black mothers fighting in school

The problem is twofold, both aspects caused by Democrats:

1) they have demonized the police, and

2) they have made excuses for horrendous behavior when committed by blacks, and thus blacks feel free to cuss out, defy, and even fight police.
Assaulting police earns prison time in Florida State Prison here; And they do not play.

They are equal-oppurtunity locker-uppers, and they do have space for ya. Only the stupidest here do not know that.
I don’t agree with the “to the head” part, but police should be authorized to use more force when confronted with defiant, out-of-control people.

Back in the days Freddie Gray - a black drug dealer died in the back of a police van after another one of his arrests - the black mayor instructed cops to be less aggressive with thugs. Within weeks, crime skyrocketed, and the mayor backtracked on her instructions to be nice to defiant criminals.
What did Freddie Gray do that was so terribly wrong?
Assaulting police earns prison time in Florida State Prison here; And they do not play.

They are equal-oppurtunity locker-uppers, and they do have space for ya. Only the stupidest here do not know that.
Florida is a normal state.

In Virginia, in my liberal county, they just reclassified assaulting a police officer from a felony down to a misdemeanor. These progs want fighting with the cops more appealing to scumbag thugs.
What did Freddie Gray do that was so terribly wrong?
He was a 25-year-old version of George Floyd - about 18 arrests in less than 10 years, in and out of prison, for crimes related to drugs, burglary, assault, trespassing, you name it. Not sure what the last arrest was for, but the death was accidental. His family got a fortune from city.

He was a 25-year-old version of George Floyd - about 18 arrests in less than 10 years, in and out of prison, for crimes related to drugs, burglary, assault, trespassing, you name it. Not sure what the last arrest was for, but the death was accidental. His family got a fortune from city.

So crime does pay.....if you're Black.
Does it bother you when problematic citizens are discussed? Do you really expect black crime to go away by ignoring it and never mentioning it or condemning it? Just shut the fuck up you dumb bitch.
thank you. just trying to figure what the heck with this video. i bet that black lady who they arrested for beating people . has kids that do the same thing. The cops were big blasck men and they hard time keeping that big black lady under control.. its like dang. what was her problem?
So the white folks who are in jail and prison are there unjustly, they didn't do anything. So according to your dumbass no whites are committing crime.
For only 15% of the population, you creatures sure commit a lot of crime. Even decent Black people don't want to be around you.
So the white folks who are in jail and prison are there unjustly, they didn't do anything. So according to your dumbass no whites are committing crime.
Now that would be a seriously silly position to take, now wouldn't it? :rolleyes-41:

You gonna claim all the blacks in jail aren't committing crimes now? Not sure where you're going with this.

They dindu nuffin?

what the heck? two black woman fighting school and cops show up. cops having a hard time getting these ladies under control.

They need to burn down the town and sue. If they wait too long to go for the Bling the country and the town will be bankrupt and they will get nothing but a tour of the 're-education camps' where they will have to learn Spanish to get fed.
Now that would be a seriously silly position to take, now wouldn't it? :rolleyes-41:

You gonna claim all the blacks in jail aren't committing crimes now? Not sure where you're going with this.

They dindu nuffin?

He thinks blacks shouldn't be arrested for anything, and then claims he has no idea why black neighborhoods suck, cuz Whitey..
They need to burn down the town and sue. If they wait too long o go for the Bling the country and the town will be bankrupt and they will get nothing but a tour of the 're-education camps' where they will have to learn Spanish to get fed.
They won't be suing ary a motherfucker from Florida State Prison for the rest of their lives if they go to burning the town down. Also that's a good way to get dead.
He thinks blacks shouldn't be arrested for anything, and then claims he has no idea why black neighborhoods suck, cuz Whitey..
I think we should all meet in a happy middle based in reality on this thing here.
We should have gotten Mexicans to pick our cotton.

Most self-respecting Mexicans wou;d be caught dead north of Tampico, until Whitey took care of the Comanche and Apache for them, and now they run around claiming they built the country and stuff. Screw them both; they're soon going to be fighting street wars over slums and the drug trade soon anyway, and hopefully they kill each other off.

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