Black Welfare Queen Gives Tips How To Milk The System (You, The American Taxpayer)


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
To the American taxpayer, does this woman make your blood boil? What she is saying is the truth of what her type people are doing and it is a problem that former Louisiana House Representative David Duke has been warning us about for years. When the American taxpayer finally wakes up and realizes these type people are living off the system at a generational level and put a stop to it, America can right itself and save billions upon billions of dollars that could be used elsewhere. Listen to what this woman says.

[ame=]EBT Card - YouTube[/ame]
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[ame=]Chapter Jackson - It's Free Swipe Yo EBT (Explicit) - YouTube[/ame]
Always thought drug testing was right along with removal of children from such homes.

Your point?

Here is a pic of another welfare queen.
Bernie Madoff
[ame=]Welfare Fraud in America - YouTube[/ame]
To the American taxpayer, does this woman make your blood boil? What she is saying is the truth of what her type people are doing and it is a problem that former Louisiana House Representative David Duke has been warning us about for years. When the American taxpayer finally wakes up and realizes these type people are living off the system at a generational level and put a stop to it, America can right itself and save billions upon billions of dollars that could be used elsewhere. Listen to what this woman says.

EBT Card - YouTube

Why does she make your blood boil? It makes my blood a little hot that you would trash this young woman who is trying to raise people's awareness about the damage the welfare culture can do. She was raised in the welfare culture but appears to have broken free from it. Not a welfare queen.

[ame=]The Consequences of Free Money - YouTube[/ame]
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Some people work hard to earn a living. Some people are truly lazy and leech off of others. And some, well, work hard and use assistance when they need it. It doesn't help that our economy and politicians suck.

Just work hard, save hard, and buy only what you absolutely need for survival in society and in life. Though I work two jobs, I choose to live in my (neat and organized) car on family property in order to completely avoid paying $300-500 in rent each month. You suffer more, but you save more, too... without becoming complacent with the need for luxury.
To the American taxpayer, does this woman make your blood boil? What she is saying is the truth of what her type people are doing and it is a problem that former Louisiana House Representative David Duke has been warning us about for years. When the American taxpayer finally wakes up and realizes these type people are living off the system at a generational level and put a stop to it, America can right itself and save billions upon billions of dollars that could be used elsewhere. Listen to what this woman says.

EBT Card - YouTube

"The lessons of history … show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit."

Franklin Roosevelt's 1935 State of the Union Address. FDR feared this self-reliant people might come to depend permanently upon government for the necessities of their daily lives. Like narcotics, such a dependency would destroy the fiber and spirit of the nation.

Then, there's Barack Obama who made sure that getting food stamps was easier than it had ever been.
This is the culture that was completely manufactured by Dimocrats. They have spent decades training the black community to accept government handouts, and now they've taken it to an art form.
Some people work hard to earn a living. Some people are truly lazy and leech off of others. And some, well, work hard and use assistance when they need it. It doesn't help that our economy and politicians suck.

Just work hard, save hard, and buy only what you absolutely need for survival in society and in life. Though I work two jobs, I choose to live in my (neat and organized) car on family property in order to completely avoid paying $300-500 in rent each month. You suffer more, but you save more, too... without becoming complacent with the need for luxury.

And some of us worked hard contributing to a special trust fund supposed to be for those who pay in, that the government has repeatedly raided and taken from us.
This is the culture that was completely manufactured by Dimocrats. They have spent decades training the black community to accept government handouts, and now they've taken it to an art form.

Where is Dot Cum? This is his cue to jump in and call you a racist.

Here is a pic of another welfare queen.
Bernie Madoff

And you're gonna like this, too:

1. According to John Stossel, the biggest welfare queens are farmers. Agricultural subsidies including direct payments, marketing loans, counter-cyclical payments, conservation subsidies, insurance, disaster aid, export subsidies, and agricultural research, taken together, have become one of the largest middle- and upper-class welfare programs in the nation.

a. “Washington paid out a quarter of a trillion dollars in federal farm subsidies between 1995 and 2009, but to characterize the programs as either a “big government” bailout or another form of welfare would be manifestly unfair – to bailouts and welfare.” The Latest from AgMag | Environmental Working Group

b. “From 1995 to 2009, the largest and wealthiest top 10 percent of farm program recipients collected 74 percent of all farm subsidies, with an average total payment over 15 years of $445,127 per recipient – hardly a safety net for small struggling farmers. The bottom 80 percent of farmers received an average total payment of just $8,682 per recipient.”

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