Black people shouldn't celebrate White holidays

And who determines “the truth”? The anti-American leftists? Why do you want an entire generation growing up to hate our country?

Will we also give a balanced history, and talk about how forward thinking this country was, and how it recognized its wrongs way ahead of other countries? How we now live in a country where opportunities are limitless to those who have the right values, traits, and ability?

Seems to me you want whitey to have a sense of shame and self-loathing. There are no adults alive today that had anything to do with racism.
The OP excepted.
Back in December someone on the street told me "Merry Christmas!". I told them that "I don't celebrate any of the colonizers' traditions". They seemed offended and entitled to my feelings on the subject and I told them off.

I believe that Minorities must reject the traditions of their colonizers. A black person celebrating Thanksgiving is like a white Frenchman celebrating the conquering of France by Muslims, where millions of his group were killed by the conquerors, and subsequently enslaved for hundreds of years. Can you even Imagine a white person celebrating his own enslavement and death? Not a chance. Yet many whites expect precisely that of Minorities. Heck, you can't even get whites in South Africa to wave the rainbow nation flag; "Rhodesia never dies" the white Zimbabweans say. Anywhere where whites are a minority, they have a "victim complex" and embrace their own white identity. Anywhere where whites are the majority-with rare exception, like Albania or chechnya who wholly embrace non white traditions, and those countries are hated by the other white countries- they force the non white population to acquiesce to white identity. That's something that must change but minorities have to be the ones to do it. Stop celebrating your literal conquering. There can't be anything more cucked. It's insane. Don't let these white people brainwash yo children with this Marxist garbage.
I'm trying to wrap my head around someone posting THAT...choosing Thomas Sowell for an avatar! I had Sowell at Amherst College many years ago. He'd be amused by you...and not in a good way.
^^^ Blacks like this, who brag about destroying America, are actively trying to increase racism. I‘m clueless as to why.
When I say destroying America, I'm only parroting what you white right wing clowns say-it's not something I actually believe. Defending yourself from white racism is completely legitimate. But by your own logic, anti black racism has created more America destroyers, thus, It would be completely justified anyways. By your logic. In the Beginning you had white racism.
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