Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism.

Whites talk about us based on lies

We don't talk about you at all. We don't have the obsession that you have. 99% of us never get up in the morning and think, "How can I screw over a black person today?"
For you to spend your life bitching about how that 1% feels, is nuts.
Acid erodes the vessel it's contained in.
Whites talk about us based on lies

We don't talk about you at all. We don't have the obsession that you have. 99% of us never get up in the morning and think, "How can I screw over a black person today?"
For you to spend your life bitching about how that 1% feels, is nuts.
Acid erodes the vessel it's contained in.
Stop the lying. There is no obsession. Quit the gaslighting. And the number of whites who support white supremacist beliefs was 31 percent as was shown by a national poll. Look white woman, it's easy for you to talk crazy because the issue is about public policy. If you voted for trump then you voted with the intent of screwing blacks over. Now I am going to re post some statements and I would like for you to read them then start thinking about the fact that you want to pretend things do not exist based on a past model of behavior when their is a new model of behavior being used now.

The second key maneuver, which flowed naturally from the first, was to redefine racism itself. Confronted with civil rights headlines depicting unflattering portrayals of KKK rallies and jackbooted sheriffs, white authority transformed those damning images of white supremacy into the sole definition of racism. This simple but wickedly brilliant conceptual and linguistic shift served multiple purposes. First and foremost, it was conscience soothing. The whittling down of racism to sheet-wearing goons allowed a cloud of racial innocence to cover many whites who, although 'resentful of black progress' and determined to ensure that racial inequality remained untouched, could see and project themselves as the 'kind of upstanding white citizen(s)' who were 'positively outraged at the tactics of the Ku Klux Klan". The focus on the Klan also helped to designate racism as an individual aberration rather than something systemic, institutional and pervasive.”

Carol Anderson, White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide

Racism today is practiced in a new way and it's not overt in practice but covert in policy. We now face perhaps an insidious and arrogant type of white backlash. Whites who are “tired of hearing” blacks and other non whites protesting and complaining about white racism. These are whites who have cried since the Civil Rights act was passed, making up a fake discrimination against whites they have taken to the supreme court time after time in the hopes of ending equal protection under the law for non-whites. This backlash takes several forms.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black and non-white people in the United States. The difference in modern racism than old time classic white racism is that the attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.

Aversive racism is a form of racism practiced today which might as well be called subtle racism. People who are aversive racists claim to be non racist while at the same time expressing negative feelings and beliefs about members of other races. It has also been called colorblind racism. However, since that term confuses some whites because they cannot understand why we can say they are colorblind and still be racist, we’ll stick with the term aversive racism. Regardless of its “subtlety”, aversive racism has resulted in significant and harmful consequences that basically mirror the effects of overt racism. These significant and harmful consequences are called entitlement reform, immigration, welfare reform, voter fraud and many other things that are actually policies designed to take away things from non-whites. “I’m colorblind and if you talk about racism, you are the racist”. This is how racism is played today.
You can scream racism from the roof tops and I wouldn't feel responsible one way or the other. I take responsibility for my actions, and mine alone. I never owned slaves. And you've never picked cotton, so get over that shit.
I feel badly that you are so consumed with hate that it eats away at you every day. Have you never had a pleasant experience you could share?
How was Africa? Did you like it?
You are not the federal, state or local governments that passed laws and implemented policies that beneftted you because you are white. Now since you are white and a female that means you have received the greatest benefit from affirmative action. So go elsewhere with your delusion based opinions.

This is 2020. I was born in 1961, the racism I have seen and endured don't have a motherfucking thing to do with what your white ignorant ass has not owned or what I have not picked. So let me explain to you how you, today, have benefited from racism.

Because white women are a protected group relative to past discrimination, you get to be included in affirmative action policy. The racist can hire or promote you and then claim he does not discriminate. So what you say you didn't own doesn't mean shit. These dumb tired racist white excuses have almost become comical.

Drop the assumptions ignorant ho, and quit listening to white right wing race hustlers.
More of your Affirmative Action lies. You are neither white, nor a woman. You know nothing. You seem to believe no white women would succeed without AA. That is very biased and racist. You hate whites telling blacks what they are, what they do, how to live, etc. Yet, you seem to think it is fine to tell whites what they are, what they get, etc etc. You ASSume shit that isn't real.

I see that you are about to get embarrassed. Whites talk about us based on lies and we bring up actual white behavior, as well as laws and policies that have benefitted whites. That's the difference and I do know what I am talking about.

"White women benefit from affirmative action the most. Programs stemming from affirmative action have been critical in ensuring gender equity and creating opportunities for women in business and in educational institutions that they’ve traditionally been shut out of."

Affirmative Action Is Great For White Women. So Why Do They Hate It?
The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the program benefits the women who fought against it most of all.

