Black teen misses bus, gets shot at after asking for directions in Rochester Hills, MI

Sad to say but a lot of this racial fear and tension has been driven by blacks themselves, everything from BLM to the Baltimore riots, to how blacks act on the streets and in stores, their manner of dress, their disdain for authority, their constant need for cultural separatism, and yes, even Barack Obama and Eric Holder who fueled it for political gain. It doesn't matter that some of the riots and protests, etc., have had some grounding in fact, the result of their social malfeasance, constant outrage and public anger has been to only drive more fear and division within the culture--- a vicious cycle. MLK Jr.'s message has been totally lost on the current generation---- real change must come from WITHIN, not be forced upon from without.
Claiming that someone is in trouble or even having a child used as a tool to get a homeowner to open the door is a very common tactic of gangs trying to invade. I would have done the same as this homeowner. Until we get effective mind reading this is the way it has to be.
But you are a psycho.
It is a fact that many use the tactic,either at the door,or in Parking lots.

I worked with Police who told me what to watch for. Vans that have sliding doors. The person gets out,tries to get your attention,getting close enough to mug you.

This happened to me in an almost deserted Lowe’s parking lot. I saw him slide out of the side door of the Van. He yelled hey at me. I was close to my car,unlocked it,jumped in, he had yelled hey again. By that time he was standing in front of my car. I put the car in Drive. He jumped sideways.:)

After,I called the Police. They asked me why I did not call them. Duh.

If he had caught me he would have lost an eye, thanks to the car key in my hand. Police taught me that,too:) Do not be squeamish.

None of us know what the true story is. Why was his wife screaming?

Parking lots are very dangerous. Always look UNDER your car before you get in. Someone will hide under the car and grab you by the ankles holding you immoble while their companions are now free to grab you.

When walking through a parking lot, usually leaving a mall with purchases, a group of assailants will approach and split, one or two on each side. Never walk between them. Turn around and go back. Go back to the mall and wait until it is safe.
Seek professional help for your paranoia.
It is a fact that many use the tactic,either at the door,or in Parking lots.

I worked with Police who told me what to watch for. Vans that have sliding doors. The person gets out,tries to get your attention,getting close enough to mug you.

This happened to me in an almost deserted Lowe’s parking lot. I saw him slide out of the side door of the Van. He yelled hey at me. I was close to my car,unlocked it,jumped in, he had yelled hey again. By that time he was standing in front of my car. I put the car in Drive. He jumped sideways.:)

After,I called the Police. They asked me why I did not call them. Duh.

If he had caught me he would have lost an eye, thanks to the car key in my hand. Police taught me that,too:) Do not be squeamish.

None of us know what the true story is. Why was his wife screaming?

Parking lots are very dangerous. Always look UNDER your car before you get in. Someone will hide under the car and grab you by the ankles holding you immoble while their companions are now free to grab you.

When walking through a parking lot, usually leaving a mall with purchases, a group of assailants will approach and split, one or two on each side. Never walk between them. Turn around and go back. Go back to the mall and wait until it is safe.
Seek professional help for your paranoia.

After getting away from an would be mugger you do have a tendency to over react.

But only a fool would not protect themselves.

Are you a fool?
It is a fact that many use the tactic,either at the door,or in Parking lots.

I worked with Police who told me what to watch for. Vans that have sliding doors. The person gets out,tries to get your attention,getting close enough to mug you.

This happened to me in an almost deserted Lowe’s parking lot. I saw him slide out of the side door of the Van. He yelled hey at me. I was close to my car,unlocked it,jumped in, he had yelled hey again. By that time he was standing in front of my car. I put the car in Drive. He jumped sideways.:)

After,I called the Police. They asked me why I did not call them. Duh.

If he had caught me he would have lost an eye, thanks to the car key in my hand. Police taught me that,too:) Do not be squeamish.

None of us know what the true story is. Why was his wife screaming?

Parking lots are very dangerous. Always look UNDER your car before you get in. Someone will hide under the car and grab you by the ankles holding you immoble while their companions are now free to grab you.

When walking through a parking lot, usually leaving a mall with purchases, a group of assailants will approach and split, one or two on each side. Never walk between them. Turn around and go back. Go back to the mall and wait until it is safe.
Seek professional help for your paranoia.

After getting away from an would be mugger you do have a tendency to over react.

