Black people shouldn't celebrate White holidays

Nope. We never committed genocide.
My great grandmother was a Comanche and she said differently. It was common practice for them to kill all the men and boys and either marry or enslave the women. Very young children of both sexes were adopted. The tribes they fought with were exterminated. By any rational standard, that’s genocide.
The United States government outlawed the Ghost Dance. They outlawed a dance. Know why? The Indians believed it would make them impervious to the white mans bullets. The white man believed it.
Good thinking, right?
Ghost Dancing was banned for the same reason the Brits banned bagpipes in Scotland. Both raised the morale of the oppressed people.
Can someone tell me why, 200 years after the fact, lefties are hating on our colonizers? Thanks to them, we live in America where the sky’s the limit - where a black man or a poor white kid can even become president of the United States. Opportunities abound for for those with the right attitude, motivation, discipline, and willingness to work hard.



I'm sure I don't have to remind you who sold your ancestors into slavery. Not that you've ever been subject to the treatment that your ancestors endured. But what the hell, haters gonna hate.
Minorities, myself included, are benefitting greatly from this country - thanks to the “colonizers” - and I am grateful beyond words that I was born here. (I likely would not have been born otherwise, if my grandparents had remained in Europe.) Here, with nothing more than hard work, motivation, discipline, and the right values and choices, the most impoverished among us can move from abject poverty to the middle class within 15 or 20 years.

1943: A teen, dad was picking the ice up frim the provider because his family was so poor they couldn’t spare the extra one penny charge for delivery.

1953: College grad, renting a small place in a new city. (He had to relocate because his current city wasn‘t hiring Jews.)

1963: Owner of a new house in the middle class suburbs, with his wife and kids.
56,000,000 dead natives. Too high a price.
Why now all of a sudden? Nothing has changed from the last generation. Or the genersrioml before that. Seems like you American-hating, anti-white racists just popped out of nowhere, for no justifiable reason.

Could it be that getting favored over whites for college admissions for the last 40 years isn’t enough, and you’re out for reparations from people who had nothing to do with slavery or other racism from long ago? My family didn’t even arrive here until the 20th century.
Why now all of a sudden?
All of a sudden? The colonizer mindset has been and still is here among whites. Whites are still trying to silence our culture. This needs to stop.

Could it be that getting favored over whites for college admissions for the last 40 years isn’t enough, and you’re out for reparations from people who had nothing to do with slavery or other racism from long ago?
I don't want reparations. I don't want the government to give us our land back. It's too late for that. What I want is for the actual truth to be told.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Over 360 broken treaties, Sand Creek, Wounded Knee… now I ask you, is it really asking too much to teach this stuff in school? That way kids don’t have to learn it the way I did.
That depends on how far you want to take it.
All of a sudden? The colonizer mindset has been and still is here among whites. Whites are still trying to silence our culture. This needs to stop.

I don't want reparations. I don't want the government to give us our land back. It's too late for that. What I want is for the actual truth to be told.
And who determines “the truth”? The anti-American leftists? Why do you want an entire generation growing up to hate our country?

Will we also give a balanced history, and talk about how forward thinking this country was, and how it recognized its wrongs way ahead of other countries? How we now live in a country where opportunities are limitless to those who have the right values, traits, and ability?

Seems to me you want whitey to have a sense of shame and self-loathing. There are no adults alive today that had anything to do with racism.
And who determines “the truth”? The anti-American leftists? Why do you want an entire generation growing up to hate our country?
Since you guys are so into facts how about we teach factual history. Teaching history should not make you feel good about your country. It should teach what happened. Why do you care what people think?
Just so you know, there are a lot of people who hate what colonizers did but still love this land.
You guys whine and complain about the censorship of the left yet you have no problem censoring centuries of history.
Since you guys are so into facts how about we teach factual history. Teaching history should not make you feel good about your country. It should teach what happened. Why do you care what people think?
Just so you know, there are a lot of people who hate what colonizers did but still love this land.
You guys whine and complain about the censorship of the left yet you have no problem censoring centuries of history.
Indians fought back, wtf were we supposed to do, let guys in underwear beat us with sticks and stones?

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