Black man kills white man in "knock-out game". Gets measly 10 years

One guy was drunk off his ass....
The other gets out of a car and assaults someone and calls it an accident....

And by the way I thought there was no such thing as the knockout game.
At least he's going to spend some serious time behind bars. I wish it was more...
10 years my ass! 1st degree murder and death or life without parole are the only two sensible judgements.
Oh that's nothing. What about that white kid that killed four people including a man's entire family and left two hurt? One so bad, he can't even eat by himself.

And what did the kid get? Probation with no time requirement. The kid could get out tomorrow. Some of these white kids. Such animals. I know you'll agree.

You talking about the rich drunk kid? Yeah - that was terrible how he got coddled but that was not a racial case. You obviously have no idea what this thread is about.
Everyone that attacks someone no matter what should go to jail.

Violent people shouldn't be defended rdean.
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10 years my ass! 1st degree murder and death or life without parole are the only two sensible judgements.

Another article i read said he plead guilty to 2nd degree unintentional murder which sounds like an oxymoron. Anyway - this attack was not unintentional.
Admittedly, as defined, probably 2nd degree murder is correct. But deliberately striking someone trying to knock them out, when being knocked out means brain trauma is hardly like just punching someone in the gut or face in a fist-fight. Why I'm not a cop, lawyer, or judge - I'm a old fashioned hangin' judge type :) Take a life, you forfeit your own. That's justice. accident or unintentional or not doesn't matter, you've still robbed someone of the rest of their life without justification and hurt their family who now has to bury them. There is no justice if you stay alive.
Oh that's nothing. What about that white kid that killed four people including a man's entire family and left two hurt? One so bad, he can't even eat by himself.

And what did the kid get? Probation with no time requirement. The kid could get out tomorrow. Some of these white kids. Such animals. I know you'll agree.

You talking about the rich drunk kid? Yeah - that was terrible how he got coddled but that was not a racial case. You obviously have no idea what this thread is about.

Really? You think a rich black kid who killed four people after previous run ins with the law would have been "coddled"?
Oh that's nothing. What about that white kid that killed four people including a man's entire family and left two hurt? One so bad, he can't even eat by himself.

And what did the kid get? Probation with no time requirement. The kid could get out tomorrow. Some of these white kids. Such animals. I know you'll agree.

You talking about the rich drunk kid? Yeah - that was terrible how he got coddled but that was not a racial case. You obviously have no idea what this thread is about.

Really? You think a rich black kid who killed four people after previous run ins with the law would have been "coddled"?

Are you talking about OJ? He only killed 2 people, but he wasn't coddled, he just had money for good lawyers.
At least i think the killer is black. As usual the controlled media calls the killer a "teen" and does not give a pic or give his race. I did find a pic in the alternate media and he looked like a light-skinned black.

Minn. teen gets 10 years for fatal "knock-out game" punch - CBS News

Feb 7, 2014

A Stearns County judge sentenced 18-year-old Jesse Smithers to 10 years on Thursday. Smithers admitted to delivering a deadly punch in a St. Cloud alley almost a year and a half ago, when on Sept. 21, 2012, Colton Gleason was walking with friends when a car pulled up, and Smithers got out and punched him.
His father, John Gleason, says the pain, bitterness and hurt his family feels did not go away with the sentencing of the man responsible for his son’s death.

“We’ve been given a life sentence by this cowardice attack and murder of our son,” John said. “He’ll serve very few short years and he’ll be back out again, and our son is gone forever.”

Jesse Smithers was sentenced to 10 years behind bars for delivering the fatal punch. He originally entered a plea of not guilty, but changed it to 2nd-degree murder in Nov. 2013.

He apologized in court Thursday for what he called a “complete accident.” But Colton’s mother, Julie, disputes this claim

And no doubt the family of this "misunderstood Black youth" cried and whined in front of cameras, insisting their son "was a good boy".
Really? You think a rich black kid who killed four people after previous run ins with the law would have been "coddled"?

Are you talking about OJ? He only killed 2 people, but he wasn't coddled, he just had money for good lawyers.

Actuall OJ's lawyers were lousy but after the prosecution was caught planting evidence and committing perjury the jury had no choice but to say not guilty.
Someone was convicted of murder and got probation? First I heard of it.

Texas teen in "affluenza" case gets rehab after killing 4, injuring 2 -

State District Judge Jean Boyd had already decided the Texas teenager would serve no jail time.


Texas gubernatorial candidates outraged at light sentence for rich-kid killer - NY Daily News


You probably never heard of it because the kid is not black. Not his first brush with the law. He had been caught once before with a naked 14 year old girl in his car.

The defense was that because he was rich and white, he never learned right from wrong. But since he's white, he's probably a "good" kid.

LOL yea, the evil racist white media. OK buddy, you lost all credibility there.

Looks like the kid was convicted of manslaughter, not murder.

So what are you suggesting, that a minor be thrown in an adult prison? He be charged with murder? So you want to punish him extra for being rich and white?

You seem like the racist here, with zero credibility.

The White Texas teen did not murder was a traffic accident...4 people were killed in a traffic comparison to a Negro Man with premeditation intentionally punched(knock out game attack)a white teenager.

Blacks habitually get lighter sentences in interracial crimes....very common.

Minn. teen gets 10 years for fatal "knock-out game" punch - CBS News
Can you believe the killer is so psycho he called this a "complete accident".??!! Anyway, he should have been locked up forever.

Then change the law. Obviously he was able to prove it was not premeditated murder. He was able to prove his intent was not to murder at all which is why he was found guilty of only manslaughter.
At least i think the killer is black. As usual the controlled media calls the killer a "teen" and does not give a pic or give his race. I did find a pic in the alternate media and he looked like a light-skinned black.

So you dont even know for sure, and you assume he has to be black because he committed a crime? :cuckoo: You could try being a little more racist.
Just because a crime was committed doesn't mean the criminal was black. As with saw in the Zimmerman trial, what may be viewed as violence by whites is just part of the culture of black diversity.
At least i think the killer is black. As usual the controlled media calls the killer a "teen" and does not give a pic or give his race. I did find a pic in the alternate media and he looked like a light-skinned black.

So you dont even know for sure, and you assume he has to be black because he committed a crime? :cuckoo: You could try being a little more racist.

A quick Googling confirms his suspicion.
I don't think we look at it the same way. We have one type of response to a situation, based on culture and experiences, and the racist white community has another.

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