black white nationalists say and do anything to please Trump, Trumpism and the white supremacist base. Never speaking ill of white folks, Black MAGAs will blame the Black community for anything and everything, never stand up for Black people, never help us and always throw us under the bus. They lack self-respect and scruples. However, they do collect a paycheck, which they will enjoy until such time as they are rendered useless and their services are no longer needed.

All skinfolk ain't kinfolk.

We as blacks are taught this as children. Basically it means just don't take sides with someone only because they are black. This is what makes the right wing claims of my racism laughable. And it is why we can oppose black MAGA sellouts. And it's funny that only a certain type of white individual hails these deplorables as independent thinkers.
So does this mean George Soros has put a hit on them ?
It actually doesn't sound like it differs among races for racial (genetic) reasons but cultural/environnmental reasons, if that is accurrate. I also suspect economic class plays a role and increased prosperity usually leads to better educational outcomes as well.
Absolutely. Pump all the money we do into public schools and they still fail in areas with a lot of poverty. I believe that is because of where the kids are going home to after school.
I have a lot of concerns with IQ tests, particularly for children.
As an educator, I believe that we wait way to long to test children. We would never build a race car and not turn it on until the Indy 500 when the announcer says "Ladies and Gentlement, start your engines." We would test on a practice track to see if it will be able to perform among all the other cars. Yet, we sit a child down in first grade to learn to read and "see how they do."

This article takes a rather comprehensive look at IQ, IQ tests and overall intelligence as well as the dangers associated with placing too much weight on them

But, there are two major problems with IQ.

The first problem with IQ stems from those who misunderstand what it’s trying to measure. IQ measures your score on a test against the averages of everyone else taking that test. It tells you how good someone is at answering certain types of questions, as compared with others. Thus, it’s not about an absolute intelligence, but relative intelligence. The trouble occurs when people misunderstand this point. They assume IQ represents raw “brain power.” Worse, some people equate IQ with worth. Employers, especially, might write off a person based on a low IQ. Doing so fails to appreciate that many employees can offer skills and abilities that lie beyond the scope of IQ tests (such as personality factors like conscientiousness).
Right. That's why I said that low IQ does not equal "less intelligent." It also doesn't equal "bad worker." Most jobs do not require strong fluid reasoning ability. Most jobs are simply to follow a set procedure. Attendance, punctuality, honesty, and work ethic are much more important for those jobs.
Furthermore, the correlations mentioned above — that is, those between IQ and success — are still, statistically, considered small ones. Additionally, we cannot rule out many other factors clouding the issue. As one meta-analysis concludes, “A closer look at the data and results… suggests a rather murkier picture.” In short, the data we have — the data some people use to pigeon-hole a person for life — is desperately weak and inconclusive.
That's one study. A meta-study, means that they looked at data from several studies to find a pattern. That kind of study makes it very easy to cherry pick the data. All of the experimental studies have shown IQ testing to be robust, valid, and reliable, which have specific meaning in experimental psychology.

I give credit to the psychological community for not reversing themselves on the validity of IQ in spite of all the pressure. To do so would mean a complete abandonment of their field as an experimental science.
The second problem is that IQ is far too narrow a metric to dominate so much of the psychometric landscape. IQ represents only one, or a few, kinds of intelligence. Even the ancient Greeks knew there were different types of intelligence. For example, there was techne (vocational skills), episteme (general knowledge), phronesis (practical wisdom), or nous (a kind of rational intuition). In an interview for Big Think, the psychologist Howard Gardener identifies eight different kinds of intelligence, and “IQ tests and other kinds of standardized tests valorize” only two of them.

Another thing with test score gaps is it isn't just Blacks but other minorities such as Hispanic and Native Americans that have similar trend while Asians are the opposite.
Yes. I believe that it is environmental and cultural. By "cultural," I don't mean a bunch of stereotypical people listening to rap music that "rots their brain," while looking for the next baby mamma. I mean the availability of books in the home, compared to video games, parents educational level, emphasis on education, peer pressure to not "act white," etc.
The Brookings article is interesting! Two items of caught my attention:

The three most common “conservative” explanations for the black-white gap-genes, the culture of poverty, and single motherhood-are also hard to reconcile with the available evidence. There is no direct genetic evidence for or against the theory that the black-white gap is innate, because we have not yet identified the genes that affect skills like reading, math, and abstract reasoning. Studies of mixed-race children and black children adopted by white parents suggest, however, that racial differences in test performance are largely if not entirely environmental in origin.
Yes, absolutely. What is needed are studies to look at each variable that is different in a typical black home compared to a typical white home. Or, since there is a high correlation between poverty and IQ, a typical poor home versus a typical middle class home.

