Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell


Feb 15, 2015
I recently read the book Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell which emphasized that african americans in the US have been unable to achieve similar success relative to other race not because of slavery or racism, but due to the culture they picked up from the southern plantation owners which has now morphed into ghetto culture. I was wondering if anyone else had an input on this subject or agreed with his thesis?

I put my review of the book up as well in case anyone is interested in watching it.

Actual Redneck culture is very big on self-reliance and hard work.
Slaves had all their needs provided for by someone else so I have to disagree with the basic premise.
I also disagree that Blacks are less able than other races to achieve in this country.
Actual Redneck culture is very big on self-reliance and hard work.
Slaves had all their needs provided for by someone else so I have to disagree with the basic premise.
I also disagree that Blacks are less able than other races to achieve in this country.

Redneck culture now is self-reliant and based on hard work. But any literature about southern culture in 18th and 19th century will point out that Northerners were horrified with what they saw from southern culture. Many were on record as saying they put little value in education, and were quite lazy.

I never once said blacks were less able either. I think they're very much able to do whatever they please as long as they set their mind to it. Either watch my review or look into the book itself.

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