Black Manta: Braille Bible Salesman (Online)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a salesmanship-parody about the Black Manta (DC Comics), an underwater nemesis of heroic Aquaman and deviser of fascist schemes with dastardly/evil machinery/weaponry, trying to sell the value Braille Bibles being marketed on the World Wide Web.



BLACK MANTA: Yes, my name is Black Manta, and I live underwater. I create schemes to destroy Aquaman's dominion, because I hold a grudge against him. I engineer/design very advanced if complicated machinery/weaponry which can be used under or over water and which create all kinds of havoc. My devises give me a synthetic 'strength' which helps me tackle the otherwise superhuman Aquaman who can breathe/swim underwater very naturally. I've been chasing around Aquaman for some time now, but today, I'm here to talk about something else entirely --- Braille Bibles being sold on the World Wide Web (Internet)!

The Braille Institute of America has been commissioned to create a series of Christian Bibles all completely 'transcribed' in Braille-format so that the blind can ingest/interpret the spiritual messages/teachings in the iconic religious text beloved by Christians of numerous denominations around the world today. The availability of Braille Bibles on the Internet makes it easy for someone to order/purchase these blindness-assistance religious text translations for their friends/family who are blind and can not read.

We know Braille has helped countless blind people deal with their handicap, and the accessibility of Braille Bibles on the handy-dandy Internet makes it convenient/comfortable for people to buy these great modern artifacts for their handicapped friends and family. Now, the blind can easily follow the spiritual guidance messages outlined in the various books/sections of the Christian Bible --- Job, Ruth, Chronicles, Matthew, Jude, Revelation (etc.).

So "Why..." you might ask " the nefarious underwater terrorist Black Manta advocating the marketing of Braille Bibles on the Internet?" The answer is rather simple and even mundane if not completely 'patriotic.' When a blind person reads passages from Christian parables in a Braille Bible, he/she is using their fingers/hands to gloss over the Braille-dot-bubble matrix textured format of Morse-like patterned shapes and then translating the symbol/shape tactile perceptions into cohesive communicative phrases for their brains/minds to equate into intelligible forms of words/sentences. After all, a blind person can not read but can speak, so Braille Bibles facilitate a blind person's wish to use tactile perception (rather than vision!) to vocalize verbal spiritual messages from the Bible into communicative ideas/phrases!

So what's the big deal about all this? Well, the notion of a person using touch or tactile-perception to participate in the 'communication-matrix' of civilization is a revolutionary notion! Think about it. A blind person sits at his/her desk and uses his fingertips to 'feel' the spiritual passages in the Christian Bible so he/she can 'vocalize' the intelligible prayers to himself/herself. It's as if the sensitive wonder of touch-sensation is facilitating literacy (and offering inspiration!).

Now, when we touch a brand new sports-car or a fancy piece of silk-fabric, we feel the stimulation of erogenous excitement (at the thrilling automobile's sleek lines/design/curves) or tactile admiration (at the soft and smooth texture of the fancy silk-fabric). However, when a blind person touches a Braille Bible, using his/her fingers to glide over the dot-matrix bubbled-symbols/shapes, he/she feels religious illumination(!). All of this is made possible through touch --- not vision!

So why is a terrorist such as myself (Black Manta) interested in telling you why tactile perception being elevated/celebrated over vision? Well, I'm intrigued by the notion that touch rather than vision) is creating imagination/stimulation, since touch is much more basic/crude than vision (a more sophisticated/complex sensory modality!). Isn't it strange that tactile perception (touch) can facilitate imagination in substitution for vision? Someone might be able to argue, "The crude sensation of touch can be used for religious education rather than vision."

AQUAMAN: This is Aquaman, your patriotic friend and guardian. Do not listen to what Black Manta is trying to tell you, because he's trying to confuse your mind and lead you down the path of darkness. Black Manta wants you to think that the crude sensation of touch enabling blind people to be religious edified through the use of Braille Bibles conveniently purchased on the Internet reveals why/how crude stimulation is as 'impactful' as more sophisticated stimulation. He wants you to think that touching a book is as good as reading it! That may be true in some respects for blind people appreciating Braille Bibles, but that does not mean that tactile perception enables all kinds of religious euphoria. Blind people might be as stimulated by listening to Christian/spiritual music as they are cherishing their Braille Bibles! Do not be fooled. Blind people don't want you to think that vision is an 'over-rated sense.'



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