Black Panther's Praising Osama


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
I saw this video for the first time today and was horrified.

[ame=]YouTube - Black Panther Leader Praises America's #1 Enemy 'Osama Bin Laden' in 2002[/ame]
I saw this video for the first time today and was horrified.

YouTube - Black Panther Leader Praises America's #1 Enemy 'Osama Bin Laden' in 2002

What a complete waste of space on this earth! I guess he doesn't realize that blacks were killed on 9/11.

It's not even just the speaker, but the people applauding in the audience. What the hell is wrong with those people that they can applaud those that were proud to take credit for the 9/11 attacks?
Scary isnt it? I havent felt this scared since the last time I saw footage from a kkk meeting.
Scary isnt it? I havent felt this scared since the last time I saw footage from a kkk meeting.

The difference is... people call the KKK for what it is. A nasty, racist, hate group. The PC crowd is too afraid to say the same about the New Black Panthers.
Scary isnt it? I havent felt this scared since the last time I saw footage from a kkk meeting.

The difference is... people call the KKK for what it is. A nasty, racist, hate group. The PC crowd is too afraid to say the same about the New Black Panthers.

yep and you can be assured if this was about the kkk, zona hackleberry wouldn't mention the black panthers
Indeed - this story has been bubbling under the surface for a while now and the media bigs have done all they can to see, speak, nor hear any evil surrounding it.

It's getting out now - finally, in conjunction with Obamas' AG stepping in to give cover for those involved in the Black Panther voter inditimidation case.

There are such people in America for no other reason than they were blessed to be living in America - and so they are allowed to speak such disgusting rants against the very country that blesses them with the right to do so.

Watching the video though, one cannot help but be reminded of the pastor whose church Obama was a member of for some 20 years.

This similarities between the Black Panthers and Rev. Wright's preachifying is quite clear...

[ame=]YouTube - GOD DAMN AMERICA Rev Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan & Obama[/ame]

And let us not forget Obama's own words regarding Rev. Wright...

[ame=]YouTube - Obama Speaks Of Rev. Wright In This 1995 Interview[/ame]
Scary isnt it? I havent felt this scared since the last time I saw footage from a kkk meeting.

Change subjects much? How about addresing this issue? Just because theres some other dispicable hate group out there, you think thats a good enough reason to excuse this group? You are whats wrong with society today. Without people like you, racism wouldnt even exist.

I say we ship the black panthers, the KKKs and the racist excusing Zonas of the world to an island and just be done with that whole rotten bunch.
Scary isnt it? I havent felt this scared since the last time I saw footage from a kkk meeting.

The difference is... people call the KKK for what it is. A nasty, racist, hate group. The PC crowd is too afraid to say the same about the New Black Panthers.

Do you need links from just in here that roves you wrong?
the klan and many white enablers don't understand the oppression blacks have and are going thru. that's why this is yet another klan rally post.
the klan and many white enablers don't understand the oppression blacks have and are going thru. that's why this is yet another klan rally post.
Why ?
[ame=]YouTube - HACKNEY GANG 9[/ame]
Keep in mind fellow posters...

Only the Republicans can protect you from the rampaging Black Man


Where da white women at?
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I guess the right is all about race and fear.

I wonder how well that will work for them in a browing America?
I'm truly amazed at those on this board that are excusing this. These people are on tape saying what a great guy Osama Bin Laden is and instead of discussing that, you want to turn it into a bunch of partisan tripe about Republicans wanting to hold down the black man. Unbelievable.
I'm truly amazed at those on this board that are excusing this. These people are on tape saying what a great guy Osama Bin Laden is and instead of discussing that, you want to turn it into a bunch of partisan tripe about Republicans wanting to hold down the black man. Unbelievable.

What did you expect? They do the same thing anytime illegal aliens are mentioned . . . . they all scream 'racist'. They can't address the issue so they deflect with bulllllshit and call it fact. Losers.
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