Black teen misses bus, gets shot at after asking for directions in Rochester Hills, MI

I noticed this from the link supplied by the OP.....The lady resident said: 'Why did "these people" choose my house?'" "These people?" The kid says he was alone.

And the camera shows one person...she meant black people, obviously

The article does not say the camera shows 1 person.
No but it doesn't mention that there was more than one, something the police certainly would have noted.
I noticed this from the link supplied by the OP.....The lady resident said: 'Why did "these people" choose my house?'" "These people?" The kid says he was alone.

And the camera shows one person...she meant black people, obviously

The article does not say the camera shows 1 person.

The police watched the video, and seem to support his claim that he was alone. They even said they felt sorry for the young man. Not men.
no--young blacks do not get shot at because they look young [ !?????!! hahahah ]
they commit violent crime at ''unbelievable'' rates
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
they teach their kids stupid shit like that and to hate cops/whites--and someone [ IM2? ] has a thread on why Racism still is a problem!!?

fine--fine --we see the problem here...sure
but we are having black children shot almost every week in my city--by other blacks...accidentally and purposely--but that is NOT headline news
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.
no--young blacks do not get shot at because they look young [ !?????!! hahahah ]
they commit violent crime at ''unbelievable'' rates
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
they teach their kids stupid shit like that and to hate cops/whites--and someone [ IM2? ] has a thread on why Racism still is a problem!!

fine--fine --we see the problem here...sure
but we are having black children shot almost every week in my city--by other blacks...accidentally and purposely--but that is NOT headline news

A very good point... (black on black shootings kept off the media)
Several areas of our country are essentially war zones. Most of them have the toughest gun laws as well.
And thus why the left media ignores it. They will go to great lengths not to paint blacks in any other way other than victims of racism, and they stay away from the stories because they happen in tough gun law areas.
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.

Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.

Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

I might be going out on a limb here, but to invoke the emotional response of sympathy toward the victim, and hatred towards white people?
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.

Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

I might be going out on a limb here, but to invoke the emotional response of sympathy toward the victim, and hatred towards white people?

Ding ding ding...we have a winner
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.

Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

Because a WHITE teen wouldn't have almost been killed for asking directions.
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.

Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

I might be going out on a limb here, but to invoke the emotional response of sympathy toward the victim, and hatred towards white people?

Ding ding ding...we have a winner

Also to further sweep the problem of black-on-black violence under the rug and avoiding responsibility by vilifying white folks?

The left is very fond of doing that.
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.

Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

I might be going out on a limb here, but to invoke the emotional response of sympathy toward the victim, and hatred towards white people?

Ding ding ding...we have a winner

Also to further sweep the problem of black-on-black violence under the rug and avoiding responsibility by vilifying white folks?

The left is very fond of doing that.

Well as you can see from this thread they have once again bought into the narrative
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.

Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

Because a WHITE teen wouldn't have almost been killed for asking directions.

I'm not racist. I don't care if the person coming to my door is black, white, pink, or purple. I'm still going to have a pistol tucked into the back of my belt and a shotgun or carbine within steps. That doesn't mean that I'm going to shoot them though.

Unless they severely need shooting.
I noticed this from the link supplied by the OP.....The lady resident said: 'Why did "these people" choose my house?'" "These people?" The kid says he was alone.

And the camera shows one person...she meant black people, obviously

The article does not say the camera shows 1 person.

The police watched the video, and seem to support his claim that he was alone. They even said they felt sorry for the young man. Not men.

I understand that, just pointing out the article does not mention the camera showed the kid was alone AND the video is not available for viewing right now. I have learned to be skeptical of news stories that's all.
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.

Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

I might be going out on a limb here, but to invoke the emotional response of sympathy toward the victim, and hatred towards white people?

Ding ding ding...we have a winner

Also to further sweep the problem of black-on-black violence under the rug and avoiding responsibility by vilifying white folks?

The left is very fond of doing that.

Well as you can see from this thread they have once again bought into the narrative

Well maybe we should ban white people.

For the sake and safety of the black teens, I mean.
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.

Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

Because a WHITE teen wouldn't have almost been killed for asking directions.

If indeed the youth was merely asking for directions....what fool doesn't know how to get to his own school? LOL

You loons are so gullible
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.

Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

Because a WHITE teen wouldn't have almost been killed for asking directions.

I'm not racist. I don't care if the person coming to my door is black, white, pink, or purple. I'm still going to have a pistol tucked into the back of my belt and a shotgun or carbine within steps. That doesn't mean that I'm going to shoot them though.

Unless they severely need shooting.

We know you are a coward. What else is new?
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.

Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

Because a WHITE teen wouldn't have almost been killed for asking directions.

If indeed the youth was merely asking for directions....what fool doesn't know how to get to his own school? LOL

You loons are so gullible

Yeah, I kinda feel like there's more to this story than we know. I feel bad for the kid and the guy who shot him has really screwed up his life.

But life goes on.
I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.

Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

Because a WHITE teen wouldn't have almost been killed for asking directions.

If indeed the youth was merely asking for directions....what fool doesn't know how to get to his own school? LOL

You loons are so gullible

Yeah, I kinda feel like there's more to this story than we know. I feel bad for the kid and the guy who shot him has really screwed up his life.

But life goes on.

IDK I wasn't there but I can promise you all our children know how to get to their school.

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