Black people advocate for segregation

Come us your human side.

The oncologist who tells you that you have cancer and who also cuts it out of your body does that to improve your life. After the surgery he goes home to his loving family. Later he comes back and checks on your welfare as you're lying in a hospital bed recuperating from the harm he's inflicted on your body.

Is he a mean old bastard for telling you that you had cancer and then for cutting you open and excising the cancer?
Back to the cancer example. Shouldn't you be blaming the cigarette company for pushing a fairy tale on you by advertising about how cool it was to smoke? When liberals push for increased multiculturalism, they're like the cigarette company - feeding you lies and doing you harm.

They're not the ones who cause your body harm by cutting the cancer out, that's the oncologist. Don't blame the oncologist for helping fix the problem, lay the blame with those who caused the problem.
:lol: You were that 20 year old spec ed kid in high school, beagle9.

I am glad you have joined us again, because your drooling entries so well demonstrate what you folks are about.

Hey now we can't say things like them folks or you folks and such stuff like that, so what makes you think you can get away with it ? Double standard is on view here again people, and ole Starkey boy is front and center as he makes a fool of himself once again. LOL... It's OK though, because we really know ole Jake the Snake by now, and he just can't help himself really.
I don't know what you're so upset about,
You're mistaken. I'm not.

I'm merely trying to clarify your definition of terms. Evidently when you say "them" or "black people" you mean your characterizations are based on your own personal anecdotes rather than any empirical information.

hahahaha..word games...
I posted direct quotes from black people who are expressing their desire for freedom from white racism..
This has nothing to do with me, no matter how much you try to make it that way..
Every time you dodge, it highlights the fact that you want to deny blacks their freedom to live unmolested by white racists.
Here are their requests. Can you address them?

They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

Why would I address the requests of these individuals? Do their opinions matter more than yours? Do they represent a broad cross section of opinion among black people? If so can you supply the data?

My opinion has nothing to do with this.

Nothing to do with what?
nothing to do with your continuing evasions and efforts to run in circles. You seem afraid to discuss things that black people have said they wanted for many years now.

Now which terms do you need me to define for you this time? aren't fooling me or anyone else who is reading this thread.

It's really very sad to watch people decompensate like's too sad. I need a break, I think I'll watch a comedy on Netflix for a while, I'll come back and taunt you later.
Why do you want to deny blacks the right to be free from white racism as they have asked?

Is anyone ever actually persuaded by this kind of convoluted rhetorical nonsense? Hard to imagine anyone being quite that stupid.

I'm not trying to persuade anyone you continue to purposely distort...I'm saying the list of grievances they have should be addressed.
To refuse to acknowledge and discuss the very things blacks THEMSELVES have asked for is racist.

They who? Which blacks? How many? Where and when?
Over there.
Long ago.
Holy shit. She is there for work. Fucking losers think you have a "gotchya" and you can't help yourselves.

You're the one who distorted the issue. I talked about parents sending their kids to schools which are 90% minority because this would culturally enrich their own child.

You then brought up your daughter. What does her workplace have to do with my point? Every employee goes where their employer sends them or they're out of a job.

Did you send your daughter, when she was 7 or 10 to a 90% minority school, and do so on purpose, in order for her to benefit from the cultural enrichment embodied within the school?
You'll not get a serious reply. I'm done with them. Let them run around in circles by themselves

Where are the direct quotes? Who have you cited?
Over there.
Black folks sure are lucky to have people like this guy to tell them what they want.
I'm not telling them you continue to avoid the topic and try to change the subject.
More snark and evasion.
I listed the grievances they have cited. This has nothing to do with me.
Why do you want to deny black people the things they ask for so they can be free from white racism?

Who's they? Which black people? Have "they" been designated to represent the views of all black people? Or is that your job?

Who knows.
Black folks sure are lucky to have people like this guy to tell them what they want.
I'm not telling them you continue to avoid the topic and try to change the subject.
More snark and evasion.
I listed the grievances they have cited. This has nothing to do with me.
Why do you want to deny black people the things they ask for so they can be free from white racism?

Who's they? Which black people? Have "they" been designated to represent the views of all black people? Or is that your job?

Who knows.

In other words: You are just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be.
Back to the cancer example. Shouldn't you be blaming the cigarette company for pushing a fairy tale on you by advertising about how cool it was to smoke? When liberals push for increased multiculturalism, they're like the cigarette company - feeding you lies and doing you harm.

They're not the ones who cause your body harm by cutting the cancer out, that's the oncologist. Don't blame the oncologist for helping fix the problem, lay the blame with those who caused the problem.

