Black teen misses bus, gets shot at after asking for directions in Rochester Hills, MI

It's the way these home invasions work. The kid, or woman, or woman holding a baby, some sympathetic character, comes to the door, once the homeowner opens the door, the rest of the invaders who have been hiding, swarm in.

If blacks do not want their teenagers shot they should stop committing these home invasion robberies.
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.

Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

Because a WHITE teen wouldn't have almost been killed for asking directions.

If indeed the youth was merely asking for directions....what fool doesn't know how to get to his own school? LOL

You loons are so gullible

Yeah, I kinda feel like there's more to this story than we know. I feel bad for the kid and the guy who shot him has really screwed up his life.

But life goes on.
Claiming that someone is in trouble or even having a child used as a tool to get a homeowner to open the door is a very common tactic of gangs trying to invade. I would have done the same as this homeowner. Until we get effective mind reading this is the way it has to be.

Sometimes if your in trouble you need to knock on someones door. thats not illegal. The woman was an idiot, if she didnt want to open the door, then dont open the door. no one made her do that, it was her choice to open the door and then be afraid. This is why they have those little sight glasses on doors. She could easily have slammed the door shut and told the kid to leave, her screaming probably set of her husband who probably thought the kid actually did something
Claiming that someone is in trouble or even having a child used as a tool to get a homeowner to open the door is a very common tactic of gangs trying to invade. I would have done the same as this homeowner. Until we get effective mind reading this is the way it has to be.

Sometimes if your in trouble you need to knock on someones door. thats not illegal. The woman was an idiot, if she didnt want to open the door, then dont open the door. no one made her do that, it was her choice to open the door and then be afraid. This is why they have those little sight glasses on doors. She could easily have slammed the door shut and told the kid to leave, her screaming probably set of her husband who probably thought the kid actually did something

Exactly what I said earlier...the worst person here is not the husband, it is his stupid bitch of a wife.
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.

Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

Because a WHITE teen wouldn't have almost been killed for asking directions.

I'm not racist. I don't care if the person coming to my door is black, white, pink, or purple. I'm still going to have a pistol tucked into the back of my belt and a shotgun or carbine within steps. That doesn't mean that I'm going to shoot them though.

Unless they severely need shooting.

We know you are a coward. What else is new?

On the contrary: Real men and women aren't afraid of guns. Only pussies, cowards, and emotionally-immature people are afraid of them.

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It is a fact that many use the tactic,either at the door,or in Parking lots.

I worked with Police who told me what to watch for. Vans that have sliding doors. The person gets out,tries to get your attention,getting close enough to mug you.

This happened to me in an almost deserted Lowe’s parking lot. I saw him slide out of the side door of the Van. He yelled hey at me. I was close to my car,unlocked it,jumped in, he had yelled hey again. By that time he was standing in front of my car. I put the car in Drive. He jumped sideways.:)

After,I called the Police. They asked me why I did not call them. Duh.

If he had caught me he would have lost an eye, thanks to the car key in my hand. Police taught me that,too:) Do not be squeamish.

None of us know what the true story is. Why was his wife screaming?
People are wound up pretty tight in Detroit. The lady mistakenly assumed that the kid was a home invader, as home invaders sometimes use the tactic of pretending like they need help.

The man of the house heard his wife yelling and probably automatically thought she was in trouble. He definitely screwed up by shooting at a fleeing person. That's a no-no.
Thank you. Happens all the time. Only blacks can change the perception people have of them.

A couple years ago a friend's elderly mother was scared to death by a few black yutes knocking on doors in the neighborhood. They were looking for people NOT home. Their intent was to break in. They were arrested.
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.

Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

Because a WHITE teen wouldn't have almost been killed for asking directions.

I'm not racist. I don't care if the person coming to my door is black, white, pink, or purple. I'm still going to have a pistol tucked into the back of my belt and a shotgun or carbine within steps. That doesn't mean that I'm going to shoot them though.

Unless they severely need shooting.

We know you are a coward. What else is new?

On the contrary: Real men and women aren't afraid of guns. Only pussies, cowards, and emotionally-immature people are afraid of them.


Bull S***! Too many idiots with guns ,accidents happen every day.
People are wound up pretty tight in Detroit. The lady mistakenly assumed that the kid was a home invader, as home invaders sometimes use the tactic of pretending like they need help.

The man of the house heard his wife yelling and probably automatically thought she was in trouble. He definitely screwed up by shooting at a fleeing person. That's a no-no.
Thank you. Happens all the time. Only blacks can change the perception people have of them.

A couple years ago a friend's elderly mother was scared to death by a few black yutes knocking on doors in the neighborhood. They were looking for people NOT home. Their intent was to break in. They were arrested.

There are good and bad people of all races.
Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

Because a WHITE teen wouldn't have almost been killed for asking directions.

I'm not racist. I don't care if the person coming to my door is black, white, pink, or purple. I'm still going to have a pistol tucked into the back of my belt and a shotgun or carbine within steps. That doesn't mean that I'm going to shoot them though.

Unless they severely need shooting.

We know you are a coward. What else is new?

On the contrary: Real men and women aren't afraid of guns. Only pussies, cowards, and emotionally-immature people are afraid of them.