But only a fool would not protect themselves.

Are you a fool?
Did you not actually read the post I quoted, then.
Who's to say the kid wasn't casing the house, looking to steal something?

Could be, but there is no proof of that. He could have been knocking on the door to see if someone was home. But, according to reports, when a lady came to the door he showed no attempt to get in. I have no doubt he said something rude, but that doesn’t give some one the right to chase a kid down the street shooting at him.

This guy deserves the book tossed at him.

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That's what happens when you import third world people into your country. You can take them out of the shithole, but you can't remove the culture. That takes generations.

So you think the retired firefighter gun nut who tried to kill that innocent 14 year old kid is from a third world shit hole country? You could be right. He certainly doesn't display any culture traits that the US is known for.

His intent was not to kill him, his intent was to protect his wife. You probably wouldn't understand that.

Granted he did go too far by shooting at a fleeing person. Not many gun owners would do that, but some states do allow it in the Deadly Force laws.

If you are chasing a kid down the street shooting at him your intent is to kill the kid. He has no defense and will spend sometime in jail with bubba.

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That's what happens when you import third world people into your country. You can take them out of the shithole, but you can't remove the culture. That takes generations.

So you think the retired firefighter gun nut who tried to kill that innocent 14 year old kid is from a third world shit hole country? You could be right. He certainly doesn't display any culture traits that the US is known for.

His intent was not to kill him, his intent was to protect his wife. You probably wouldn't understand that.

Granted he did go too far by shooting at a fleeing person. Not many gun owners would do that, but some states do allow it in the Deadly Force laws.

Deadly force for a kid trying to find his way to school. Sure, I feel safer mow.

The kid could have been up to something we don’t know, but he showed no aggression other than knock on and door. Not a COA to shoot someone. Otherwise we could shoot every door to door salesman out there.

Moon ago I used to work for Nielsen. I went to areas knocked on doors and tried to get them to agree to be Nielsen homes. Meaning have their TV viewing monitored for the ratings.

Did this give any of those houses the right to shoot me. Some of the houses showed outright hostility, screaming and yelling at me (few and far btw though). Obnoxious because I was offering to pay them money to contribute to the TV ratings.

I digress. Whatever his reason for knocking on the door, even if them were mischievous, the home owner was in the wrong and is a POS.

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Who's to say the kid wasn't casing the house, looking to steal something?

Could be, but there is no proof of that. He could have been knocking on the door to see if someone was home. But, according to reports, when a lady came to the door he showed no attempt to get in. I have no doubt he said something rude, but that doesn’t give some one the right to chase a kid down the street shooting at him.

This guy deserves the book tossed at him.

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How do we know the kid said something rude? A 14 year old could find himself in a strange neighborhood, scared.

None of us know, but if the kid was running away why shoot?

In the case I sited, the guy yelled the second time and was running toward me. I was lucky to be able to get in my car.

Now,I avoid empty parking lots. And try to be aware of my surroundings.
Only in America... and other third world countries.

That's what happens when you import third world people into your country. You can take them out of the shithole, but you can't remove the culture. That takes generations.

So you think the retired firefighter gun nut who tried to kill that innocent 14 year old kid is from a third world shit hole country? You could be right. He certainly doesn't display any culture traits that the US is known for.

His intent was not to kill him, his intent was to protect his wife. You probably wouldn't understand that.

Granted he did go too far by shooting at a fleeing person. Not many gun owners would do that, but some states do allow it in the Deadly Force laws.

Deadly force for a kid trying to find his way to school. Sure, I feel safer mow.

The kid could have been up to something we don’t know, but he showed no aggression other than knock on and door. Not a COA to shoot someone. Otherwise we could shoot every door to door salesman out there.

Moon ago I used to work for Nielsen. I went to areas knocked on doors and tried to get them to agree to be Nielsen homes. Meaning have their TV viewing monitored for the ratings.

Did this give any of those houses the right to shoot me. Some of the houses showed outright hostility, screaming and yelling at me (few and far btw though). Obnoxious because I was offering to pay them money to contribute to the TV ratings.

I digress. Whatever his reason for knocking on the door, even if them were mischievous, the home owner was in the wrong and is a POS.

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Now they call you. I agreed to do that once. When I found out what they expected you to do,I filled in, but when they asked me again I said No.!:)

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