On Thursday, the Supreme Court narrowly upheld affirmative action in higher education admissions, protecting a landmark victory of the Civil Rights movement against yet another assault.

The face of Fisher v. Texas, Abigail Fisher, is a young, educated and white woman who sought to undo affirmative action in the erroneous belief that the system limited her chances because of her race.

But if the court had dismantled affirmative action across the nation, Fisher, and many other white women like her, would have been sorely disappointed. The fact is that white women are disproportionately likely to benefit from affirmative action policies. You’d never know that from listening to Fisher — or her demographic.

Data from the 2014 Cooperative Congressional Election Study — an annual large-scale academic survey that aims to track political attitudes — show that 66 percent of young white people between 17 and 34 describe themselves as “somewhat opposed” or “strongly opposed” to affirmative action policies in employment and admissions. Among young white women, 67 percent are against affirmative action. Among young women of color — the study polls black, Hispanic and Asian American women — only 29 percent oppose it either strongly or somewhat.

Affirmative action, when it was introduced by President John F. Kennedy in 1961, originally required entities that receive federal funding to take tangible steps “to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin.” In 1967, Lyndon Johnson added sex to that list.

And yet, just as most people think of Title IX as being about athletics funding (there’s a lot more to it than that), the general perception of affirmative action is that it’s “just” about race.

But affirmative action has been quite beneficial to women, and disproportionately beneficial to white women.

Who Does Affirmative Action Benefit? White Women Are Some Of Its Biggest Opponents

On Tuesday evening, the New York Times revealed a new bombshell. Recently obtained documents from the Justice Department indicate the Trump administration is planning to target affirmative action on university campuses, likely arguing that it discriminates against white college applicants.

Ironically, the group that affirmative action helps the most is also one of its most stringent opponents. Statistics show that white women benefit immensely from affirmative action, but according to Vox, they are also among those who most want to see it abolished.

The numbers prove it: After two decades of affirmative action, it was white women who held the majority of managerial jobs, compared to African American, Latino, and Asian American women (the supposed beneficiaries of these policies), according to a 1995 report by the California Senate Government Organization Committee. Across the board, affirmative action helped women obtain success in the labor market. Today, women are more educated and successful in the workforce than ever before, while married women are taking over as household breadwinners.

Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone

Originally, women weren’t even included in legislation attempting to level the playing field in education and employment. The first affirmative-action measure in America was an executive order signed by President Kennedy in 1961 requiring that federal contractors “take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin.” In 1967, President Johnson amended this, and a subsequent measure included sex, recognizing that women also faced many discriminatory barriers and hurdles to equal opportunity. Meanwhile, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 only included sex in the list of prohibited forms of discrimination because conservative opponents of the legislation hoped that including it would sway moderate members of Congress to withdraw their support for the bill. Still, in a nation where white women and black people were once considered property — not allowed to own property themselves and not allowed to vote — it was clear to all those who were seeking fairness and opportunity that both groups faced monumental obstacles.

While people of color, individually and as groups, have been helped by affirmative action in the subsequent years, data and studies suggest women — white women in particular — have benefited disproportionately. According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.

Another study shows that women made greater gains in employment at companies that do business with the federal government, which are therefore subject to federal affirmative-action requirements, than in other companies — with female employment rising 15.2% at federal contractors but only 2.2% elsewhere. And the women working for federal-contractor companies also held higher positions and were paid better.

Even in the private sector, the advancements of white women eclipse those of people of color. After IBM established its own affirmative-action program, the numbers of women in management positions more than tripled in less than 10 years. Data from subsequent years show that the number of executives of color at IBM also grew, but not nearly at the same rate.

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You and others here have whined about how unfair it is for blacks be getting AA and that we cannot make it without government help. You don't seem to like it when it is revealed that you, a white person has been given more by the government than anyone else. It is that dependence on the government that has you whining today about how blacks are getting extra rights when we are only asking for equal rights. Now just shut your racist ass up Molly.
You can copy and paste all you want. I see NO PROOF of AA for white women. Nobody ever hired me for my gender or skin color. Again, you seem to be ASSuming that no white women are hired by their skills or knowledge.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks
: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan.
Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
Globalism is a mirror image of White racism.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks
: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan.
Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
Globalism is a mirror image of White racism.
LOL! Globalism is a stupid right wing word made up by isolationists.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks
: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan.
Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.

I don’t agree with this last part. It absolves blacks of any responsibility for hate. Every human society has some form of racism (essentially, a demonizing of the other). It has little to do with a response or reaction to racism by the other. We are hard wired to be tribal. what you are essentially saying is,unlike whites..blacks aren’t really racist.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks
: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan.
Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
Globalism is a mirror image of White racism.
LOL! Globalism is a stupid right wing word made up by isolationists.
Come on brother. Globalism is an elitist word which the MSM will gladly justify as "for the greater good". They said that about slavery too. The problem here isn't between Black and White. The problem is between $ and no $.

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