For example, suppose valid surveys show that black families tend to allow their kids to watch television or play video games before going to bed, while white families tend to read stories to their children at bed time. Take say sixty families that are television watchers and divide them randomly into two groups. Ask one group to continue with the television/games and the other to read stories or have stories read by audio to their children. In one year measure the average IQ of each group.

My guess is that you would see an increase in the IQ's of the read-to group. If not, try something else, like nutritional changes.

The noteworthy part which is too long to paste, is the "New Directions", ideas for closing the test score gap.
Do you have a link to that, or was it in your link? I'd like to see it.

As an American, I want us all to be equal. If I won the powerball, I'd use the money to fund research into closing that gap.
You aren't black. So when you turn black, face what blacks face and see the problems MAGA blacks cause instead of being white and racist while disageeing only because those blacks validate your sickness then your opinion will matter.
Just give ONE example of a problem caused by "MAGA blacks" that affects you personally.
Yet the racial gap HAS been closing.
For most of the tests we mentioned, black scores stopped rising in the mid-1980s. On the NAEP, the B/W gap actually increased from 1986 to 1990 but for one test group (the math test for 17 year olds). On the SAT, black scores on both verbal and math parts were nearly flat for the five years ending in 1993, after substantial gains in the preceding decade. On the ACT, however, black scores continued to rise after 1986, albeit it modestly.

- Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein, from The Bell Curve, Chapter 13, "Ethnic Differences in Cognitive Ability," page 294

You are either not reading the entire artist (in both cases) or choosing to ignore ithe parts that don't fit. From your source:

Debates over the fairness, value and accuracy of the SAT are sure to continue. The evidence for a stubborn race gap on this test does meanwhile provide a snapshot into the extraordinary magnitude of racial inequality in contemporary American society. Standardized tests are often seen as mechanisms for meritocracy, ensuring fairness in terms of access. But test scores reflect accumulated advantages and disadvantages in each day of life up the one on which the test is taken. Race gaps on the SAT hold up a mirror to racial inequities in society as a whole. Equalizing educational opportunities and human capital acquisition earlier is the only way to ensure fairer outcomes
I didn't make those things up, I am the messenger. These are the FACTS.

Instead of whining about the FACTS, why don't you propose solutions to help those scoring low to improve?

How about education zones? Schools in low-performing areas established with great facilities and great teachers? HOWEVER, there would also be a dress code and a strict code of conduct. If you screw up once, you get a serious warning along with your parents. The second time, you are OUT.


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Absolutely. Pump all the money we do into public schools and they still fail in areas with a lot of poverty. I believe that is because of where the kids are going home to after school.

As an educator, I believe that we wait way to long to test children. We would never build a race car and not turn it on until the Indy 500 when the announcer says "Ladies and Gentlement, start your engines." We would test on a practice track to see if it will be able to perform among all the other cars. Yet, we sit a child down in first grade to learn to read and "see how they do."

Right. That's why I said that low IQ does not equal "less intelligent." It also doesn't equal "bad worker." Most jobs do not require strong fluid reasoning ability. Most jobs are simply to follow a set procedure. Attendance, punctuality, honesty, and work ethic are much more important for those jobs.

That's one study. A meta-study, means that they looked at data from several studies to find a pattern. That kind of study makes it very easy to cherry pick the data. All of the experimental studies have shown IQ testing to be robust, valid, and reliable, which have specific meaning in experimental psychology.

I give credit to the psychological community for not reversing themselves on the validity of IQ in spite of all the pressure. To do so would mean a complete abandonment of their field as an experimental science.

Yes. I believe that it is environmental and cultural. By "cultural," I don't mean a bunch of stereotypical people listening to rap music that "rots their brain," while looking for the next baby mamma. I mean the availability of books in the home, compared to video games, parents educational level, emphasis on education, peer pressure to not "act white," etc.

Yes, absolutely. What is needed are studies to look at each variable that is different in a typical black home compared to a typical white home. Or, since there is a high correlation between poverty and IQ, a typical poor home versus a typical middle class home.

For example, suppose valid surveys show that black families tend to allow their kids to watch television or play video games before going to bed, while white families tend to read stories to their children at bed time. Take say sixty families that are television watchers and divide them randomly into two groups. Ask one group to continue with the television/games and the other to read stories or have stories read by audio to their children. In one year measure the average IQ of each group.

My guess is that you would see an increase in the IQ's of the read-to group. If not, try something else, like nutritional changes.

Do you have a link to that, or was it in your link? I'd like to see it.

As an American, I want us all to be equal. If I won the powerball, I'd use the money to fund research into closing that gap.
Not possible or good for our country.

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