Black victim angered by rich, conservative, old white man


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2003
Is the guy on the right a racist that asked for the righteous punch by the black victim of a lifetime of inequality and racist stereotyping? I can certainly understand the anger the clean cut young man has at an evil, white old man that certainly used the "n-word" at some time in his 63 years on earth. I would never assume that the young man is a chicken shit that should be taken out back and beat to near death with an aluminum baseball bat......... he's the victim here.

Well shit! His great great great great grandfather was a slave! He should have killed the white devil.
Who cares what color the guy is? Seriously.... why the fuck are you bitching about him being black? Are we that insensitive as a society that we can trivialize some 66 year old man being beaten like that?

Sometimes, some people on this forum sicken me.
Who cares what color the guy is? Seriously.... why the fuck are you bitching about him being black? Are we that insensitive as a society that we can trivialize some 66 year old man being beaten like that?

Sometimes, some people on this forum sicken me.

You're right I'm guilty of trivializing the poor white man's beating albeit with tongue in cheek. My apologies to him, but I am incensed at the way liberals tend to trivialize the actions of violent animals who attempt to justify their behavior based of a despicable injustice that ended 136 years ago.
Who cares what color the guy is? Seriously.... why the fuck are you bitching about him being black? Are we that insensitive as a society that we can trivialize some 66 year old man being beaten like that?

Sometimes, some people on this forum sicken me.

You're right I'm guilty of trivializing the poor white man's beating albeit with tongue in cheek. My apologies to him, but I am incensed at the way liberals tend to trivialize the actions of violent animals who attempt to justify their behavior based of a despicable injustice that ended 136 years ago.

This has fuck all to do with politics. Some old guy got beaten by some thug. I don't care what skin color hit what skin color. An old man got badly hurt by a thug.... and instead of being outraged about it, you chose to mock him by making it a partisan point scroing and race baiting thread. Shame on you.
I'm sure Jesse and Al will be elbowing each other out from in front of the nearest video camera soon in defense of these two young black victims.
Who cares what color the guy is?

No one would, if people of a certain color weren't using past injustice for an excuse for present behavior.

Man gets beaten at a McDonalds: suspect black
Two officers shot in Miami: suspect black
Two cops shot and killed and a US Marshal wounded in St Petersberg: Suspect black
Accused kidnapper walks into a Detroit precinct and opens fire: Suspect black.
Can you point to videos of a white youth walking into a Micky D's and beating an old man, or a recent rash of white men killing multiple police officers?
Maybe you're right. This shouldn't be politicized. It's a cultural issue.
Who cares what color the guy is? Seriously.... why the fuck are you bitching about him being black? Are we that insensitive as a society that we can trivialize some 66 year old man being beaten like that?

Sometimes, some people on this forum sicken me.

Sorry to sicken you, I guess I should have started a truly important thread like the one that asked for useless rep for Jilli so she could make the leap over 1,000 useless, meaningless reps........ that one was very deep. I apologize profusely for my feeble attempt at irony, what a racist I am.
I dunno, I think it could possibly be a black thing and something the black community needs to address. What the hell is wrong with these young black men that they can so callously accost old people? Do we have equal numbers of white guys doing this?
I don't think it's an intellect thing or a race thing; at least not in that it's something that's innate in them.

There's something with the culture or their upbringing that's seriously askew.
I think it's a sign of way too much state interference, actually. We've created an unnatural culture by rewarding people for unacceptable behavior, and after many generations this is what happens.
Complete animals. I love how people only see the crime, and not the color of the skin. I guess when you see so many black males committing crimes ,you really don't notice the skin color anymore
I dunno, I think it could possibly be a black thing and something the black community needs to address. What the hell is wrong with these young black men that they can so callously accost old people

They're generally raised to hate/resent white people.

Allie said:
Do we have equal numbers of white guys doing this?

No..That would be called a "hate crime" and would require harsher punishment for the white person.
Is the guy on the right a racist that asked for the righteous punch by the black victim of a lifetime of inequality and racist stereotyping? I can certainly understand the anger the clean cut young man has at an evil, white old man that certainly used the "n-word" at some time in his 63 years on earth. I would never assume that the young man is a chicken shit that should be taken out back and beat to near death with an aluminum baseball bat......... he's the victim here.

I can see where you are coming from, but until the bastard is caught and he blames it on his "suffering", then I say we leave race out of it. Just my .02 cents.

But that bastard needs to pay for his dispicable crime.

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