black mothers fighting in school

Now that would be a seriously silly position to take, now wouldn't it? :rolleyes-41:

You gonna claim all the blacks in jail aren't committing crimes now? Not sure where you're going with this.

They dindu nuffin?
Actually that is what your dumb ass is implying when you claim whites don't commit crimes or white crime isn't a problem. Tell that to the person who was robbed, raped, beaten or murdered by someone white.
They need to burn down the town and sue. If they wait too long to go for the Bling the country and the town will be bankrupt and they will get nothing but a tour of the 're-education camps' where they will have to learn Spanish to get fed.
It isn't. Even the Obama's packed up and left you jungle gangsters behind for a White neighborhood.

lol yes the black middle class, mostly govt. employees, flees the Hoods and race to live in Whitey Land, leaving the feral animals to kill each other off. They then keep them stupid and doped up so they can use them to extort more bennies for themselves. That's why their neighborhoods and schools are far worse today than they were in the 1950's.
lol yes the black middle class, mostly govt. employees, flees the Hoods and race to live in Whitey Land, leaving the feral animals to kill each other off. They then keep them stupid and doped up so they can use them to extort more bennies for themselves. That's why their neighborhoods and schools are far worse today than they were in the 1950's.
Black people were better off before White liberals decided to make Black lives better by taking care of them. I love the Black musicians of the 30s 40s 50s and 60s. Classy. Now Black music and culture is shit.
lol yes the black middle class, mostly govt. employees, flees the Hoods and race to live in Whitey Land, leaving the feral animals to kill each other off. They then keep them stupid and doped up so they can use them to extort more bennies for themselves. That's why their neighborhoods and schools are far worse today than they were in the 1950's.
It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant and stupid racist are.
There is something very very wrong among black people. The subway murders in New York, whether stabbings or pushing people in front of trains, all committed by blacks. The smash and grab robberies, the shop looting, all gangs of blacks. Home invasion after home invasion by black criminals age 13 to 15. Random attacks on the street. All black assailants. The incredible destruction of stores and restaurants, all done by blacks. Why? Because there is a perception that this is, or should be acceptable.
I've said it before and I will say it again. It's in their DNA. Many got lucky and escaped it. Most didn't. They are a violent race of people and nothing will ever change it except evolution to a higher realm in the brain. Kinda like neanderthals that became extinct but the ones that were "lucky" evolved into homo sapiens. However, that took about 40k years to accomplish. Getting the DNA out of the current blacks that are so damn violent to all races..including their own...will take awhile. The ones that already evolved are now Uncle Toms...and a threat to the current ones still living in their own violent age of hatred.
I'm sorry. Uncle Tom has now been abandoned and the new term is House N*****.

"This is all a stunt. He's nothing but a house n-----" A radical leftist, Maceo Fletcher, just shouted that disgusting racial slur at Herschel Walker during a press conference. When Democrats lose control of free-thinking black men, their real feelings come out immediately.
Black people were better off before White liberals decided to make Black lives better by taking care of them. I love the Black musicians of the 30s 40s 50s and 60s. Classy. Now Black music and culture is shit.
blacks will never be better till they better themselves ., stop doing crime and stop killing each other.,
Black people were better off before White liberals decided to make Black lives better by taking care of them. I love the Black musicians of the 30s 40s 50s and 60s. Classy. Now Black music and culture is shit.

Lizzo doesn't give you a woody?
I'm sorry. Uncle Tom has now been abandoned and the new term is House N*****.

"This is all a stunt. He's nothing but a house n-----" A radical leftist, Maceo Fletcher, just shouted that disgusting racial slur at Herschel Walker during a press conference. When Democrats lose control of free-thinking black men, their real feelings come out immediately.

Meanwhile they all whine for Whitey Bux.

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