Black Shoots Up Synagogue

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
2 men shot in legs outside LA synagogue

Police later detained and handcuffed a man less than a mile from the synagogue. The youth, believed to be about 17 years old, matched the "very loose" description of the attacker, who was described as a black man wearing a hoodie, Moore said.

Media contorts itself to downplay "hate crime" and race of attacker. Had this been a white man, holy fuck. "No hate crime here, folks, just someone who likes to shoot random Jews."

Whites are guilty before they leave the house in the morning. Blacks are innocent while they're in the middle of raping, slashing and stuffing cash down their shirts.
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...on your mom. but, I shot an entirely different substance on her face so no worries.
The race of teh shooter is pretty irrelevant. I am more interested in his motives. Why his motives should make a difference as to how he is charged is beyond me.
bullshit. if these guys were arab you'd be calling for nuking iran and every non jew in the west bank.
2 men shot in legs outside LA synagogue

Police later detained and handcuffed a man less than a mile from the synagogue. The youth, believed to be about 17 years old, matched the "very loose" description of the attacker, who was described as a black man wearing a hoodie, Moore said.

Media contorts itself to downplay "hate crime" and race of attacker. Had this been a white man, holy fuck. "No hate crime here, folks, just someone who likes to shoot random Jews."

Whites are guilty before they leave the house in the morning. Blacks are innocent while they're in the middle of raping, slashing and stuffing cash down their shirts.

The 17 year old black dude was probably just trying out his new gun.
I hope it was just a failed robbery attempt and not motivated by anti-semitism.

One of my greatest fears is that blatant anti-semitism is starting to become prevalent in our country.
bullshit. if these guys were arab you'd be calling for nuking iran and every non jew in the west bank.

Actually I'd like to see you put in prison for being a moron and getting gang raped daily by Arabs and Blacks.

oh I'm sure you would, aparthied jew, I'm SURE you would. Hell, if this were Ikkkrael im SURE you'd have had my goyim ass behind a wall LONG ago.

Thankfully, you don't get to call the shots here in an ACTUAL western nation.

The race of teh shooter is pretty irrelevant. I am more interested in his motives. Why his motives should make a difference as to how he is charged is beyond me.
I live about 20-25 miles from where it happened. The 17 year old had nothing to do with it.

They are speculating that it was due to a business relationship that went bad with one of the victims.

Doesn't sound like a hate crime whatsoever.
2 men shot in legs outside LA synagogue

Police later detained and handcuffed a man less than a mile from the synagogue. The youth, believed to be about 17 years old, matched the "very loose" description of the attacker, who was described as a black man wearing a hoodie, Moore said.

Media contorts itself to downplay "hate crime" and race of attacker. Had this been a white man, holy fuck. "No hate crime here, folks, just someone who likes to shoot random Jews."

Whites are guilty before they leave the house in the morning. Blacks are innocent while they're in the middle of raping, slashing and stuffing cash down their shirts.

great point. does anyone remember the halloween hate crime from a coupla years ago? a group of blacks beat the crap out of some whites while screaming racist epithets and they still got off.
a business relationship that went bad with one of the victims

you dont say....
a business relationship that went bad with one of the victims

that explains everything then. justified shooting I'm sure.
when are you americans going to make it illegal to shoot people that you don't like? seem to be a little uncivilized, doncha think.

and the witchita horror defence is that the couple were looking for drugs right? seems reasonable that they were raped for a few days and killed because they we obviously criminals.

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