Bull S***! Too many idiots with guns ,accidents happen every day.

Accidents only happen to the idiots who don't live by the four basic rules of firearms safety.

Judging from your surly demeanor, I'm going to assume that you have no idea what I'm talking about. So for your own edification and enlightenment, here ya go:

The 4 Rules of Gun Safety
It is a fact that many use the tactic,either at the door,or in Parking lots.

I worked with Police who told me what to watch for. Vans that have sliding doors. The person gets out,tries to get your attention,getting close enough to mug you.

This happened to me in an almost deserted Lowe’s parking lot. I saw him slide out of the side door of the Van. He yelled hey at me. I was close to my car,unlocked it,jumped in, he had yelled hey again. By that time he was standing in front of my car. I put the car in Drive. He jumped sideways.:)

After,I called the Police. They asked me why I did not call them. Duh.

If he had caught me he would have lost an eye, thanks to the car key in my hand. Police taught me that,too:) Do not be squeamish.

None of us know what the true story is. Why was his wife screaming?

No we don't know the whole story, but i'm still leaning towards hysterical woman, based on the fact that the police have a security video in their possession and still insist at throwing the book at the husband. I find it very doubtful a 14 year old by himself was planning a home invasion by knocking on the front door. I'm sure the police questioned the boy in this story and they would have confirmed if he was actually on his way to school. Most likely he would have had his school books with him... etc. they pay attention to details like that. And also, this kid comes from a military family. Chances are this is not going to be a kid looking for trouble
Claiming that someone is in trouble or even having a child used as a tool to get a homeowner to open the door is a very common tactic of gangs trying to invade. I would have done the same as this homeowner. Until we get effective mind reading this is the way it has to be.

Sometimes if your in trouble you need to knock on someones door. thats not illegal. The woman was an idiot, if she didnt want to open the door, then dont open the door. no one made her do that, it was her choice to open the door and then be afraid. This is why they have those little sight glasses on doors. She could easily have slammed the door shut and told the kid to leave, her screaming probably set of her husband who probably thought the kid actually did something

Exactly what I said earlier...the worst person here is not the husband, it is his stupid bitch of a wife.

She'll probably have two black eyes soon.

"Don't... scare me... like that... AGAIN. I... went... to jail... because... of you."
It is a fact that many use the tactic,either at the door,or in Parking lots.

I worked with Police who told me what to watch for. Vans that have sliding doors. The person gets out,tries to get your attention,getting close enough to mug you.

This happened to me in an almost deserted Lowe’s parking lot. I saw him slide out of the side door of the Van. He yelled hey at me. I was close to my car,unlocked it,jumped in, he had yelled hey again. By that time he was standing in front of my car. I put the car in Drive. He jumped sideways.:)

After,I called the Police. They asked me why I did not call them. Duh.

If he had caught me he would have lost an eye, thanks to the car key in my hand. Police taught me that,too:) Do not be squeamish.

None of us know what the true story is. Why was his wife screaming?

Parking lots are very dangerous. Always look UNDER your car before you get in. Someone will hide under the car and grab you by the ankles holding you immoble while their companions are now free to grab you.

When walking through a parking lot, usually leaving a mall with purchases, a group of assailants will approach and split, one or two on each side. Never walk between them. Turn around and go back. Go back to the mall and wait until it is safe.
True.after my experience I do not go into parking lots that do not have people and cars around.

Funny thing, I had just inherited my Grandmothers ring. That was most in my mind.:)

But honestly you need to be aware of your surroundings.

Funny story here. An older woman came out of a Department store. She saw 3 young hoodlums in her car, getting ready to drive off. She took out her gun,waving it wildly. The 3 guys jumped out,took off.

Later she had to call the Police. It was not her car.:)

Honestly, I came out of Kroger’s one day. 5 Buick LaCrosses were in the row. I simply pushed my key, raised the trunk.
Because a WHITE teen wouldn't have almost been killed for asking directions.

I'm not racist. I don't care if the person coming to my door is black, white, pink, or purple. I'm still going to have a pistol tucked into the back of my belt and a shotgun or carbine within steps. That doesn't mean that I'm going to shoot them though.

Unless they severely need shooting.

We know you are a coward. What else is new?

On the contrary: Real men and women aren't afraid of guns. Only pussies, cowards, and emotionally-immature people are afraid of them.


Bull S***! Too many idiots with guns ,accidents happen every day.

Accidents only happen to the idiots who don't live by the four basic rules of firearms safety.

Judging from your surly demeanor, I'm going to assume that you have no idea what I'm talking about. So for your own edification and enlightenment, here ya go:

The 4 Rules of Gun Safety

You have no idea why I hate guns, you fool! It is always the innocent one that dies from a gun accident.

Quit being such a know it all,especupially when you know nothing about me!
Our nation is fast becoming totally insane. You can see this from the inbecilic comments being posted. Could be a home invasion. Could be a gangbanger, etc. Someone is driving this cult of fear, no doubt for money and power, and they almost cost this young man his life.

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Have no clue as to the kids intent, as cant read minds, But am sure that its not ok to try & shoot someone for knocking on your door & running away.

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