Following your logic we could solve all your problems by simply cutting out your brain. I wonder if you would notice the difference?
Back to the cancer example. Shouldn't you be blaming the cigarette company for pushing a fairy tale on you by advertising about how cool it was to smoke? When liberals push for increased multiculturalism, they're like the cigarette company - feeding you lies and doing you harm.

They're not the ones who cause your body harm by cutting the cancer out, that's the oncologist. Don't blame the oncologist for helping fix the problem, lay the blame with those who caused the problem.

Following your logic we could solve all your problems by simply cutting out your brain. I wonder if you would notice the difference?

Typical Soviet response - send your political enemy to the mental hospital for a lobotomy and, even after that, you still have to worry that your opponent will beat you in a debate.
Blacks are like a race of children and will never be satisfied. If we live WITH THEM, they will complain about "racism". If we live APART FROM THEM, they will complain that we whites owe them something. The bottom line is that they are evolutionarily a completely different breed of human, and the proposal that we live as equals in a society is doomed to failure, and worse.

That same logic is in the Sexual Harassment rules the feds use and most corporations. A woman can make an anonymous complaint about you paying her too much attention, management tells you to cut it out without saying who you are supposed to not harass, lol, then the bitch complains because you are not interacting with her like everyone else and are avoiding her.

They get you no matter what you do. ...
Wow, little precious, you're a victim in all kinds of ways, aren't you? You poor, poor little thing.

Lol, yes, the laws against white men are deplorable, unjust and immoral.

No wonder it fills you with glee, since you are a self-hating white libtard.
Back to the cancer example. Shouldn't you be blaming the cigarette company for pushing a fairy tale on you by advertising about how cool it was to smoke? When liberals push for increased multiculturalism, they're like the cigarette company - feeding you lies and doing you harm.

They're not the ones who cause your body harm by cutting the cancer out, that's the oncologist. Don't blame the oncologist for helping fix the problem, lay the blame with those who caused the problem.

Following your logic we could solve all your problems by simply cutting out your brain. I wonder if you would notice the difference?

Lol, standard libtard deflection with no facts or reason.

Please, keep it going, you silly punk.
Black folks sure are lucky to have people like this guy to tell them what they want.
I'm not telling them you continue to avoid the topic and try to change the subject.
More snark and evasion.
I listed the grievances they have cited. This has nothing to do with me.
Why do you want to deny black people the things they ask for so they can be free from white racism?

Who's they? Which black people? Have "they" been designated to represent the views of all black people? Or is that your job?

Who knows.

In other words: You are just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be.

No.It means I'm not running around in circles for you.
You've spent page after page trying to change the subject and name calling and dodging and playing word games.
What? you don't like it when someone plays word games with you?
You've made it clear you aren't here to have an honest discussion. I've tried all day long, so don't expect me to take you seriously now.
Back to the cancer example. Shouldn't you be blaming the cigarette company for pushing a fairy tale on you by advertising about how cool it was to smoke? When liberals push for increased multiculturalism, they're like the cigarette company - feeding you lies and doing you harm.

They're not the ones who cause your body harm by cutting the cancer out, that's the oncologist. Don't blame the oncologist for helping fix the problem, lay the blame with those who caused the problem.

Following your logic we could solve all your problems by simply cutting out your brain. I wonder if you would notice the difference?

Typical Soviet response - send your political enemy to the mental hospital for a lobotomy and, even after that, you still have to worry that your opponent will beat you in a debate.

Sounds to me like you've had that procedure done already.....and that would explain a lot.
Do me a favor and give me a link to the study.


Happy reading.

The Center For Equal Opportunity? Outstanding!

Is that study peer reviewed?

What's your problem? The University of Maryland doesn't dispute the data - it's their data. They don't dispute their special programs.

You apparently don't understand how peer review works. This isn't developing new knowledge. Are FBI Crime Statistics peer reviewed?

Every institution of higher learning has affirmative action programs, so it amounts to career suicide to criticize such programs from within. These leaves those on the outside. We see the same with government spending. Bureaucrats NEVER advocate that their own departments cut spending and fire government employees. Outside critics have to look at government budgets and staff effectiveness and analyze the situation.

The data is real. If these guys were cooking up data U of M would have screamed to the high heavens.

Do you honestly feel that you've somehow invalidated the study? Really?

He has given himself and his fellow libtards a rationale for ignoring it, which they will do.

