Black Teenagers in Florida Recorded a Drowning Man and Laughed, but Face No Charges

5 States have no laws against watching someone die that is in trouble, Florida being one of them. But they are trying to find something to charge the little fuckers with, I hope they watch their every move and can get them on a felony.
You can't force people to intervene, but simple human compassion should rule the day. And in most it would. But the ever growing group of people without even a semblance of compassion or remorse makes you just want to shake your head at the lack of feeling for our fellow man.
I would say it is because of a lack of God in their lives, but for those who scoff at that, let me ask you, "Is this what evolution had in store for you? Will you become even more detached as the years go by?
It is sad what we have become.
is this where we're headed as a society?

No question about that -- and the sooner the general public wakes up to it the better our ability to survive it will be. This chance observation is an isolated example of a menacing phenomenon which is increasingly common in American society

The behavior is categorical sociopathology. It evolves rather naturally within the prison environment and, along with many other equally pathological behaviors, has found its way into ghetto neighborhoods where it flourishes. It reflects an attitude of murderous misanthropy, an admirable and respected characteristic within the contemporary gang culture because it is the diametric opposite of softness and sensitivity, which are regarded as weakness and vulnerability.

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