black people trying to make white people obey in texas

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A social justice group has said it sent a letter to white Democrats in two wealthy Texas neighborhoods calling on them to pledge their children will not apply to Ivy League schools so that black students can get a spot instead.
Dallas Justice Now (DJN), which appears to have been set up recently, is asking white supporters of Black Lives Matter to commit to 'making sacrifices to correct centuries of injustice.'
The pledge letter, seen by Dallas City Wire, tells rich, white people they 'earned or inherited your money through oppressing people of color'.
The pledge asks the recipient to check one of two boxes: 'I am a racist hypocrite' or 'I agree' to the pledge.
The group warned on its website it will publicly announce the names of people who have and have not signed the pledge.

This DJN organization sounds like crude racist and extortionist.
Students work had to get good grades and high SAT scores to admitted to good universities.
These schools discriminate based on grades, not race.
Would YOU stand out on the front porch shouting as loud as possible "Come and get me, bitches!" Would that be the wisest response?
No, I would take cover and take aim

do you support the black racist wackos that spawned this thread?

I’m sure you dont but here you are nevertheless giving the impression that you do

what gives?
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Not sure how white democrats could object to this type of pledge to hold them accountable.
Few people in our society are more nauseating than "white" people who lecture other "white" people about their privilege, racism, and so on. Would that they would all STFU.

For the record, I and most other white people who have achieved some level of prosperity have not exploited ANYONE, let alone POC's, who mainly do a pretty good job of fucking up their lives without the help of "white" racists.

As for the specific initiative described in the OP, NOBODY benefits when unqualified POC's take positions in elite educational institutions. The course content is watered down to mitigate their horrible academic records, and the real students are fucked.
Would YOU stand out on the front porch shouting as loud as possible "Come and get me, bitches!" Would that be the wisest response?
Jesus Christ you are dense. Just because you would cower and bow to any of these savages attacking your family doesn’t mean we are all cowards too. Here’s a an idea. Don’t shoot your fool mouth off about what you’re gonna do to me and white people in general then act surprised when you get your ass beat.
What would you in the situation this woman faced?

Paul Slater, the man who was shot five times by a Loganville mother after breaking into her home in January, has been sentenced to 25 years, with 10 to serve, according to My Fox Atlanta. Slater was charged with first degree burglary and possession of tools in the commission of a crime. He had pleaded not guilty two weeks ago.

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