Black Mob Violence. Why?

They believe they have a right to commit this kind of violence and opposition is just racism that justifies more violence.
American blacks have been victimized twice in this nation's history, and this is how it manifests.


Smart kid, smarter than our president if you ask me. He starts at 1:14
Why? Same reason dogs in the wild run in packs. Individually, they would not or could not attack unless the prey is infantile or weakened.
American blacks have been victimized twice in this nation's history, and this is how it manifests.

Twice? What's the second time, Affirmative Action?

All of the various forms of Political Correctness and Identity Politics that have lowered standards for, lowered expectations for, made excuses for, and isolated most American blacks from the rest of society for multiple generations now.

They deserve much better.

American blacks have been victimized twice in this nation's history, and this is how it manifests.

Twice? What's the second time, Affirmative Action?

All of the various forms of Political Correctness and Identity Politics that have lowered standards for, lowered expectations for, made excuses for, and isolated most American blacks from the rest of society.

They deserve much better.

Yet it continues....

The object isn't trying to determine who is best qualified, though...the object is to displace whites, however it can be done...'ll all get sorted eventually...

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