Black teen misses bus, gets shot at after asking for directions in Rochester Hills, MI

Terrible situation. I just hope this doesn't become a life altering trajectory for this kid. Sometimes the situations endured as a child can have terrible effects on the rest of your life.

Of course, his mistrust of white folks will be completely his fault, right?

That's what happens when you import third world people into your country. You can take them out of the shithole, but you can't remove the culture. That takes generations.

So you think the retired firefighter gun nut who tried to kill that innocent 14 year old kid is from a third world shit hole country? You could be right. He certainly doesn't display any culture traits that the US is known for.

His intent was not to kill him, his intent was to protect his wife. You probably wouldn't understand that.

Granted he did go too far by shooting at a fleeing person. Not many gun owners would do that, but some states do allow it in the Deadly Force laws.

Deadly force for a kid trying to find his way to school. Sure, I feel safer mow.
Terrible situation. I just hope this doesn't become a life altering trajectory for this kid. Sometimes the situations endured as a child can have terrible effects on the rest of your life.

It probably will have life-long detrimental effects. I'd be skittish the rest of my life about walking up to and banging on some stranger's door, had that happened to me. Especially in a shithole like Detroit.

That's what happens when you import third world people into your country. You can take them out of the shithole, but you can't remove the culture. That takes generations.

So you think the retired firefighter gun nut who tried to kill that innocent 14 year old kid is from a third world shit hole country? You could be right. He certainly doesn't display any culture traits that the US is known for.

His intent was not to kill him, his intent was to protect his wife. You probably wouldn't understand that.

Granted he did go too far by shooting at a fleeing person. Not many gun owners would do that, but some states do allow it in the Deadly Force laws.

Deadly force for a kid trying to find his way to school. Sure, I feel safer mow.

How would the homeowners have known that? Have you been to Detroit lately?
Only in America... and other third world countries.

That's what happens when you import third world people into your country. You can take them out of the shithole, but you can't remove the culture. That takes generations.

So you think the retired firefighter gun nut who tried to kill that innocent 14 year old kid is from a third world shit hole country? You could be right. He certainly doesn't display any culture traits that the US is known for.

His intent was not to kill him, his intent was to protect his wife. You probably wouldn't understand that.

Granted he did go too far by shooting at a fleeing person. Not many gun owners would do that, but some states do allow it in the Deadly Force laws.

Deadly force for a kid trying to find his way to school. Sure, I feel safer mow.

How would the homeowners have known that? Have you been to Detroit lately?

So it's best to just kill anyone who happens to knock on your door. I'll keep that in mind.
That's what happens when you import third world people into your country. You can take them out of the shithole, but you can't remove the culture. That takes generations.

So you think the retired firefighter gun nut who tried to kill that innocent 14 year old kid is from a third world shit hole country? You could be right. He certainly doesn't display any culture traits that the US is known for.

His intent was not to kill him, his intent was to protect his wife. You probably wouldn't understand that.

Granted he did go too far by shooting at a fleeing person. Not many gun owners would do that, but some states do allow it in the Deadly Force laws.

Deadly force for a kid trying to find his way to school. Sure, I feel safer mow.

How would the homeowners have known that? Have you been to Detroit lately?

So it's best to just kill anyone who happens to knock on your door. I'll keep that in mind.

Well I guess that rules out the possibility that you'll be showing up at my door unexpectedly.

What a terrible my opinion, at first glance without knowing full details... the wife is the one most at fault here.
They have a camera on their door, and it recorded the unfortunate encounter. And before she opened the door she started to complain about "these people" and why do "these people" come to her door.
She then opens the door and starts yelling "why are you breaking into my home!!??".... this alerted the husband who most likely thought his wife was in real danger. And now this man will get prosecuted to the full extent for sure...years in jail. All because his wife is a racist stupid bitch.

If the initial story is true.
Terrible situation. I just hope this doesn't become a life altering trajectory for this kid. Sometimes the situations endured as a child can have terrible effects on the rest of your life.

Of course, his mistrust of white folks will be completely his fault, right?

Detroit is a hell hole. I don't think anyone who lives there any longer has any trust, or compassion for anyone anymore.
I noticed this from the link supplied by the OP.....The lady resident said: 'Why did "these people" choose my house?'" "These people?" The kid says he was alone.
I noticed this from the link supplied by the OP.....The lady resident said: 'Why did "these people" choose my house?'" "These people?" The kid says he was alone.

And the camera shows one person...she meant black people, obviously
On the surface, this looks really bad, and the homeowners appear to have overreacted.

However, I'd like to know more about this before I conclude they are simply bad people.
Maybe they have been robbed before, maybe they have been attacked on their property before and they are fed up with being victims.

We'll see.
On the surface, this looks really bad, and the homeowners appear to have overreacted.

However, I'd like to know more about this before I conclude they are simply bad people.
Maybe they have been robbed before, maybe they have been attacked on their property before and they are fed up with being victims.

We'll see.

The story, like many news articles, is incomplete.

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