Black student 'lynches' whites for 'art' project

Those are numbers many are unaware of. However the fact that some whites were lynched doesn't take away from the horror of what was mostly a means to terrorize blacks. Most whites who were lynched faced that fate for their own crimes, not as scapegoats for others' cancerous insecurity.

I won't disagree that lynching by whites was designed to terrorize blacks, but the very definition of lynching is "an illegal execution of an accused by a mob".

If one was pro abolishing slavery and you were white, you'd be wearing a noose as well. Out west with out much law and order one could be accused of a crime and you'd be getting a rope burn too.

One could class it I suppose as a period of domestic terrorism by mob rule. And of course one has the notorious KKK who perfected this sad "art".

I consider all the lynchings evil.

But what do you think would happen Amelia if I wanted to portray history in truth and hung 2 black men and 1 white man in a more appropriate ratio?

And I declared this as "historic art" . What would happen to me?


You'd be lynched. :eusa_angel:

Smart ass :lol:
"The purpose of this performance was to bring to light social injustices and the issues of inequality that impact me and my community as a whole," she wrote in an open letter to the school body, obtained by The Campus Culture.

Edwards said that, as a young African-American woman, she does not feel society has changed enough in terms of racial equality to foster truly equal opportunities. Her goal with the project was to gauge community reaction.

"I think it's more impactful when you use actual people, sends a stronger message that just a painting," student Alexander Richmond said to KTXL.

That's what art's supposed to do. Provoke an emotional reaction. Well done piece. By utilizing race-reversal the outrage whites display in response to the piece is how blacks have felt about lynching for over a century. It's forcing the viewer to put the shoes of another on their own feet. Clever and effective.
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Too bad the student was ignorant of history. Blacks were lynched but so were whites. But I guess whites don't count in history.

Silly me for thinking they might be.

Lynchings: By State and Race, 1882-1968 *

The breakdowns are at the link.

Here's the totals.

White Black Totals
1,297 3,446 4,743

*Statistics provided by the Archives at Tuskegee Institute.

Lynching Statistics

Those are numbers many are unaware of. However the fact that some whites were lynched doesn't take away from the horror of what was mostly a means to terrorize blacks. Most whites who were lynched faced that fate for their own crimes, not as scapegoats for others' cancerous insecurity.

You are a moron. Nearly 40% of lynchings were of whites, that's more than just "some", and they were lynched for the same reasons. One of them, a jewish guy was accused of raping a girl, though he didn't, someone else did it, and he was lynched, and that's what spurred the formation of the anti defamation league.
"The purpose of this performance was to bring to light social injustices and the issues of inequality that impact me and my community as a whole," she wrote in an open letter to the school body, obtained by The Campus Culture.

Edwards said that, as a young African-American woman, she does not feel society has changed enough in terms of racial equality to foster truly equal opportunities. Her goal with the project was to gauge community reaction.

"I think it's more impactful when you use actual people, sends a stronger message that just a painting," student Alexander Richmond said to KTXL.

That's what art's supposed to do. Provoke an emotional reaction. Well done piece. By utilizing race-reversal the outrage whites display in response to the piece is how blacks have felt about lynching for over a century. It's forcing the viewer to put the shoes of another on their own feet. Clever and effective.

Except that nearly 40% of people lynched where whites. Not really race reversal is it? It would be as stupid as having "white slaves" in an art exhibit, which would ignore historically that far more whites have been enslaved than blacks were.
Any white guys get hurt?

Do you hope they were?

Answering a question with a question?

There was a time when lynching blacks was not only acceptable, but legal.

And while we've come a long way from that time, declaring racism over is idiotic.

But that's exactly what conservatives have done.

They removed protections that the Federal government imparts on it's citizens in relation to the vote.

They are constantly attacking legislation and program meant to bring those that have been harmed by over a century of racism in this country up to speed.

Art is meant to do many thing and one of them is to provoke thought. don't hope anyone was hurt.

And yes..I think they are making a valid statement.

Racism is not over in this country. We have a long way to go before it is.
how about an art exhibit where african americans are in gas chambers? Even the nazis didn't have an extermination plan for blacks in nazi germany. There were descriminated against, but they weren't marked for extermination. Perhaps "art" could help them know what it's like to be persecuted far worse than blacks ever had to experience?
It would have been equally "thought provoking" if a white girl produced the display with two black males.
Somehow - I think this would have been national news complete with marches and demonstrations.
It isn't more than me standing on Wall Street and pooping on a police car. It is just stupid.
Too bad the student was ignorant of history. Blacks were lynched but so were whites. But I guess whites don't count in history.

Silly me for thinking they might be.

Lynchings: By State and Race, 1882-1968 *

The breakdowns are at the link.

Here's the totals.

White Black Totals
1,297 3,446 4,743

*Statistics provided by the Archives at Tuskegee Institute.

Lynching Statistics

Those are numbers many are unaware of. However the fact that some whites were lynched doesn't take away from the horror of what was mostly a means to terrorize blacks. Most whites who were lynched faced that fate for their own crimes, not as scapegoats for others' cancerous insecurity.

You are a moron. Nearly 40% of lynchings were of whites, that's more than just "some", and they were lynched for the same reasons. One of them, a jewish guy was accused of raping a girl, though he didn't, someone else did it, and he was lynched, and that's what spurred the formation of the anti defamation league.

"The Census Bureau estimates that 4,742 lynchings took place between 1882 and 1968. Between 1882 and 1930, some 2,828 people were lynched in the South; 585 in the West; and 260 in the Midwest. That means that between 1880 and 1930, a black Southerner died at the hands of a white mob more than twice a week. Most of the victims of lynching were African American males. However, some were female, and a small number were Italian, Chinese, or Jewish. Mobs lynched 447 non-blacks in the West, 181 non-African Americas in the Midwest, and 291 in the South. The hangings of white victims rarely included mutilation."

