Black teen misses bus, gets shot at after asking for directions in Rochester Hills, MI

This home had "Ring". As we know from the Ring commercials, she need not open the door to chase the kid away. If he doesn't leave, then shoot him.

People aren't scared. They are suspicious and cautious. They understand that the number of crimes committed by black people is extremely high. The average person is more likely to be attacked by a black person than left alone. We still don't know if this 14 year old would have assaulted those homeowners had he gotten the chance.

"The average person is more likely to be attacked by a black person than left alone."

yes really--facts:
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
crimes/murder by race
Table 21
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
18.5 times
This home had "Ring". As we know from the Ring commercials, she need not open the door to chase the kid away. If he doesn't leave, then shoot him.

People aren't scared. They are suspicious and cautious. They understand that the number of crimes committed by black people is extremely high. The average person is more likely to be attacked by a black person than left alone. We still don't know if this 14 year old would have assaulted those homeowners had he gotten the chance.

"The average person is more likely to be attacked by a black person than left alone."

yes really--facts:
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
crimes/murder by race
Table 21
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
18.5 times

That does not support the claim.

And. Fuck off, loser.
Do we know that he actually tried to shoot the kid rather than firing into the ground to scare him?

Responsible gun owners don't fire warning shots.

Yes we do. Nothing says "...AND DON"T COME BACK!!" Quite like a gunshot.

Uh, no we don't. You can't guarantee where that bullet is going to land. If you choose to fire a gun, then you hit your target. I would not fire a gun unless I, or someone close to me, was directly being threatened. If you fire a warning shot most likely your life isn't in danger, and you risk the bullet ricocheting into some one else. There is no such thing as a warning shot.

Uh, yes we do. Doesn't take much of a marksman to fire directly into the ground and know exactly where your bullet is going. Even I can manage to hit the ground I'm standing on. What makes you think you only fire a weapon if your life is in danger? Ever hear of "hunting"? Or target shooting? Or plinking?

That's what happens when you import third world people into your country. You can take them out of the shithole, but you can't remove the culture. That takes generations.
Then don’t bring them here in first place.

Is the problem the kid who got shot, or the idiot who shot him?

The problem is idiots like you who do not read the story. Nobody was shot.

1. I feel sorry for the boy and the man.

2. IF the boy was innocent of any ulterior motive, then what happened to him is a hurtful reminder of how much some people fear young people of his ethnicity.

3. I feel sorry for the man who felt that he had to shoot even after the boy had left the front door.

4. I agree that the man should receive some kind of punishment.

a. I hope that he will NOT be unduly punished because the powers that be feel that they have to prove to the community that Caucasians are not being treated with kid gloves.


Some Americans are truly terrified of crime because of our unique population profile.

Some years back (30 years ago?), a student from law-abiding Japan walked up to the door of a house in the South. The Caucasian owner opened the door and for some reason (I forget what excuse he gave) shot the Japanese student dead. No charges were brought against the man.
Do we know that he actually tried to shoot the kid rather than firing into the ground to scare him?

Responsible gun owners don't fire warning shots.

Yes we do. Nothing says "...AND DON"T COME BACK!!" Quite like a gunshot.

Uh, no we don't. You can't guarantee where that bullet is going to land. If you choose to fire a gun, then you hit your target. I would not fire a gun unless I, or someone close to me, was directly being threatened. If you fire a warning shot most likely your life isn't in danger, and you risk the bullet ricocheting into some one else. There is no such thing as a warning shot.

Uh, yes we do. Doesn't take much of a marksman to fire directly into the ground and know exactly where your bullet is going. Even I can manage to hit the ground I'm standing on. What makes you think you only fire a weapon if your life is in danger? Ever hear of "hunting"? Or target shooting? Or plinking?

You're taking the conversation out of context now which tells my you're on the wrong side.

Read: Self-Defense Tip: There's No Such Thing as a "Warning Shot" - The Truth About Guns
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Reminds me of Trayvon Martin.

If that black kid has been killed, would conservatives have sent the killer money like they did with Zimmerman?
Reminds me of Trayvon Martin.

