Black woman fined $385 for talking loudly on the phone says race was motive

Got to wonder how loudly the black woman was talking that it disturbed her neighbors. I didn't see a video at the link, but I expect there is a good bit more to this story. I wouldn't think a cop would normally write a ticket for being loud/disturbing the peace unless he actually witnessed it himself. Was the woman screaming into her cellphone? Was she using profanity?
the rise and fall of America!

Would you want this as your neighbor?:
Got to wonder how loudly the black woman was talking that it disturbed her neighbors. I didn't see a video at the link, but I expect there is a good bit more to this story. I wouldn't think a cop would normally write a ticket for being loud/disturbing the peace unless he actually witnessed it himself. Was the woman screaming into her cellphone? Was she using profanity?
Look at her face! Furious, angry black woman. I almost called the police myself when a black man was walking into the supermarket where I was going, screaming violently into the phone at some woman, it was obvious, threatening her, cursing obscenities --- there are people who were never taught how to behave in public.

Or private, for that matter. That guy was just someone they keep a jail cell waiting for him ---- and so was this woman, no doubt.
the rise and fall of America!

what is your point? NOISE is considered a public nuisance. Neighbor request to
reduce the decibels is considered justifiable. The lady using the phone decided to
RESIST the idea that her neighbors have a right to undisturbed use of THEIR PROPERTY.
Black people do tend to talk loudly, especially if there is a group of them.
I remember back in my college days, we had a student union area where people went and chilled between classes.
There was one small corner area where the black students liked to congregate together. Maybe around 20 of them.
But they talked soo loud, laughing and hooting and hollering, and acting the fool.
That the other approximately 100+ students could barely carry on a conversation, and studying for your next class wasn't possible. ... :cool:
Interesting question whether race was the motive --- I suppose it was since it's mostly blacks do this kind of thing. Same as with shoplifting --- sure, racial, since it's nearly all shoplifting blacks driving stores to close.

And yet, somehow calling it "racist" just doesn't ever solve the problem, does it? The $385 fine might go some way to shutting her up a little. She'll never amount to much, though, if she does this stuff now.
Black people do tend to talk loudly, especially if there is a group of them.
I remember back in my college days, we had a student union area where people went and chilled between classes.
There was one small corner area where the black students liked to congregate together. Maybe around 20 of them.
But they talked soo loud, laughing and hooting and hollering, and acting the fool.
That the other approximately 100+ students could barely carry on a conversation, and studying for your next class wasn't possible. ... :cool:

sunnis whine CONSTANTLY------they don't even like the WAY---shiites "pray"------like
it BOTHERS them
the rise and fall of America!

what is your point? NOISE is considered a public nuisance. Neighbor request to
reduce the decibels is considered justifiable. The lady using the phone decided to
RESIST the idea that her neighbors have a right to undisturbed use of THEIR PROPERTY.
Yeah, we're out in the country, but there is a little subdivision not too far --- some illegal aliens from Mexico or wherever have one of the houses and come and go --- often with very loud Mexican music thumping away, you can hear it everywhere. So I guess it's not only blacks making loud noise, but some types of other undesirables, too.

sunnis whine CONSTANTLY------they don't even like the WAY---shiites "pray"------like
it BOTHERS them
Irosie, have you ever considered just sticking to the thread topic and refrain from trying to derail the thread with your Juden centric nonsense? ... :cool:
Just replace "black woman" with "loud mouth mother fucker" and there's nothing to see here.

speaking of..uhm---mutha F. The use of "obscene" language is------uhm----
is it ok if I say that mutha F. should not be expressed in the presence of
children? -----my kid------at age one repeated "F"-----which he heard----
I, STUPIDLY LAUGHED !!!!!!!! --------there is nothing he liked more than to MAKE
MOMMY LAUGH. it seemed to become an endless THING !!!
it seems to me that the subject is "HUMAN WHINING" Iranians whine too.
Sure every race and ethnicity has their share of people who whine about things.
But the Jews are known to be world class #1 whiners, that constantly about everything and everyone. ... :cool:
it seems to me that the subject is "HUMAN WHINING" Iranians whine too.
Sure every race and ethnicity has their share of people who whine about things.
But the Jews are known to be world class #1 whiners, that constantly about everything and everyone. ... :cool:

MAZEL TOV----you managed to throw in a sample from the Khutbah Jumaat
Really? I mean you guys look for anything to spew your racism about blacks.
Jewish comedians talk about their fellow juden constantly whining about everything.
Especially their jew mothers. ... :cool:

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