White rights is something they are determined to ignore.
Black folks sure are lucky to have people like this guy to tell them what they want.
I'm not telling them you continue to avoid the topic and try to change the subject.
More snark and evasion.
I listed the grievances they have cited. This has nothing to do with me.
Why do you want to deny black people the things they ask for so they can be free from white racism?

Who's they? Which black people? Have "they" been designated to represent the views of all black people? Or is that your job?

Who knows.

In other words: You are just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be.

No.It means I'm not running around in circles for you.
You've spent page after page trying to change the subject and name calling and dodging and playing word games.
What? you don't like it when someone plays word games with you?
You've made it clear you aren't here to have an honest discussion. I've tried all day long, so don't expect me to take you seriously now.

I'm sorry the inquisition didn't go as planned. Maybe if you ever asked any honest questions you might get some honest answers.
Do me a favor and give me a link to the study.


Happy reading.

The Center For Equal Opportunity? Outstanding!

Is that study peer reviewed?

What's your problem? The University of Maryland doesn't dispute the data - it's their data. They don't dispute their special programs.

You apparently don't understand how peer review works. This isn't developing new knowledge. Are FBI Crime Statistics peer reviewed?

Every institution of higher learning has affirmative action programs, so it amounts to career suicide to criticize such programs from within. These leaves those on the outside. We see the same with government spending. Bureaucrats NEVER advocate that their own departments cut spending and fire government employees. Outside critics have to look at government budgets and staff effectiveness and analyze the situation.

The data is real. If these guys were cooking up data U of M would have screamed to the high heavens.

Do you honestly feel that you've somehow invalidated the study? Really?

He has given himself and his fellow libtards a rationale for ignoring it, which they will do.

White rights is something they are determined to ignore.

White rights? What are those? Are they different from human rights?
Blacks are like a race of children ...

So, you think they are superior to you. Well, everyone else is, so...
Troll alert !!!!

"Fill your hand, you sonnofabitch!" Good movie.

Good videos you can do; answering questions is not part of your tool set.

So, once again,

Why do you have no problem with discrimination against white atheletes?
Why do you find white rights groups to be racist when every other ethnic group and race has their own advocacy groups?
Why are you OK with officer Wilsons civil right being violated?
Why cant you answer these questions?
Black folks sure are lucky to have people like this guy to tell them what they want.
I'm not telling them you continue to avoid the topic and try to change the subject.
More snark and evasion.
I listed the grievances they have cited. This has nothing to do with me.
Why do you want to deny black people the things they ask for so they can be free from white racism?

Who's they? Which black people? Have "they" been designated to represent the views of all black people? Or is that your job?

Who knows.

In other words: You are just about as completely full of shit as you can possibly be.

No.It means I'm not running around in circles for you.
You've spent page after page trying to change the subject and name calling and dodging and playing word games.
What? you don't like it when someone plays word games with you?
You've made it clear you aren't here to have an honest discussion. I've tried all day long, so don't expect me to take you seriously now.

I'm sorry the inquisition didn't go as planned. Maybe if you ever asked any honest questions you might get some honest answers.

More deflection.

Why do you have no problem with discrimination against white athletes?
Why do you find white rights groups to be racist when every other ethnic group and race has their own advocacy groups?
Why are you OK with officer Wilsons civil right being violated?
Why cant you answer these questions?
Do me a favor and give me a link to the study.


Happy reading.

The Center For Equal Opportunity? Outstanding!

Is that study peer reviewed?

What's your problem? The University of Maryland doesn't dispute the data - it's their data. They don't dispute their special programs.

You apparently don't understand how peer review works. This isn't developing new knowledge. Are FBI Crime Statistics peer reviewed?

Every institution of higher learning has affirmative action programs, so it amounts to career suicide to criticize such programs from within. These leaves those on the outside. We see the same with government spending. Bureaucrats NEVER advocate that their own departments cut spending and fire government employees. Outside critics have to look at government budgets and staff effectiveness and analyze the situation.

The data is real. If these guys were cooking up data U of M would have screamed to the high heavens.

Do you honestly feel that you've somehow invalidated the study? Really?

He has given himself and his fellow libtards a rationale for ignoring it, which they will do.

White rights is something they are determined to ignore.

White rights? What are those? Are they different from human rights?

They are less than the normal set of human rights, yes. It is lawful to discriminate against white men, and AG Holder has said that the Justus department will not prosecute cases of civil rights violations against whites.

Why do you have no problem with discrimination against white athletes?
Why do you find white rights groups to be racist when every other ethnic group and race has their own advocacy groups?
Why are you OK with officer Wilsons civil right being violated?
Why cant you answer these questions?

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