If that black kid has been killed, would conservatives have sent the killer money like they did with Zimmerman?

Was the kid sitting on the man's chest beating him "MMA style" when the shot was fired?
Do we know that he actually tried to shoot the kid rather than firing into the ground to scare him?

Responsible gun owners don't fire warning shots.

Yes we do. Nothing says "...AND DON"T COME BACK!!" Quite like a gunshot.

Uh, no we don't. You can't guarantee where that bullet is going to land. If you choose to fire a gun, then you hit your target. I would not fire a gun unless I, or someone close to me, was directly being threatened. If you fire a warning shot most likely your life isn't in danger, and you risk the bullet ricocheting into some one else. There is no such thing as a warning shot.

Uh, yes we do. Doesn't take much of a marksman to fire directly into the ground and know exactly where your bullet is going. Even I can manage to hit the ground I'm standing on. What makes you think you only fire a weapon if your life is in danger? Ever hear of "hunting"? Or target shooting? Or plinking?

You're taking the conversation out of context now which tells my you're on the wrong side.

Read: Self-Defense Tip: There's No Such Thing as a "Warning Shot" - The Truth About Guns

Untrue. My point is that we do not know for a fact that the man tried to shoot the young man or that he even actually fired a shot. Nor is there any reason to believe that race was involved.
Reminds me of Trayvon Martin.

If that black kid has been killed, would conservatives have sent the killer money like they did with Zimmerman?

Was the kid sitting on the man's chest beating him "MMA style" when the shot was fired?
How can you fire a shot into someone's chest when someone is sitting on your chest? You would have to be Elastic Man.


Right wingers never seem to think about what they are writing. They just repeat the same old ignorant bull sh!t. It's like they are stuck on stupid.
Reminds me of Trayvon Martin.

If that black kid has been killed, would conservatives have sent the killer money like they did with Zimmerman?

Was the kid sitting on the man's chest beating him "MMA style" when the shot was fired?
How can you fire a shot into someone's chest when someone is sitting on your chest? You would have to be Elastic Man.


Right wingers never seem to think about what they are writing. They just repeat the same old ignorant bull sh!t. It's like they are stuck on stupid.

Take it up with the eye witness, that the jury heard and believed.

This is an outrageous story! First, while I understand most burglaries take place during the day, don’t assume someone is knocking on the door is a criminal. Second, why the hell was this asshole shooting at him. He never came in the house and was running away. Third, I hope he likes his time in jail, because the castle rule requires the person to actually enter your house and you can use deadly force unless you were threatened with deadly force.

These asshole give fuel for the SJWs!

Assholes, I hope he gets the book tossed at him.

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People are wound up pretty tight in Detroit. The lady mistakenly assumed that the kid was a home invader, as home invaders sometimes use the tactic of pretending like they need help.

The man of the house heard his wife yelling and probably automatically thought she was in trouble. He definitely screwed up by shooting at a fleeing person. That's a no-no.

I get it, but she never opened the door and he never entered the house.

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Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

I might be going out on a limb here, but to invoke the emotional response of sympathy toward the victim, and hatred towards white people?

Ding ding ding...we have a winner

Also to further sweep the problem of black-on-black violence under the rug and avoiding responsibility by vilifying white folks?

The left is very fond of doing that.

Well as you can see from this thread they have once again bought into the narrative

Well maybe we should ban white people.

For the sake and safety of the black teens, I mean

I'm having a hard time figuring out why this story is so shocking, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of black kids being deliberately shot and killed every year, in Chicago, St. Louis, and Baltimore.

Except maybe for the fact that the shooter was a working-class white homeowner.

Why do you think BLACK teen misses bus...was used?

Because a WHITE teen wouldn't have almost been killed for asking directions.

I'm not racist. I don't care if the person coming to my door is black, white, pink, or purple. I'm still going to have a pistol tucked into the back of my belt and a shotgun or carbine within steps. That doesn't mean that I'm going to shoot them though.

Unless they severely need shooting.


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