"Apologists for lynching claimed that they were punishment for such crimes as murder and especially rape. But careful analysis has shown that a third of the victims were not even accused of rape or murder; in fact, many of the charges of rape were fabrications. Many victims had done nothing more than not step aside on a sidewalk or accidentally brush against a young girl. In many cases, a disagreement with a white storeowner or landowner triggered a lynching. In 1899, Sam Hose, a black farmer, killed a white man in an argument over a debt. He was summarily hanged and then burned. His charred knuckles were displayed in an Atlanta store window.

The journalist G.L. Godkin wrote in 1893:

Man is the one animal that is capable of getting enjoyment out of the torture and death of members of its own species. We venture to assert that seven-eighths of every lynching part is composed of pure, sporting mob, which goes...just as it goes to a cock-fight or prize-fight, for the gratification of the lowest and most degraded instincts of humanity."

Digital History
They are constantly attacking legislation and program meant to bring those that have been harmed by over a century of racism in this country up to speed.

By "up to speed" ... What do you mean ... What is your benchmark for the appropriate speed?
How can we ever bring the country up to this appropriate speed if we accuse anyone that disagrees with us as being racist?

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It would have been equally "thought provoking" if a white girl produced the display with two black males.
Somehow - I think this would have been national news complete with marches and demonstrations.
It isn't more than me standing on Wall Street and pooping on a police car. It is just stupid.

No it would not have been equally thought provoking. What an ignorant, stupid remark to make.
how about an art exhibit where african americans are in gas chambers? Even the nazis didn't have an extermination plan for blacks in nazi germany. There were descriminated against, but they weren't marked for extermination. Perhaps "art" could help them know what it's like to be persecuted far worse than blacks ever had to experience?

They were a great deal more than 'discriminated' against:
The fate of black people from 1933 to 1945 in Nazi Germany and in German-occupied territories ranged from isolation to persecution, sterilization, medical experimentation, incarceration, brutality, and murder

With the Nazi rise to power they became a target of racial and population policy. By 1937, the Gestapo (German secret state police) had secretly rounded up and forcibly sterilized many of them. Some were subjected to medical experiments; others mysteriously “disappeared.” .....European and American blacks were also interned in the Nazi concentration camp system. ..... Black prisoners of war faced illegal incarceration and mistreatment at the hands of the Nazis, who did not uphold the regulations imposed by the Geneva Convention ...... Black soldiers of the American, French, and British armies were worked to death on construction projects or died as a result of mistreatment in concentration or prisoner-of-war camps. Others were never even incarcerated, but were instead immediately killed by the SS or Gestapo. .....
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Too bad the student was ignorant of history. Blacks were lynched but so were whites. But I guess whites don't count in history.

Silly me for thinking they might be.

Lynchings: By State and Race, 1882-1968 *

The breakdowns are at the link.

Here's the totals.

White Black Totals
1,297 3,446 4,743

*Statistics provided by the Archives at Tuskegee Institute.

Lynching Statistics

Those are numbers many are unaware of. However the fact that some whites were lynched doesn't take away from the horror of what was mostly a means to terrorize blacks. Most whites who were lynched faced that fate for their own crimes, not as scapegoats for others' cancerous insecurity.

Absolutely. When whites were lynched, it was for cattle rustling or horse stealing or bank robbing and the like. Blacks were lynched to terrorize them, AND it continued well into the 20th Century, unlike for whites, for whom it mostly ended with the end of the 'wild west' lifestyle.
Any white guys get hurt?

Do you hope they were?

Answering a question with a question?

There was a time when lynching blacks was not only acceptable, but legal.

And while we've come a long way from that time, declaring racism over is idiotic.

But that's exactly what conservatives have done.

They removed protections that the Federal government imparts on it's citizens in relation to the vote.

They are constantly attacking legislation and program meant to bring those that have been harmed by over a century of racism in this country up to speed.

Art is meant to do many thing and one of them is to provoke thought. don't hope anyone was hurt.

And yes..I think they are making a valid statement.

Racism is not over in this country. We have a long way to go before it is.

Racism is alive in every country, and it comes from every group and every race.
It's funny that liberals want to rewrite history as if only racist (Republicans) did lynchings.

Their mentality today is still the lynch mob. Look at the way they all want George Zimmerman to die. That's pretty much how they feel about anyone that doesn't agree with their progressive line of B.S.
It's funny that liberals want to rewrite history as if only racist (Republicans) did lynchings.

Their mentality today is still the lynch mob. Look at the way they all want George Zimmerman to die. That's pretty much how they feel about anyone that doesn't agree with their progressive line of B.S.

Only blacks were lynched BECAUSE they were black. Whites who were lynched were not lynched for being white.

At that time, the two current parties didn't exist as the do now, so let's get over that. What's important is that TODAY, those who are not deeply offended and disgusted by the lynching of so many blacks in America are people who are racists, and who are usually conservative Republican whites.
It's funny that liberals want to rewrite history as if only racist (Republicans) did lynchings.

Their mentality today is still the lynch mob. Look at the way they all want George Zimmerman to die. That's pretty much how they feel about anyone that doesn't agree with their progressive line of B.S.

Only blacks were lynched BECAUSE they were black. Whites who were lynched were not lynched for being white.

At that time, the two current parties didn't exist as the do now, so let's get over that. What's important is that TODAY, those who are not deeply offended and disgusted by the lynching of so many blacks in America are people who are racists, and who are usually conservative Republican whites.

an example of a typical black racist bigot :lol:

blacks were lynched exactly becasue of them commiting a crime, not becasue of being black.

but for a black racist bigot it is all about race always

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